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Exhibition of the Art of the American Negro (1851-1940).
July 4-September 2, 1940.
WASHINGTON (DC). Library of Congress.
Seventy Five Years of Freedom: Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1943.
Born in Brooklyn, he is known for his paintings, graphics, and sculptures. Some of his work have been exhibited at US Government Printing Office in Washington D.C. in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Proclamation of the 13th Amendment. His works have also been shown at the Society of Independent artists in 1922 and in Chicago during the 1940 Art of the American Negro exhibit.
Birth place: Brooklyn, NY
Addresses: NYC
Profession: Painter, craftsperson, graphic artist, sculptor
Studied: Pratt Inst.; ASL.
Exhibited: Am. Ar. Sch.; Harlem A. Center; American Negro Expo., Chicago, IL, 1940; S.Indp.A.
Member: United Am. Ar. Union; Harlem Ar. Gld.
Work: WMAA
Sources: WW40; Cederholm, Afro-American Artists.
Atkinson, John Ingliss. (Brooklyn, NY, 1909-Brooklyn, NY, 1994)
Bibliography and Exhibitions
CHICAGO (IL). Tanner Art Galleries.
Exhibition of the Art of the American Negro (1851-1940).
July 4-September 2, 1940.
Exhib. cat., 18 illus. Assembled by the American Negro Exposition. Statement by Alain Locke, chairman of the art committee; lists selections jury, awards jury, exhibition committees. Included 100 artists: Charles Alston, William E. Artis, John Ingliss Atkinson, Henry Avery, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé, Leslie G. Bolling, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Simms Campbell, Fred Carlo, William S. Carter, Eldzier Cortor, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Rohan Crite, Charles C. Davis, Charles C. Dawson, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Aaron Douglas, Robert S. Duncanson, Elba Lightfoot DeReyes, Walter Ellison, William M. Farrow, Elton Fax, Frederick C. Flemister, Allan R. Freelon, Meta Vaux Fuller, Reginald Gammon, Rex Goreleigh, Bernard Goss, J. Eugene Grigsby, John Hardrick, Edwin Harleston, William A. Harper, Palmer C. Hayden, William M. Hayden, Vertis Hayes, James Herring, Fred Hollingsworth, Zell Ingram, Burt Jackson, Robert M. Jackson, Louise E. Jefferson, Wilmer Jennings, Malvin Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Lawrence Arthur Jones, Lois Mailou Jones, Joseph Kersey, Jacob Lawrence (won second prize), Clarence Lawson, Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Richard Lindsey, Romeyn Van Vleck Lippman, Ed Loper, Rosemary Louis, John Lutz, Francis McGee, Ron Moody, Archibald J. Motley, George E. Neal, Robert L. Neal, Marion Perkins, Frederick Perry, Robert Pious, Horace Pippin, James A. Porter, Georgette Powell, Teodoro Ramos-Blanco (South American artist), Donald Reid, John Rollins, David Ross, Charles Sallee, Augusta Savage, Charles Sebree, Samuel Simms, Albert A. Smith, Marvin Smith, Mary E. Smith, William E. Smith, Thelma Streat, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Dox Thrash, Daniel N. Tillman, Earl Walker, Laura Wheeler Waring, Wilbert (Masood Ali) Warren, Claude Weaver, Albert Wells, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Ellis Wilson, Leroy Winbush, Hale Woodruff, Leon Wright. [Among the many reviews: Selma Gordon, "Seventy-Five Years of Negro Progress," The Criss 48 (January 1941):10-11+; mainstream review in Newsweek Vol XVI, No 11, September 9, 1940.] 8vo, pictorial wraps. Exhibition poster and catalogue cover design by James Lesesne Wells.
Checklist of Afro-American Art and Artists.
Kent State University Libraries, 1970.
In: Serif 7 (December 1970):3-63. What could have been the solid foundation of future scholarship is unfortunately marred by errors of all kinds and the inclusion of numerous white artists. All Black artists are cross-referenced.
WASHINGTON (DC). Library of Congress.
Seventy Five Years of Freedom: Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1943.
Mostly an annotated list of books and manuscripts on black history, however it also includes remarks on the exhibition curated by Alonzo Aden, and list of exhibitors (pp. 39-43). Included: Frank H. Alston, John Ingliss Atkinson, Henry Avery, Romare Bearden, Bob Blackburn, Samuel Brown, William S. Carter, Claude Clark, Sr., Eldzier Cortor, Samuel A. Countee, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Rohan Crite, Charles C. Davis, Selma Day, Joseph Delaney, Aaron Douglas, Elba Lightfoot DeReyes, Walter W. Ellison, John S. Glenn, Bernard Goss, Palmer Hayden, Fred Hollingsworth, Humbert Howard, Wilmer Jennings, Malvin G. Johnson, William H. Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Ronald Joseph, Joseph Kersey, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Edward Loper, John Lutz, Archibald Motley, James A. Porter, Georgette Seabrooke Powell, Angelica Pozo, Bryant Ringle, Charles Salee, William E. Scott, Charles Sebree, Raymond Steth, Dox Thrash, Earl Walker, James W. Washington, Jr., James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, and Hale Woodruff.
African-American art is a broad term describing the visual arts of the American black community (African Americans). Influenced by various cultural traditions, including those of Africa, Europe and the Americas, traditional African-American art forms include the range of plastic arts, from basket weaving, pottery, and quilting to woodcarving and painting.[citation needed]Contents1History1.1Pre-colonial, Antebellum and Civil War eras1.2Post-Civil War1.3The Harlem Renaissance to contemporary art1.3.1Mid-20th century2Collections of African-American art3See also4References5Sources6External linksHistoryPre-colonial, Antebellum and Civil War eras
Powder horn carved by John Bush, 1754.
Harriet Powers, Bible quilt, Mixed Media. 1898.The earliest evidence of African-American art in the United States is the work of skilled craftsmen slaves from New England. Two categories of slave craft items survive from colonial America: articles created for personal use by slaves and articles created for public use. Examples from the period between the 17th century and the early 19th century include: small drums, quilts, wrought-iron figures, baskets, ceramic vessels, and gravestones.[1][2]
Many of Africa's most skilled slave artisans were hired out by slave owners. With the consent of their masters, some slave artisans also were able to keep a small percentage of the wages earned in their free time and thereby save enough money to purchase their, and their families', freedom.[3]
The public works of art produced by slave craftsmen were an important contribution to the Colonial economy. In New England and the Mid-Atlantic colonies, slaves were apprenticed as goldsmiths, cabinetmakers, engravers, carvers portrait painters, carpenters, masons and iron workers. The construction and decoration of the Janson House built on the Hudson River in 1712 was the work of African-Americans. Many of the oldest buildings in Louisiana, South Carolina and Georgia were built by craftsmen slaves.[2]
In the mid-eighteenth century, John Bush was a powder horn carver and soldier with the Massachusetts militia fighting with the British in the French and Indian War.[4][5] Patrick H. Reason, Joshua Johnson, and Scipio Moorhead were among the earliest known portrait artists, from the period of 1773–1887. Patronage by some white families allowed for private tutorship in special cases. Many of these sponsoring whites were abolitionists. The artists received more encouragement and were better able to support themselves in cities, of which there were more in the North and border states.
Harriet Powers (1837–1910) was an African-American folk artist and quilt maker from rural Georgia, United States, born into slavery. Now nationally recognized for her quilts, she used traditional appliqué techniques to record local legends, Bible stories, and astronomical events on her quilts. Only two of her late quilts have survived: Bible Quilt 1886 and Bible Quilt 1898. Her quilts are considered among the finest examples of 19th-century Southern quilting,.[6][7]
Like Powers, the women of Gee's Bend developed a distinctive, bold, and sophisticated quilting style based on traditional American (and African-American) quilts, but with a geometric simplicity. Although widely separated by geography, they have qualities reminiscent of Amish quilts and modern art. The women of Gee's Bend passed their skills and aesthetic down through at least six generations to the present.[8] At one time scholars believed slaves sometimes utilized quilt blocks to alert other slaves about escape plans during the time of the Underground Railroad,[9] but most historians do not agree. Quilting remains alive as form of artistic expression in the African-American community.
Post-Civil WarAfter the Civil War, it became increasingly acceptable for African American-created works to be exhibited in museums, and artists increasingly produced works for this purpose. These were works mostly in the European romantic and classical traditions of landscapes and portraits. Edward Mitchell Bannister, Henry Ossawa Tanner and Edmonia Lewis are the most notable of this time. Others include Grafton Tyler Brown, Nelson A. Primus and Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller.[citation needed]
The goal of widespread recognition across racial boundaries was first eased within America's big cities, including Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, New York, and New Orleans. Even in these places, however, there were discriminatory limitations. Abroad, however, African Americans were much better received. In Europe — especially Paris, France — these artists could express much more freedom in experimentation and education concerning techniques outside traditional western art. Freedom of expression was much more prevalent in Paris as well as Munich and Rome to a lesser extent.[citation needed]
The Harlem Renaissance to contemporary artThe Harlem Renaissance was one of the most notable movements in African-American art. Certain freedoms and ideas that were already widespread in many parts of the world at the time had begun to spread into the artistic communities United States during the 1920s. During this period notable artists included Richmond Barthé, Aaron Douglas, Lawrence Harris, Palmer Hayden, William H. Johnson, Sargent Johnson, John T. Biggers, Earle Wilton Richardson, Malvin Gray Johnson, Archibald Motley, Augusta Savage, Hale Woodruff, and photographer James Van Der Zee.[citation needed]
The establishment of the Harmon Foundation by art patron William E. Harmon in 1922 sponsored many artists through its Harmon Award and annual exhibitions. As it did with many such endeavors, the 1929 Great Depression largely ended funding for the arts for a time. While the Harmon Foundation still existed in this period, its financial support toward artists ended. The Harmon Foundation, however, continued supporting artists until 1967 by mounting exhibitions and offering funding for developing artists such as Jacob Lawrence.[10]Midnight Golfer by Eugene J. Martin, mixed media collage on rag paper.The US Treasury Department's Public Works of Art Project ineffectively attempted to provide support for artists in 1933. In 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Works Progress Administration (WPA). The WPA provided for all American artists and proved especially helpful to African-American artists. Artists and writers both gained work that helped them survive the Depression. Among them were Jacob Lawrence and Richard Wright. Politics, human and social conditions all became the subjects of accepted art forms.[citation needed]
Important cities with significant black populations and important African-American art circles included Philadelphia, Boston, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. The WPA led to a new wave of important black art professors. Mixed media, abstract art, cubism, and social realism became not only acceptable, but desirable. Artists of the WPA united to form the 1935 Harlem Artists Guild, which developed community art facilities in major cities. Leading forms of art included drawing, sculpture, printmaking, painting, pottery, quilting, weaving and photography. By 1939, the costly WPA and its projects all were terminated.[citation needed]
In 1943, James A. Porter, a professor in the Department of Art at Howard University, wrote the first major text on African-American art and artists, Modern Negro Art.[citation needed]
Mid-20th centuryIn the 1950s and 1960s, few African-American artists were widely known or accepted. Despite this, The Highwaymen, a loose association of 26 African-American artists from Fort Pierce, Florida, created idyllic, quickly realized images of the Florida landscape and peddled some 200,000 of them from the trunks of their cars. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was impossible to find galleries interested in selling artworks by a group of unknown, self-taught African Americans,[11] so they sold their art directly to the public rather than through galleries and art agents. Rediscovered in the mid-1990s, today they are recognized as an important part of American folk history.[12][13]
The current market price for an original Highwaymen painting can easily bring in thousands of dollars. In 2004 the original group of 26 Highwaymen were inducted into the Florida Artists Hall of Fame.[14] Currently 8 of the 26 are deceased, including A. Hair, H. Newton, Ellis and George Buckner, A. Moran, L. Roberts, Hezekiah Baker and most recently Johnny Daniels. The full list of 26 can be found in the Florida Artists Hall of Fame, as well as various highwaymen and Florida art websites.Jerry Harris, Dogon mother and child, constructed and carved wood with found objects, laminated clay (Bondo), and wooden dowels.After the Second World War, some artists took a global approach, working and exhibiting abroad, in Paris, and as the decade wore on, relocated gradually in other welcoming cities such as Copenhagen, Amsterdam, and Stockholm: Barbara Chase-Riboud, Edward Clark, Harvey Cropper, Beauford Delaney, Herbert Gentry,[15] Bill Hutson, Clifford Jackson,[16] Sam Middleton,[17] Larry Potter, Haywood Bill Rivers, Merton Simpson, and Walter Williams.[18][19]
Some African-American artists did make it into important New York galleries by the 1950s and 1960s: Horace Pippin, Romare Bearden, Jacob Lawrence, William T. Williams, Norman Lewis, Thomas Sills,[20] and Sam Gilliam were among the few who had successfully been received in a gallery setting. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and 1970s led artists to capture and express the times and changes. Galleries and community art centers developed for the purpose of displaying African-American art, and collegiate teaching positions were created by and for African-American artists. Some African-American women were also active in the feminist art movement in the 1970s. Faith Ringgold made work that featured black female subjects and that addressed the conjunction of racism and sexism in the U.S., while the collective Where We At (WWA) held exhibitions exclusively featuring the artwork of African-American women.[21]
By the 1980s and 1990s, hip-hop graffiti became predominate in urban communities. Most major cities had developed museums devoted to African-American artists. The National Endowment for the Arts provided increasing support for these artists.
Kara Walker, a contemporary American artist, is known for her exploration of race, gender, sexuality, violence and identity in her artworks. Walker's silhouette images work to bridge unfinished folklore in the Antebellum South and are reminiscent of the earlier work of Harriet Powers. Her nightmarish yet fantastical images incorporate a cinematic feel. In 2007, Walker was listed among Time Magazine's "100 Most Influential People in The World, Artists and Entertainers".[22]
Textile artists are part of African-American art history. According to the 2010 Quilting in America industry survey, there are 1.6 million quilters in the United States.[23] One historic non profit organization with several members who are quilters and fiber artists is Women of Visions, Inc. located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts. WOV Inc artists past and present work in a variety of mediums. Those who have shown internationally include Renee Stout and Tina Williams Brewer.
Influential contemporary artists include Larry D. Alexander, Laylah Ali, Amalia Amaki, Emma Amos, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Dawoud Bey, Camille Billops, Mark Bradford, Edward Clark, Willie Cole, Robert Colescott, Louis Delsarte, David Driskell, Leonardo Drew, Mel Edwards, Ricardo Francis, Charles Gaines, Ellen Gallagher, Herbert Gentry, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, Jerry Harris, Joseph Holston, Richard Hunt, Martha Jackson-Jarvis, Katie S. Mallory, M. Scott Johnson, Rashid Johnson, Joe Lewis, Glenn Ligon, James Little, Edward L. Loper, Sr., Alvin D. Loving, Kerry James Marshall, Eugene J. Martin, Richard Mayhew, Sam Middleton, Howard McCalebb, Charles McGill, Thaddeus Mosley, Sana Musasama, Senga Nengudi, Joe Overstreet, Martin Puryear, Adrian Piper, Howardena Pindell, Faith Ringgold, Gale Fulton Ross, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, John Solomon Sandridge, Raymond Saunders, John T. Scott, Joyce Scott, Gary Simmons, Lorna Simpson, Renee Stout, Kara Walker, Carrie Mae Weems, Stanley Whitney, William T. Williams, Jack Whitten, Fred Wilson, Richard Wyatt, Jr., Richard Yarde, and Purvis Young, Kehinde Wiley, Mickalene Thomas, Barkley Hendricks, Jeff Sonhouse, William Walker, Ellsworth Ausby, Che Baraka, Emmett Wigglesworth, Otto Neals, Dindga McCannon, Terry Dixon (artist), Frederick J. Brown, and many others.
Hip hop is a form of art for African Americans.[24]
Very few African American artists included black nudity in their work.[25]
Collections of African-American artMany American museums hold works by African American artists, including Smithsonian American Art Museum[26] Colleges and universities with important collections include Fisk University, Spelman College and Howard University.[27] Other important collections of African-American art include the Walter O. Evans Collection of African American Art, the Paul R. Jones collections at the University of Delaware and University of Alabama, the David C. Driskell Art collection, the Harmon and Harriet Kelley Collection of African American Art, the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and the Mott-Warsh collection.
While African American art of the 18th and 19th centuries continued to reflect African artistic traditions, the earliest fine art made by professional African American artists was in an academic Western style. Among the leading black sculptors of the 19th century were Eugene Warbourg and Mary Edmonia Lewis, the first professional African American sculptor. The most distinguished African American artist who worked in the 19th century was Henry Ossawa Tanner, who painted African American genre subjects and reflects the realist tradition.
In the early 20th century, the most important aesthetic movement in African American art was the Harlem Renaissance or the ‘New Negro’ movement of the 1920s. The Harlem district of New York became the ‘cultural capital of black America’. Practicing in New York, Stuart Davis was heavily influenced by African American culture and jazz music, though he was not an African American. Aaron Douglas consciously incorporated African imagery into his work. The most important African American photographer of that period was James Van Der Zee, who photographed people and scenes in Harlem for more than 50 years. During and immediately after World War II there arose to prominence a new school of African American artists, many of whom were the so-called ‘children of the Harlem Renaissance’. During the 1950s African American art was dominated by Abstract Expressionism and realism; their significant practitioners included Charles Alston, Romare Bearden and James Wells. In the 1960s and 1970s new classifications appeared in African American art based on continuing developments in abstract art and the rise of the figurative style known as Black Expressionism. The most prominent African American abstract painter was Sam Gilliam, based in Washington, DC. Martin Puryear emerged during the 1980s as a leading African American abstract sculptor. In the 1980s African American art was the subject of a number of pioneering exhibitions, such as Black Art—Ancestral Legacy: The African Impulse in African American Art (Dallas Museum of Art, 1989), that brought together the works of African, Caribbean and African American academic and folk artists. Today’s artists, such as Kara Walker and Fred Wilson, continue to grapple with the complex issues of African American history and identity in contemporary visual ar
Upper Manhattan is the most northern region of the New York City borough of Manhattan. Its southern boundary has been variously defined, but some of the most common usages are 96th Street, the northern boundary of Central Park (110th Street), 125th Street, or 155th Street.[citation needed] The term Uptown can refer to Upper Manhattan, but is often used more generally for neighborhoods above 59th Street; in the broader definition, Uptown encompasses Upper Manhattan.[1]
Upper Manhattan is generally taken to include the neighborhoods of Marble Hill, Inwood, Washington Heights (including Fort George, Sherman Creek and Hudson Heights), Harlem (including Sugar Hill, Hamilton Heights and Manhattanville), East Harlem, Morningside Heights, and Manhattan Valley (in the Upper West Side).
The George Washington Bridge connects Washington Heights in Upper Manhattan across the Hudson River to Fort Lee, New Jersey, and is the world's busiest motor vehicle bridge.[2][3]
In the late 19th century, the IRT Ninth Avenue Line and other elevated railroads brought people to the previously rustic Upper Manhattan. Until the late 20th century it was less influenced by the gentrification that had taken place in other parts of New York over the previous 30 years.
Tourist attractionsLike other residential areas, Upper Manhattan is not a major center of tourism in New York City, although many tourist attractions lie within it, such as Grant's Tomb, the Apollo Theater, United Palace, and The Cloisters, Sylvia's Restaurant, the Hamilton Grange, the Morris–Jumel Mansion, Minton's Playhouse, Sugar Hill, Riverside Church, the National Jazz Museum in Harlem, and the Dyckman House, along with Fort Tryon Park, most of Riverside Park, Riverbank State Park, Sakura Park, and other parks.
GalleryCity College of New York in Hamilton HeightsCity College of New York in Hamilton Heights
The Cloisters in Fort Tryon Park houses the medieval art collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.The Cloisters in Fort Tryon Park houses the medieval art collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The Little Red Lighthouse under the George Washington BridgeThe Little Red Lighthouse under the George Washington Bridge
Inwood Hill Park contains the last remnant of the primeval forest which once covered Manhattan; these caves were used by native Lenape people.Inwood Hill Park contains the last remnant of the primeval forest which once covered Manhattan; these caves were used by native Lenape people.
New York, often called New York City[a] or NYC, is the most populous city in the United States. With a 2020 population of 8,804,190 distributed over 300.46 square miles (778.2 km2), New York City is the most densely populated major city in the United States. The city is more than twice as populous as Los Angeles, the nation's second-largest city, and has a larger population than 38 of the nation's 50 states. New York City is located at the southern tip of the state of New York. The city is the geographical and demographic center of both the Northeast megalopolis and the New York metropolitan area, the largest metropolitan area in the U.S. by both population and urban area. With over 20.1 million people in its metropolitan statistical area and 23.5 million in its combined statistical area as of 2020, New York City is one of the world's most populous megacities.[10]
New York City is a global cultural, financial, high-tech,[11] entertainment, glamor,[12] and media center with a significant influence on commerce, health care and life sciences,[13] research, technology, education, politics, tourism, dining, art, fashion, and sports. Home to the headquarters of the United Nations, New York City is an important center for international diplomacy,[14][15] and it is sometimes described as the capital of the world.[16][17]
Situated on one of the world's largest natural harbors, New York City comprises five boroughs, each of which is coextensive with a respective county of the state of New York. The five boroughs, which were created in 1898 when local governments were consolidated into a single municipal entity, are: Brooklyn (Kings County), Queens (Queens County), Manhattan (New York County), the Bronx (Bronx County), and Staten Island (Richmond County).[18] As of 2021, the New York metropolitan area is the second largest metropolitan economy in the world with a gross metropolitan product of over $2.4 trillion. If the New York metropolitan area were a sovereign state, it would have the eighth-largest economy in the world. New York City is an established safe haven for global investors.[19] As of 2023, New York City is the most expensive city in the world for expatriates to live.[20] New York City is home to the highest number of billionaires,[21][22] individuals of ultra-high net worth (greater than US$30 million),[23] and millionaires of any city in the world.[24]
The city and its metropolitan area are the premier gateway for legal immigration to the United States. As many as 800 languages are spoken in New York,[25] making it the most linguistically diverse city in the world. New York City is home to more than 3.2 million residents born outside the U.S., the largest foreign-born population of any city in the world as of 2016.[26] It is the most visited U.S. city by international visitors.[27]
New York City traces its origins to Fort Amsterdam and a trading post founded on the southern tip of Manhattan Island by Dutch colonists in approximately 1624. The settlement was named New Amsterdam (Dutch: Nieuw Amsterdam) in 1626 and was chartered as a city in 1653. The city came under British control in 1664 and was renamed New York after King Charles II of England granted the lands to his brother, the Duke of York.[28][29] The city was regained by the Dutch in July 1673 and was renamed New Orange for one year and three months; the city has been continuously named New York since November 1674. New York City was the capital of the United States from 1785 until 1790,[30] and has been the largest U.S. city since 1790. The Statue of Liberty greeted millions of immigrants as they came to the U.S. by ship in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and is a symbol of the U.S. and its ideals of liberty and peace.[31] In the 21st century, New York City has emerged as a global node of creativity, entrepreneurship,[32] and as a symbol of freedom and cultural diversity.[33] The New York Times has won the most Pulitzer Prizes for journalism and remains the U.S. media's "Newspaper of record".[34]
Many districts and monuments in New York City are major landmarks, including three of the world's ten-most visited tourist attractions in 2023.[35] A record 66.6 million tourists visited New York City in 2019. Times Square is the brightly illuminated hub of the Broadway Theater District,[36] one of the world's busiest pedestrian intersections[37] and a major center of the world's entertainment industry.[38]
New York's residential and commercial real estate markets are the most expensive in the world.[39][better source needed] Providing continuous 24/7 service and contributing to the nickname The City That Never Sleeps, the New York City Subway is the largest single-operator rapid transit system in the world with 472 passenger rail stations, and Penn Station in Midtown Manhattan is the busiest transportation hub in the Western Hemisphere.[40] The city features over 120 colleges and universities, including some of the world's top universities.[41] Its public urban university system, the City University of New York, is the largest in the nation.[42] Anchored by Wall Street in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan, New York City has been called both the world's leading financial and fintech center[43][44] and the most economically powerful city in the world,[45] and is home to the world's two largest stock exchanges by total market capitalization, the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq.[46][47]
The Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, part of the Stonewall National Monument, is considered the historic epicenter of LGBTQ+ culture[48] and the birthplace of the modern gay rights movement.[49][50] New York City is the headquarters of the global art market, with numerous art galleries and sale houses collectively hosting half of the world's art sales; and the Metropolitan Museum of Art is both the largest and second-most-visited art museum in the United States and hosts the globally focused Met Gala haute couture fashion event annually.[51][52] Governors Island in New York Harbor is planned to host a US$1 billion research and education center as a leader in the climate crisis.[53]
EtymologySee also: Nicknames of New York CityIn 1664, New York was named in honor of the Duke of York, who would become King James II of England.[54] James's elder brother, King Charles II, appointed the Duke as proprietor of the former territory of New Netherland, including the city of New Amsterdam, when England seized it from Dutch control.[55]
HistoryMain article: History of New York CityFor a chronological guide, see Timeline of New York City.Early historyMain article: History of New York City (prehistory–1664)
Lenape sites in Lower ManhattanIn the pre-Columbian era, the area of present-day New York City was inhabited by Algonquian Native Americans, including the Lenape. Their homeland, known as Lenapehoking, included the present-day areas of Staten Island, Manhattan, the Bronx, the western portion of Long Island (including the areas that would later become the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens), and the Lower Hudson Valley.[56]
The first documented visit into New York Harbor by a European was in 1524 by Italian Giovanni da Verrazzano, an explorer from Florence in the service of the French crown.[57] He claimed the area for France and named it Nouvelle Angoulême (New Angoulême).[58] A Spanish expedition, led by the Portuguese captain Estêvão Gomes sailing for Emperor Charles V, arrived in New York Harbor in January 1525 and charted the mouth of the Hudson River, which he named Río de San Antonio ('Saint Anthony's River'). The Padrón Real of 1527, the first scientific map to show the East Coast of North America continuously, was informed by Gomes' expedition and labeled the northEastern United States as Tierra de Esteban Gómez in his honor.[59]
In 1609, the English explorer Henry Hudson rediscovered New York Harbor while searching for the Northwest Passage to the Orient for the Dutch East India Company.[60] He proceeded to sail up what the Dutch would name the North River (now the Hudson River), named first by Hudson as the Mauritius after Maurice, Prince of Orange. Hudson's first mate described the harbor as "a very good Harbour for all windes" and the river as "a mile broad" and "full of fish".[61] Hudson sailed roughly 150 miles (240 km) north,[62] past the site of the present-day New York State capital city of Albany, in the belief that it might be an oceanic tributary before the river became too shallow to continue.[61] He made a ten-day exploration of the area and claimed the region for the Dutch East India Company. In 1614, the area between Cape Cod and Delaware Bay was claimed by the Netherlands and called Nieuw-Nederland ('New Netherland').
The first non–Native American inhabitant of what would eventually become New York City was Juan Rodriguez (transliterated to the Dutch language as Jan Rodrigues), a merchant from Santo Domingo. Born in Santo Domingo of Portuguese and African descent, he arrived in Manhattan during the winter of 1613–14, trapping for pelts and trading with the local population as a representative of the Dutch. Broadway, from 159th Street to 218th Street in Upper Manhattan, is named Juan Rodriguez Way in his honor.[63][64]
Dutch ruleMain articles: New Amsterdam and Fort Amsterdam
New Amsterdam, centered in what eventually became Lower Manhattan, in 1664, the year England took control and renamed it New York
The Castello Plan, a 1660 map of New Amsterdam (the top right corner is roughly north) in Lower ManhattanA permanent European presence near New York Harbor was established in 1624, making New York the 12th-oldest continuously occupied European-established settlement in the continental United States,[65] with the founding of a Dutch fur trading settlement on Governors Island. In 1625, construction was started on a citadel and Fort Amsterdam, later called Nieuw Amsterdam (New Amsterdam), on present-day Manhattan Island.[66][67] The colony of New Amsterdam was centered on what would ultimately become Lower Manhattan. Its area extended from the southern tip of Manhattan to modern-day Wall Street, where a 12-foot (3.7 m) wooden stockade was built in 1653 to protect against Native American and British raids.[68] In 1626, the Dutch colonial Director-General Peter Minuit, acting as charged by the Dutch West India Company, purchased the island of Manhattan from the Canarsie, a small Lenape band,[69] for "the value of 60 guilders"[70] (about $900 in 2018).[71] A frequently told but disproved legend claims that Manhattan was purchased for $24 worth of glass beads.[72][73]
Following the purchase, New Amsterdam grew slowly.[29] To attract settlers, the Dutch instituted the patroon system in 1628, whereby wealthy Dutchmen (patroons, or patrons) who brought 50 colonists to New Netherland would be awarded swaths of land, along with local political autonomy and rights to participate in the lucrative fur trade. This program had little success.[74]
Since 1621, the Dutch West India Company had operated as a monopoly in New Netherland, on authority granted by the Dutch States General. In 1639–1640, in an effort to bolster economic growth, the Dutch West India Company relinquished its monopoly over the fur trade, leading to growth in the production and trade of food, timber, Tobacco, and slaves (particularly with the Dutch West Indies).[29][75]
In 1647, Peter Stuyvesant began his tenure as the last Director-General of New Netherland. During his tenure, the population of New Netherland grew from 2,000 to 8,000.[76][77] Stuyvesant has been credited with improving law and order in the colony; however, he also earned a reputation as a despotic leader. He instituted regulations on liquor sales, attempted to assert control over the Dutch Reformed Church, and blocked other religious groups (including Quakers, Jews, and Lutherans) from establishing houses of worship.[78] The Dutch West India Company would eventually attempt to ease tensions between Stuyvesant and residents of New Amsterdam.[79]
English ruleMain article: History of New York City (1665–1783)
The Fall of New Amsterdam by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, part of the Conquest of New NetherlandA painting of a ship firing its cannons in a harborFort George and New York with British Navy ships of the line c. 1731In 1664, unable to summon any significant resistance, Stuyvesant surrendered New Amsterdam to English troops, led by Colonel Richard Nicolls, without bloodshed.[78][79] The terms of the surrender permitted Dutch residents to remain in the colony and allowed for religious freedom.[80] In 1667, during negotiations leading to the Treaty of Breda after the Second Anglo-Dutch War, the Dutch decided to keep the nascent plantation colony of what is now Suriname (on the northern South American coast) they had gained from the English; and in return, the English kept New Amsterdam. The fledgling settlement was promptly renamed "New York" after the Duke of York (the future King James II and VII), who would eventually be deposed in the Glorious Revolution.[81] After the founding, the duke gave part of the colony to proprietors George Carteret and John Berkeley. Fort Orange, 150 miles (240 km) north on the Hudson River, was renamed Albany after James's Scottish title.[82] The transfer was confirmed in 1667 by the Treaty of Breda, which concluded the Second Anglo-Dutch War.[83]
On August 24, 1673, during the Third Anglo-Dutch War, Dutch captain Anthony Colve seized the colony of New York from the English at the behest of Cornelis Evertsen the Youngest and rechristened it "New Orange" after William III, the Prince of Orange.[84] The Dutch would soon return the island to England under the Treaty of Westminster of November 1674.[85][86]
Several intertribal wars among the Native Americans and some epidemics brought on by contact with the Europeans caused sizeable population losses for the Lenape between the years 1660 and 1670.[87] By 1700, the Lenape population had diminished to 200.[88] New York experienced several yellow fever epidemics in the 18th century, losing ten percent of its population to the disease in 1702 alone.[89][90]
Province of New York and slavery
Slave being burned at the stake in N.Y.C. after the 1741 slave revolt. Thirteen slaves were burned.[91]In the early 18th century, New York grew in importance as a trading port while as a part of the colony of New York.[92] It also became a center of slavery, with 42% of households enslaving Africans by 1730, the highest percentage outside Charleston, South Carolina.[93] Most cases were that of domestic slavery, as a New York household then commonly used one or more slaves as cooks and house keepers. Others were hired out to work at labor. Slavery became integrally tied to New York's economy through the labor of slaves throughout the port, and the banking and shipping industries trading with the American South. During construction in Foley Square in the 1990s, the African Burying Ground was discovered; the cemetery included 10,000 to 20,000 of graves of colonial-era Africans, some enslaved and some free.[94]
The 1735 trial and acquittal in Manhattan of John Peter Zenger, who had been accused of seditious libel after criticizing colonial governor William Cosby, helped to establish the freedom of the press in North America.[95] In 1754, Columbia University was founded under charter by King George II as King's College in Lower Manhattan.[96]
American RevolutionFurther information: American Revolution
An illustration of the Battle of Long Island, one of the largest battles of the American Revolutionary War, which took place in Brooklyn on August 27, 1776The Stamp Act Congress met in New York in October 1765, as the Sons of Liberty organization emerged in the city and skirmished over the next ten years with British troops stationed there.[97] The Battle of Long Island, the largest battle of the American Revolutionary War, was fought in August 1776 within the modern-day borough of Brooklyn.[98] After the battle, in which the Americans were defeated, the British made the city their military and political base of operations in North America. The city was a haven for Loyalist refugees and escaped slaves who joined the British lines for freedom newly promised by the Crown for all fighters. As many as 10,000 escaped slaves crowded into the city during the British occupation. When the British forces evacuated at the close of the war in 1783, they transported 3,000 freedmen for resettlement in Nova Scotia.[99] They resettled other freedmen in England and the Caribbean.
The only attempt at a peaceful solution to the war took place at the Conference House on Staten Island between American delegates, including Benjamin Franklin, and British general Lord Howe on September 11, 1776. Shortly after the British occupation began, the Great Fire of New York occurred, a large conFlagration on the West Side of Lower Manhattan, which destroyed about a quarter of the buildings in the city, including Trinity Church.[100]
Post-Revolutionary WarMain article: History of New York City (1784–1854)
First inauguration of George Washington in 1789In 1785, the assembly of the Congress of the Confederation made New York City the national capital shortly after the war. New York was the last capital of the U.S. under the Articles of Confederation and the first capital under the Constitution of the United States. As the U.S. capital, New York City hosted several events of national scope in 1789—the first President of the United States, George Washington, was inaugurated; the first United States Congress and the Supreme Court of the United States each assembled for the first time; and the United States Bill of Rights was drafted, all at Federal Hall on Wall Street.[101]
In 1790, for the first time, New York City, surpassed Philadelphia as the nation's largest city. At the end of that year, pursuant to the Residence Act, the national capital was moved to Philadelphia.[102][103]
Late 19th centuryMain article: History of New York City (1855–1897)A painting of a snowy city street with horse-drawn sleds and a 19th-century fire truck under blue skyBroadway, which follows the Native American Wecquaesgeek Trail through Manhattan, in 1840.[104]
The Great East River Bridge To connect the cities of New York and Brooklyn, Currier & Ives, 1872Over the course of the nineteenth century, New York City's population grew from 60,000 to 3.43 million.[105] Under New York State's abolition act of 1799, children of slave mothers were to be eventually liberated but to be held in indentured servitude until their mid-to-late twenties.[106][107] Together with slaves freed by their masters after the Revolutionary War and escaped slaves, a significant free-Black population gradually developed in Manhattan. Under such influential United States founders as Alexander Hamilton and John Jay, the New York Manumission Society worked for abolition and established the African Free School to educate Black children.[108] It was not until 1827 that slavery was completely abolished in the state, and free Blacks struggled afterward with discrimination. New York interracial abolitionist activism continued; among its leaders were graduates of the African Free School. New York city's population jumped from 123,706 in 1820 to 312,710 by 1840, 16,000 of whom were Black.[109][110]
In the 19th century, the city was transformed by both commercial and residential development relating to its status as a national and international trading center, as well as by European immigration, respectively.[111] The city adopted the Commissioners' Plan of 1811, which expanded the city street grid to encompass almost all of Manhattan. The 1825 completion of the Erie Canal through central New York connected the Atlantic port to the agricultural markets and commodities of the North American interior via the Hudson River and the Great Lakes.[112] Local politics became dominated by Tammany Hall, a political machine supported by Irish and German immigrants.[113]
Several prominent American literary figures lived in New York during the 1830s and 1840s, including William Cullen Bryant, Washington Irving, Herman Melville, Rufus Wilmot Griswold, John Keese, Nathaniel Parker Willis, and Edgar Allan Poe. Public-minded members of the contemporaneous business elite lobbied for the establishment of Central Park, which in 1857 became the first landscaped park in an American city.
The Great Irish Famine brought a large influx of Irish immigrants, of whom more than 200,000 were living in New York by 1860, representing upward of one-quarter of the city's population.[114] There was also extensive immigration from the German provinces, where revolutions had disrupted societies, and Germans comprised another 25% of New York's population by 1860.[115][116]
American Civil WarMain article: New York City in the American Civil War
A drawing from The Illustrated London News showing armed rioters clashing with Union Army soldiers during the New York City draft riots in 1863Democratic Party candidates were consistently elected to local office, increasing the city's ties to the South and its dominant party. In 1861, Mayor Fernando Wood called upon the aldermen to declare independence from Albany and the United States after the South seceded, but his proposal was not acted on.[108] Anger at new military conscription laws during the American Civil War (1861–1865), which spared wealthier men who could afford to pay a $300 (equivalent to $7,130 in 2022) commutation fee to hire a substitute,[117] led to the Draft Riots of 1863, whose most visible participants were ethnic Irish working class.[108]
The draft riots deteriorated into attacks on New York's elite, followed by attacks on Black New Yorkers and their property after fierce competition for a decade between Irish immigrants and Black people for work. Rioters burned the Colored Orphan Asylum to the ground, with more than 200 children escaping harm due to efforts of the New York Police Department, which was mainly made up of Irish immigrants.[115] At least 120 people were killed.[118] Eleven Black men were lynched over five days, and the riots forced hundreds of Blacks to flee the city for Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and New Jersey. The Black population in Manhattan fell below 10,000 by 1865, which it had last been in 1820. The White working class had established dominance.[115][118] Violence by longshoremen against Black men was especially fierce in the docks area.[115] It was one of the worst incidents of civil unrest in American history.[119]
In 1898, the City of New York was formed with the consolidation of Brooklyn (until then a separate city), the County of New York (which then included parts of the Bronx), the County of Richmond, and the western portion of the County of Queens.[120] The opening of the subway in 1904, first built as separate private systems, helped bind the new city together.[121] Throughout the first half of the 20th century, the city became a world center for industry, commerce, and communication.[122]
Early 20th centuryMain articles: History of New York City (1898–1945) and History of New York City (1946–1977)
Manhattan's Little Italy in the Lower East Side, c. 1900In 1904, the steamship General Slocum caught fire in the East River, killing 1,021 people on board.[123] In 1911, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, the city's worst industrial disaster, took the lives of 146 garment workers and spurred the growth of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and major improvements in factory safety standards.[124]
New York's non-White population was 36,620 in 1890.[125] New York City was a prime destination in the early twentieth century for African Americans during the Great Migration from the American South, and by 1916, New York City had become home to the largest urban African diaspora in North America.[126] The Harlem Renaissance of literary and cultural life flourished during the era of Prohibition.[127] The larger economic boom generated construction of skyscrapers competing in height and creating an identifiable skyline.
A man working on a steel girder high about a city skyline.A construction worker atop the Empire State Building during its construction in 1930. The Chrysler Building is visible behind him.New York City became the most populous urbanized area in the world in the early 1920s, overtaking London. The metropolitan area surpassed the 10 million mark in the early 1930s, becoming the first megacity in human history.[128] The Great Depression saw the election of reformer Fiorello La Guardia as mayor and the fall of Tammany Hall after eighty years of political dominance.[129]
Returning World War II veterans created a post-war economic boom and the development of large housing tracts in Eastern Queens and Nassau County as well as similar suburban areas in New Jersey. New York emerged from the war unscathed as the leading city of the world, with Wall Street leading America's place as the world's dominant economic power. The United Nations headquarters was completed in 1952, solidifying New York's global geopolitical influence, and the rise of abstract expressionism in the city precipitated New York's displacement of Paris as the center of the art world.[130]
A two-story building with brick on the first floor, with two arched doorways, and gray stucco on the second floor off of which hang numerous rainbow Flags.Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, a designated U.S. National Historic Landmark and National Monument, was the site of the June 1969 Stonewall riots and the cradle of the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement.[131][132][133]The Stonewall riots were a series of spontaneous, violent protests by members of the gay community against a police raid that took place in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Lower Manhattan.[134] They are widely considered to be the single most important event leading to the gay liberation movement[131][135][136][137] and the modern fight for LGBT rights.[138][139] Wayne R. Dynes, author of the Encyclopedia of Homosexuality, wrote that drag queens were the only "transgender folks around" during the June 1969 Stonewall riots. The transgender community in New York City played a significant role in fighting for LGBT equality during the period of the Stonewall riots and thereafter.[140]
In the 1970s, job losses due to industrial restructuring caused New York City to suffer from economic problems and rising crime rates.[141]
Late 20th century to presentMain articles: History of New York City (1978–present) and September 11 attacksWhile a resurgence in the financial industry greatly improved the city's economic health in the 1980s, New York's crime rate continued to increase through that decade and into the beginning of the 1990s.[142] By the mid 1990s, crime rates started to drop dramatically due to revised police strategies, improving economic opportunities, gentrification, and new residents, both American transplants and new immigrants from Asia and Latin America. Important new sectors, such as Silicon Alley, emerged in the city's economy.[143]
New York City's population reached all-time highs in the 2000, 2010, and 2020 US censuses.
Two tall, gray, rectangular buildings spewing black smoke and flames, particularly from the left of the two.United Airlines Flight 175 hits the South Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, the largest terrorist attack in world history.New York City suffered the bulk of the economic damage and largest loss of human life in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks.[144] Two of the four airliners hijacked that day were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, destroying the towers and killing 2,192 civilians, 343 firefighters, and 71 law enforcement officers. The North Tower became, and remains, the tallest building to ever be destroyed.[145]
The area was rebuilt with a new World Trade Center, the National September 11 Memorial and Museum, and other new buildings and infrastructure.[146] The World Trade Center PATH station, which had opened on July 19, 1909, as the Hudson Terminal, was also destroyed in the attacks. A temporary station was built and opened on November 23, 2003. An 800,000-square-foot (74,000 m2) permanent rail station designed by Santiago Calatrava, the World Trade Center Transportation Hub, the city's third-largest hub, was completed in 2016.[147] The new One World Trade Center is the tallest skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere[148] and the seventh-tallest building in the world by pinnacle height, with its spire reaching a symbolic 1,776 feet (541.3 m) in reference to the year of U.S. Occupy Wall Street protests in Zuccotti Park in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan began on September 17, 2011, receiving global attention and popularizing the Occupy movement against social and economic inequality worldwide.[153]Manhattan in the aftermath of the Hurricane Sandy in 2012, the worst to strike the city since 1700.[154]New York City was heavily affected by Hurricane Sandy in late October 2012. Sandy's impacts included the flooding of the New York City Subway system, of many suburban communities, and of all road tunnels entering Manhattan except the Lincoln Tunnel. The New York Stock Exchange closed for two consecutive days. Numerous homes and businesses were destroyed by fire, including over 100 homes in Breezy Point, Queens. Large parts of the city and surrounding areas lost electricity for several days. Several thousand people in Midtown Manhattan were evacuated for six days due to a crane collapse at Extell's One57. Bellevue Hospital Center and a few other large hospitals were closed and evacuated. Flooding at 140 West Street and another exchange disrupted voice and data communication in Lower Manhattan. At least 43 people lost their lives in New York City as a result of Sandy, and the economic losses in New York City were estimated to be roughly $19 billion. The disaster spawned long-term efforts towards infrastructural projects to counter climate change and rising seas.[155][156]
In March 2020, the first case of COVID-19 in the city was confirmed in Manhattan.[157] The city rapidly replaced Wuhan, China to become the global epicenter of the pandemic during the early phase, before the infection became widespread across the world and the rest of the nation. As of March 2021, New York City had recorded over 30,000 deaths from COVID-19-related complications.
GeographyMain articles: Geography of New York City and Geography of New York–New Jersey Harbor Estuary
Aerial view of the New York City metropolitan area with Manhattan at its centerDuring the Wisconsin glaciation, 75,000 to 11,000 years ago, the New York City area was situated at the edge of a large ice sheet over 2,000 feet (610 m) in depth.[158] The erosive forward movement of the ice (and its subsequent retreat) contributed to the separation of what is now Long Island and Staten Island. That action also left bedrock at a relatively shallow depth, providing a solid foundation for most of Manhattan's skyscrapers.[159]
New York City is situated in the northEastern United States, in southEastern New York State, approximately halfway between Washington, D.C. and Boston. The location at the mouth of the Hudson River, which feeds into a naturally sheltered harbor and then into the Atlantic Ocean, has helped the city grow in significance as a trading port. Most of New York City is built on the three islands of Long Island, Manhattan, and Staten Island.
The Hudson River flows through the Hudson Valley into New York Bay. Between New York City and Troy, New York, the river is an estuary.[160] The Hudson River separates the city from the U.S. state of New Jersey. The East River—a tidal strait—flows from Long Island Sound and separates the Bronx and Manhattan from Long Island. The Harlem River, another tidal strait between the East and Hudson rivers, separates most of Manhattan from the Bronx. The Bronx River, which flows through the Bronx and Westchester County, is the only entirely freshwater river in the city.[161]
The city's land has been altered substantially by human intervention, with considerable land reclamation along the waterfronts since Dutch colonial times; reclamation is most prominent in Lower Manhattan, with developments such as Battery Park City in the 1970s and 1980s.[162] Some of the natural relief in topography has been evened out, especially in Manhattan.[163]
The city's total area is 468.484 square miles (1,213.37 km2); 302.643 sq mi (783.84 km2) of the city is land and 165.841 sq mi (429.53 km2) of this is water.[164][165] The highest point in the city is Todt Hill on Staten Island, which, at 409.8 feet (124.9 m) above sea level, is the highest point on the Eastern seaboard south of Maine.[166] The summit of the ridge is mostly covered in woodlands as part of the Staten Island Greenbelt.[167]
BoroughsMain articles: Boroughs of New York City and Neighborhoods in New York CityA map showing five boroughs in different colors. 1. Manhattan 2. Brooklyn 3. Queens 4. The Bronx 5. Staten IslandNew York City's five boroughsvteJurisdictionPopulationLand areaDensity of populationGDP †BoroughCountyCensus(2020)squaremilessquarekmpeople/sq. milepeople/sq. kmbillions(2012 US$) 2The BronxBronx1,472,65442.2109.334,92013,482$38.726BrooklynKings2,736,07469.4179.739,43815,227$92.300ManhattanNew York1,694,25122.758.874,78128,872$651.619QueensQueens2,405,464108.7281.522,1258,542$88.578Staten IslandRichmond495,74757.5148.98,6183,327$14.806City of New York8,804,190302.6783.829,09511,234$885.958State of New York20,215,75147,126.4122,056.8429166$1,514.779† GDP = Gross Domestic Product Sources:[168][169][170][171] and see individual borough articles.New York City is sometimes referred to collectively as the Five Boroughs.[172] Each borough is coextensive with a respective county of New York State, making New York City one of the U.S. municipalities in multiple counties. There are hundreds of distinct neighborhoods throughout the boroughs, many with a definable history and character.
If the boroughs were each independent cities, four of the boroughs (Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, and the Bronx) would be among the ten most populous cities in the United States (Staten Island would be ranked 37th as of 2020); these same boroughs are coterminous with the four most densely populated counties in the United States: New York (Manhattan), Kings (Brooklyn), Bronx, and Queens.
Lower and Midtown Manhattan photographed by a SkySat satellite in August 2017
Midtown Manhattan, the world's largest central business districtManhattan (New York County) is the geographically smallest and most densely populated borough. It is home to Central Park and most of the city's skyscrapers, and is sometimes locally known as The City.[173] Manhattan's population density of 72,033 people per square mile (27,812/km2) in 2015 makes it the highest of any county in the United States and higher than the density of any individual American city.[174]
Manhattan is the cultural, administrative, and financial center of New York City and contains the headquarters of many major multinational corporations, the United Nations headquarters, Wall Street, and a number of important universities. The borough of Manhattan is often described as the financial and cultural center of the world.[175][176]
Most of the borough is situated on Manhattan Island, at the mouth of the Hudson River and the East River, and its southern tip, at the confluence of the two rivers, represents the birthplace of New York City itself. Several small islands also compose part of the borough of Manhattan, including Randalls and Wards Islands, and Roosevelt Island in the East River, and Governors Island and Liberty Island to the south in New York Harbor. Manhattan Island is loosely divided into the Lower, Midtown, and Uptown regions. Uptown Manhattan is divided by Central Park into the Upper East Side and the Upper West Side, and above the park is Harlem, bordering the Bronx (Bronx County). Harlem was predominantly occupied by Jewish and Italian Americans in the 19th century until the Great Migration. It was the center of the Harlem Renaissance. The borough of Manhattan also includes a small neighborhood on the mainland, called Marble Hill, which is contiguous with the Bronx. New York City's remaining four boroughs are collectively referred to as the Outer Boroughs.
Panorama of Gowanus Canal, as viewed from Union Street Bridge, Gowanus, BrooklynBrooklyn (Kings County), on the western tip of Long Island, is the city's most populous borough. Brooklyn is known for its cultural, social, and ethnic diversity, an independent art scene, distinct neighborhoods, and a distinctive architectural heritage. Downtown Brooklyn is the largest central core neighborhood in the Outer Boroughs. The borough has a long beachfront shoreline including Coney Island, established in the 1870s as one of the earliest amusement grounds in the U.S.[177] Marine Park and Prospect Park are the two largest parks in Brooklyn.[178] Since 2010, Brooklyn has evolved into a thriving hub of entrepreneurship and high technology startup firms,[179][180] and of postmodern art and design.[180][181]
The growing skyline of Long Island City in Queens,[182] facing the East RiverQueens (Queens County), on Long Island north and east of Brooklyn, is geographically the largest borough, the most ethnically diverse county in the United States,[183] and the most ethnically diverse urban area in the world.[184][185] Historically a collection of small towns and villages founded by the Dutch, the borough has since developed both commercial and residential prominence. Downtown Flushing has become one of the busiest central core neighborhoods in the outer boroughs. Queens is the site of the Citi Field baseball stadium, home of the New York Mets, and hosts the annual U.S. Open tennis tournament at Flushing Meadows–Corona Park. Additionally, two of the three busiest airports serving the New York metropolitan area, John F. Kennedy International Airport and LaGuardia Airport, are in Queens. The third is Newark Liberty International Airport in Newark, New Jersey.
The Bronx
The Yankee Stadium in the BronxThe Bronx (Bronx County) is both New York City's northernmost borough, and the only one that is mostly on the mainland. It is the location of Yankee Stadium, the baseball park of the New York Yankees, and home to the largest cooperatively-owned housing complex in the United States, Co-op City.[186] It is also home to the Bronx Zoo, the world's largest metropolitan zoo,[187] which spans 265 acres (1.07 km2) and houses more than 6,000 animals.[188] The Bronx is also the birthplace of hip hop music and its associated culture.[189] Pelham Bay Park is the largest park in New York City, at 2,772 acres (1,122 ha).[190]
Staten Island
St. George, Staten IslandStaten Island (Richmond County) is the most suburban in character of the five boroughs. Staten Island is connected to Brooklyn by the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, and to Manhattan by way of the free Staten Island Ferry, a daily commuter ferry that provides unobstructed views of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and Lower Manhattan. In central Staten Island, the Staten Island Greenbelt spans approximately 2,500 acres (10 km2), including 28 miles (45 km) of walking trails and one of the last undisturbed forests in the city.[191] Designated in 1984 to protect the island's natural lands, the Greenbelt comprises seven city parks.
ArchitectureFurther information: Architecture of New York City; List of buildings, sites, and monuments in New York City; List of tallest buildings in New York City; and List of hotels in New York City
The Empire State Building has setbacks, Art Deco details, and a spire. It was the world's tallest building from 1931 to 1970.
The Chrysler Building, built in 1930, is in the Art Deco style, with ornamental hubcaps and a spire.
Landmark 19th-century rowhouses, including brownstones, on tree-lined Kent Street in the Greenpoint Historic District, Brooklyn
Modernist and Gothic Revival architecture in Midtown ManhattanNew York has architecturally noteworthy buildings in a wide range of styles and from distinct time periods, from the Dutch Colonial Pieter Claesen Wyckoff House in Brooklyn, the oldest section of which dates to 1656, to the modern One World Trade Center, the skyscraper at Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan and the most expensive office tower in the world by construction cost.[192]
Manhattan's skyline, with its many skyscrapers, is universally recognized, and the city has been home to several of the tallest buildings in the world. As of 2019, New York City had 6,455 high-rise buildings, the third most in the world after Hong Kong and Seoul.[193] Of these, as of 2011, 550 completed structures were at least 330 feet (100 m) high, with more than fifty completed skyscrapers taller than 656 feet (200 m). These include the Woolworth Building, an early example of Gothic Revival architecture in skyscraper design, built with massively scaled Gothic detailing; completed in 1913, for 17 years it was the world's tallest building.[194]
The 1916 Zoning Resolution required setbacks in new buildings and restricted towers to a percentage of the lot size, to allow sunlight to reach the streets below.[195] The Art Deco style of the Chrysler Building (1930) and Empire State Building (1931), with their tapered tops and steel spires, reflected the zoning requirements. The buildings have distinctive ornamentation, such as the eagles at the corners of the 61st floor on the Chrysler Building, and are considered some of the finest examples of the Art Deco style.[196] A highly influential example of the International Style in the United States is the Seagram Building (1957), distinctive for its façade using visible bronze-toned I-beams to evoke the building's structure. The Condé Nast Building (2000) is a prominent example of green design in American skyscrapers[197] and has received an award from the American Institute of Architects and AIA New York State for its design.
The character of New York's large residential districts is often defined by the elegant brownstone rowhouses and townhouses and shabby tenements that were built during a period of rapid expansion from 1870 to 1930.[198] In contrast, New York City also has neighborhoods that are less densely populated and feature free-standing dwellings. In neighborhoods such as Riverdale (in the Bronx), Ditmas Park (in Brooklyn), and Douglaston (in Queens), large single-family homes are common in various architectural styles such as Tudor Revival and Victorian.[199][200][201]
Stone and brick became the city's building materials of choice after the construction of wood-frame houses was limited in the aftermath of the Great Fire of 1835.[202] A distinctive feature of many of the city's buildings is the roof-mounted wooden water tower. In the 1800s, the city required their installation on buildings higher than six stories to prevent the need for excessively high water pressures at lower elevations, which could break municipal water pipes.[203] Garden apartments became popular during the 1920s in outlying areas, such as Jackson Heights.[204]
According to the United States Geological Survey, an updated analysis of seismic hazard in July 2014 revealed a "slightly lower hazard for tall buildings" in New York City than previously assessed. Scientists estimated this lessened risk based upon a lower likelihood than previously thought of slow shaking near the city, which would be more likely to cause damage to taller structures from an earthquake in the vicinity of the city.[205] Manhattan contained over 500 million square feet of office space as of 2022; the COVID-19 pandemic and hybrid work model have prompted consideration of commercial-to-residential conversion within Midtown Manhattan.[206]Ten mile (16km) Manhattan skyline panorama from 120th Street to the Battery, taken in February 2018 from across the Hudson River in Weehawken, New JerseyRiverside ChurchDeutsche Bank Center220 Central Park SouthCentral Park TowerOne57432 Park Avenue53W53Chrysler BuildingBank of America Tower4 Times SquareThe New York Times BuildingEmpire State BuildingManhattan Westa: 55 Hudson Yards, 14b: 35 Hudson Yards, 14c: 10 Hudson Yards, 14d: 15 Hudson Yards56 Leonard Street8 Spruce StreetWoolworth Building70 Pine StreetFour Seasons Downtown40 Wall Street3 World Trade Center4 World Trade CenterOne World Trade CenterClimateMain article: Climate of New York CityNew York CityClimate chart (explanation)JFMAMJJASOND 3.6 4028 3.2 4230 4.3 5036 4.1 6246 4 7155 4.5 8064 4.6 8570 4.6 8369 4.3 7662 4.4 6551 3.6 5442 4.4 4434█ Average max. and min. temperatures in °F█ Precipitation totals in inchesMetric conversion
Deep snow in Brooklyn during the Blizzard of 2006 Nor'EasterUnder the Köppen climate classification, using the 0 °C (32 °F) isotherm, New York City features a humid subtropical climate (Cfa), and is thus the northernmost major city on the North American continent with this categorization. The suburbs to the immediate north and west lie in the transitional zone between humid subtropical and humid continental climates (Dfa).[207][208] By the Trewartha classification, the city is defined as having an oceanic climate (Do).[209][210] Annually, the city averages 234 days with at least some sunshine.[211] The city lies in the USDA 7b plant hardiness zone.[212]
Winters are chilly and damp, and prevailing wind patterns that blow sea breezes offshore temper the moderating effects of the Atlantic Ocean; yet the Atlantic and the partial shielding from colder air by the Appalachian Mountains keep the city warmer in the winter than inland North American cities at similar or lesser latitudes such as Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis. The daily mean temperature in January, the area's coldest month, is 33.3 °F (0.7 °C).[213] Temperatures usually drop to 10 °F (−12 °C) several times per winter,[214] yet can also reach 60 °F (16 °C) for several days even in the coldest winter month. Spring and autumn are unpredictable and can range from cool to warm, although they are usually mild with low humidity. Summers are typically hot and humid, with a daily mean temperature of 77.5 °F (25.3 °C) in July.[213]
Nighttime temperatures are often enhanced due to the urban heat island effect. Daytime temperatures exceed 90 °F (32 °C) on average of 17 days each summer and in some years exceed 100 °F (38 °C), although this is a rare achievement, last occurring on July 18, 2012.[215] Similarly, readings of 0 °F (−18 °C) are also extremely rare, last occurring on February 14, 2016.[216] Extreme temperatures have ranged from −15 °F (−26 °C), recorded on February 9, 1934, up to 106 °F (41 °C) on July 9, 1936;[213] the coldest recorded wind chill was −37 °F (−38 °C) on the same day as the all-time record low.[217] The record cold daily maximum was 2 °F (−17 °C) on December 30, 1917, while, conversely, the record warm daily minimum was 87 °F (31 °C), on July 2, 1903.[215] The average water temperature of the nearby Atlantic Ocean ranges from 39.7 °F (4.3 °C) in February to 74.1 °F (23.4 °C) in August.[218]
The city receives 49.5 inches (1,260 mm) of precipitation annually, which is relatively evenly spread throughout the year. Average winter snowfall between 1991 and 2020 has been 29.8 inches (76 cm); this varies considerably between years. Hurricanes and tropical storms are rare in the New York area.[219] Hurricane Sandy brought a destructive storm surge to New York City on the evening of October 29, 2012, flooding numerous streets, tunnels, and subway lines in Lower Manhattan and other areas of the city and cutting off electricity in many parts of the city and its suburbs.[220] The storm and its profound impacts have prompted the discussion of constructing seawalls and other coastal barriers around the shorelines of the city and the metropolitan area to minimize the risk of destructive consequences from another such event in the future.[155][156]
The coldest month on record is January 1857, with a mean temperature of 19.6 °F (−6.9 °C) whereas the warmest months on record are July 1825 and July 1999, both with a mean temperature of 81.4 °F (27.4 °C).[221] The warmest years on record are 2012 and 2020, both with mean temperatures of 57.1 °F (13.9 °C). The coldest year is 1836, with a mean temperature of 47.3 °F (8.5 °C).[221][222] The driest month on record is June 1949, with 0.02 inches (0.51 mm) of rainfall. The wettest month was August 2011, with 18.95 inches (481 mm) of rainfall. The driest year on record is 1965, with 26.09 inches (663 mm) of rainfall. The wettest year was 1983, with 80.56 inches (2,046 mm) of rainfall.[223] The snowiest month on record is February 2010, with 36.9 inches (94 cm) of snowfall. The snowiest season (Jul–Jun) on record is 1995–1996, with 75.6 inches (192 cm) of snowfall. The least snowy season was 2022–2023, with 2.3 inches (5.8 cm) of snowfall.[224] The earliest seasonal trace of snowfall occurred on October 10, in both 1979 and 1925. The latest seasonal trace of snowfall occurred on May 9, in both 2020 and 1977.[225]
vteClimate data for New York (Belvedere Castle, Central Park), 1991–2020 normals,[b] extremes 1869–present[c]MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecYearRecord high °F (°C)72(22)78(26)86(30)96(36)99(37)101(38)106(41)104(40)102(39)94(34)84(29)75(24)106(41)Mean maximum °F (°C)60.4(15.8)60.7(15.9)70.3(21.3)82.9(28.3)88.5(31.4)92.1(33.4)95.7(35.4)93.4(34.1)89.0(31.7)79.7(26.5)70.7(21.5)62.9(17.2)97.0(36.1)Average high °F (°C)39.5(4.2)42.2(5.7)49.9(9.9)61.8(16.6)71.4(21.9)79.7(26.5)84.9(29.4)83.3(28.5)76.2(24.6)64.5(18.1)54.0(12.2)44.3(6.8)62.6(17.0)Daily mean °F (°C)33.7(0.9)35.9(2.2)42.8(6.0)53.7(12.1)63.2(17.3)72.0(22.2)77.5(25.3)76.1(24.5)69.2(20.7)57.9(14.4)48.0(8.9)39.1(3.9)55.8(13.2)Average low °F (°C)27.9(−2.3)29.5(−1.4)35.8(2.1)45.5(7.5)55.0(12.8)64.4(18.0)70.1(21.2)68.9(20.5)62.3(16.8)51.4(10.8)42.0(5.6)33.8(1.0)48.9(9.4)Mean minimum °F (°C)9.8(−12.3)12.7(−10.7)19.7(−6.8)32.8(0.4)43.9(6.6)52.7(11.5)61.8(16.6)60.3(15.7)50.2(10.1)38.4(3.6)27.7(−2.4)18.0(−7.8)7.7(−13.5)Record low °F (°C)−6(−21)−15(−26)3(−16)12(−11)32(0)44(7)52(11)50(10)39(4)28(−2)5(−15)−13(−25)−15(−26)Average precipitation inches (mm)3.64(92)3.19(81)4.29(109)4.09(104)3.96(101)4.54(115)4.60(117)4.56(116)4.31(109)4.38(111)3.58(91)4.38(111)49.52(1,258)Average snowfall inches (cm)8.8(22)10.1(26)5.0(13)0.4(1.0)0.0(0.0)0.0(0.0)0.0(0.0)0.0(0.0)0.0(0.0)0.1(0.25)0.5(1.3)4.9(12)29.8(76)Average precipitation days (≥ 0.01 in)10.810.011.111.411.511.210.510. snowy days (≥ 0.1 in) relative humidity (%)61.560.258.555.362.765. dew point °F (°C)18.0(−7.8)19.0(−7.2)25.9(−3.4)34.0(1.1)47.3(8.5)57.4(14.1)61.9(16.6)62.1(16.7)55.6(13.1)44.1(6.7)34.0(1.1)24.6(−4.1)40.3(4.6)Mean monthly sunshine hours162.7163.1212.5225.6256.6257.3268.2268.2219.3211.2151.0139.02,534.7Percent possible sunshine54555757575759635961514857Average ultraviolet index2346788864215Source 1: NOAA (relative humidity and sun 1961–1990; dew point 1965–1984)[215][227][211][228]Source 2: Weather Atlas[229]See Climate of New York City for additional climate information from the outer boroughs.
Sea temperature data for New YorkMonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecYearAverage sea temperature °F (°C)41.7(5.4)39.7(4.3)40.2(4.5)45.1(7.3)52.5(11.4)64.5(18.1)72.1(22.3)74.1(23.4)70.1(21.2)63.0(17.2)54.3(12.4)47.2(8.4)55.4(13.0)Source: Weather Atlas[229]
Graphs are temporarily unavailable due to technical issues.See or edit raw graph data.
ParksMain article: List of New York City parksA spherical sculpture and several attractions line a park during a World's Fair.Flushing Meadows–Corona Park was used in both the 1939 and 1964 New York World's Fair.The city of New York has a complex park system, with various lands operated by the National Park Service, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, and the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. In its 2018 ParkScore ranking, the Trust for Public Land reported that the park system in New York City was the ninth-best park system among the fifty most populous U.S. cities.[230] ParkScore ranks urban park systems by a formula that analyzes median park size, park acres as percent of city area, the percent of city residents within a half-mile of a park, spending of park services per resident, and the number of playgrounds per 10,000 residents. In 2021, the New York City Council banned the use of synthetic pesticides by city agencies and instead required organic lawn management. The effort was started by teacher Paula Rogovin's kindergarten class at P.S. 290.[231]
National parksMain article: National Park Service
The Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, a global symbol of the United States and its ideals of liberty, freedom, and opportunity[31]Gateway National Recreation Area contains over 26,000 acres (110 km2), most of it in New York City.[232] In Brooklyn and Queens, the park contains over 9,000 acres (36 km2) of salt marsh, wetlands, islands, and water, including most of Jamaica Bay and the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. Also in Queens, the park includes a significant portion of the western Rockaway Peninsula, most notably Jacob Riis Park and Fort Tilden. In Staten Island, it includes Fort Wadsworth, with historic pre-Civil War era Battery Weed and Fort Tompkins, and Great Kills Park, with beaches, trails, and a marina.
The Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island Immigration Museum are managed by the National Park Service and are in both New York and New Jersey. They are joined in the harbor by Governors Island National Monument. Historic sites under federal management on Manhattan Island include Stonewall National Monument; Castle Clinton National Monument; Federal Hall National Memorial; Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site; General Grant National Memorial (Grant's Tomb); African Burial Ground National Monument; and Hamilton Grange National Memorial. Hundreds of properties are listed on the National Register of Historic Places or as a National Historic Landmark.
State parksMain article: New York state parksThere are seven state parks within the confines of New York City. Some of them include:
The Clay Pit Ponds State Park Preserve is a natural area that includes extensive riding trails.Riverbank State Park is a 28-acre (11 ha) facility that rises 69 feet (21 m) over the Hudson River.[233]Marsha P. Johnson State Park is a state park in Brooklyn and Manhattan that borders the East River that was renamed in honor of Marsha P. Johnson.[234]City parksSee also: New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
The Pond and Midtown Manhattan as seen from Gapstow Bridge in Central Park
The Boathouse on the Lullwater in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, almost demolished in 1964New York City has over 28,000 acres (110 km2) of municipal parkland and 14 miles (23 km) of public beaches.[235] The largest municipal park in the city is Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx, with 2,772 acres (1,122 ha).[190][236]
Central Park, an 843-acre (3.41 km2)[190] park in middle-upper Manhattan, is the most visited urban park in the United States and one of the most filmed and visited locations in the world, with 40 million visitors in 2013.[237] The park has a wide range of attractions; there are several lakes and ponds, two ice-skating rinks, the Central Park Zoo, the Central Park Conservatory Garden, and the 106-acre (0.43 km2) Jackie Onassis Reservoir.[238] Indoor attractions include Belvedere Castle with its nature center, the Swedish Cottage Marionette Theater, and the historic Carousel. On October 23, 2012, hedge fund manager John A. Paulson announced a $100 million gift to the Central Park Conservancy, the largest ever monetary donation to New York City's park system.[239]Washington Square Park is a prominent landmark in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Lower Manhattan. The Washington Square Arch at the northern gateway to the park is an iconic symbol of both New York University and Greenwich Village.Prospect Park in Brooklyn has a 90-acre (36 ha) meadow, a lake, and extensive woodlands. Within the park is the historic Battle Pass, prominent in the Battle of Long Island.[240]Flushing Meadows–Corona Park in Queens, with its 897 acres (363 ha) making it the city's fourth largest park,[241] was the setting for the 1939 World's Fair and the 1964 World's Fair[242] and is host to the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center and the annual U.S. Open Tennis Championships tournament.[243]Over a fifth of the Bronx's area, 7,000 acres (28 km2), is dedicated to open space and parks, including Pelham Bay Park, Van Cortlandt Park, the Bronx Zoo, and the New York Botanical Gardens.[244]In Staten Island, the Conference House Park contains the historic Conference House, site of the only attempt of a peaceful resolution to the American Revolution which was conducted in September 1775, attended by Benjamin Franklin representing the Americans and Lord Howe representing the British Crown.[245] The historic Burial Ridge, the largest Native American burial ground within New York City, is within the park.[246]Military installationsBrooklyn is home to Fort Hamilton, the U.S. military's only active duty installation within New York City,[247] aside from Coast Guard operations. The facility was established in 1825 on the site of a small battery used during the American Revolution, and it is one of America's longest serving military forts.[248] Today, Fort Hamilton serves as the headquarters of the North Atlantic Division of the United States Army Corps of Engineers and for the New York City Recruiting Battalion. It also houses the 1179th Transportation Brigade, the 722nd Aeromedical Staging Squadron, and a military entrance processing station. Other formerly active military reservations still used for National Guard and military training or reserve operations in the city include Fort Wadsworth in Staten Island and Fort Totten in Queens.
DemographicsHistorical populationYearPop.±%16984,937— 17125,840+18.3%17237,248+24.1%173710,664+47.1%174611,717+9.9%175613,046+11.3%177121,863+67.6%179049,401+126.0%180079,216+60.4%1810119,734+51.1%1820152,056+27.0%1830242,278+59.3%1840391,114+61.4%1850696,115+78.0%18601,174,779+68.8%18701,478,103+25.8%18801,911,698+29.3%18902,507,414+31.2%19003,437,202+37.1%19104,766,883+38.7%19205,620,048+17.9%19306,930,446+23.3%19407,454,995+7.6%19507,891,957+5.9%19607,781,984−1.4%19707,894,862+1.5%19807,071,639−10.4%19907,322,564+3.5%20008,008,278+9.4%20108,175,133+2.1%20208,804,190+7.7%Note: Census figures (1790–2010) cover the present area of all five boroughs, before and after the 1898 consolidation. For New York City itself before annexing part of the Bronx in 1874, see Manhattan#Demographics.[249]Source: U.S. Decennial Census;[250]1698–1771[251] 1790–1890[249][252]1900–1990[253] articles: Demographics of New York City, New York City ethnic enclaves, and Demographic history of New York CityHistorical demographics2020[258]2010[259]1990[260]1970[260]1940[260]New York City is the most populous city in the United States,[261] with 8,804,190 residents incorporating more immigration into the city than outmigration since the 2010 United States census.[257][262][263] More than twice as many people live in New York City as compared to Los Angeles, the second-most populous U.S. city;[261] and New York has more than three times the population of Chicago, the third-most populous U.S. city. New York City gained more residents between 2010 and 2020 (629,000) than any other U.S. city, and a greater amount than the total sum of the gains over the same decade of the next four largest U.S. cities, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Phoenix, Arizona combined.[264][265] New York City's population is about 44% of New York State's population,[266] and about 39% of the population of the New York metropolitan area.[267] The majority of New York City residents in 2020 (5,141,538, or 58.4%) were living on Long Island, in Brooklyn, or in Queens.[268] The New York City metropolitan statistical area, has the largest foreign-born population of any metropolitan region in the world. The New York region continues to be by far the leading metropolitan gateway for legal immigrants admitted into the United States, substantially exceeding the combined totals of Los Angeles and Miami.[269]
Population densityIn 2020, the city had an estimated population density of 29,302.37 inhabitants per square mile (11,313.71/km2), rendering it the nation's most densely populated of all larger municipalities (those with more than 100,000 residents), with several small cities (of fewer than 100,000) in adjacent Hudson County, New Jersey having greater density, as per the 2010 census.[270] Geographically co-extensive with New York County, the borough of Manhattan's 2017 population density of 72,918 inhabitants per square mile (28,154/km2) makes it the highest of any county in the United States and higher than the density of any individual American city.[271][272][273] The next three densest counties in the United States, placing second through fourth, are also New York boroughs: Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Queens respectively.[274]
Race and ethnicityFurther information: African Americans in New York City, Bangladeshis in New York City, Caribbeans in New York City, Chinese in New York City, Dominican Americans in New York City, Filipinos in New York City, Fuzhounese in New York City, Indians in New York City, Irish in New York City, Italians in New York City, Japanese in New York City, Koreans in New York City, Pakistanis in New York City, Puerto Ricans in New York City, Russians in New York City, and Ukrainians in New York CityThe city's population in 2020 was 30.9% White (non-Hispanic), 28.7% Hispanic or Latino, 20.2% Black or African American (non-Hispanic), 15.6% Asian, and 0.2% Native American (non-Hispanic).[275] A total of 3.4% of the non-Hispanic population identified with more than one race. Throughout its history, New York has been a major port of entry for immigrants into the United States. More than 12 million European immigrants were received at Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954.[276] The term "melting pot" was first coined to describe densely populated immigrant neighborhoods on the Lower East Side. By 1900, Germans were the largest immigrant group, followed by the Irish, Jews, and Italians.[277] In 1940, Whites represented 92% of the city's population.[260]
Approximately 37% of the city's population is foreign born, and more than half of all children are born to mothers who are immigrants as of 2013.[278][279] In New York, no single country or region of origin dominates.[278] The ten largest sources of foreign-born individuals in the city as of 2011 were the Dominican Republic, China, Mexico, Guyana, Jamaica, Ecuador, Haiti, India, Russia, and Trinidad and Tobago,[280] while the Bangladeshi-born immigrant population has become one of the fastest growing in the city, counting over 74,000 by 2011.[26][281]
Asian Americans in New York City, according to the 2010 census, number more than one million, greater than the combined totals of San Francisco and Los Angeles.[282] New York contains the highest total Asian population of any U.S. city proper.[283] The New York City borough of Queens is home to the state's largest Asian American population and the largest Andean (Colombian, Ecuadorian, Peruvian, and Bolivian) populations in the United States, and is also the most ethnically and linguistically diverse urban area in the world.[284][185] Tens of thousands of asylum seekers from Venezuela have arrived in New York City since 2022.[285]Chinatown, Manhattan
Lower Manhattan's Little Italy
Koreatown, Midtown Manhattan
Upper Manhattan's Spanish Harlem
Little Russia, Brooklyn
Little India, Queens
Little Brazil, Manhattan
Little Manila, QueensThe Chinese population is the fastest-growing nationality in New York State. Multiple satellites of the original Manhattan's Chinatown—home to the highest concentration of Chinese people in the Western Hemisphere,[286] as well as in Brooklyn, and around Flushing, Queens, are thriving as traditionally urban enclaves—while also expanding rapidly eastward into suburban Nassau County[287] on Long Island,[288] as the New York metropolitan region and New York State have become the top destinations for new Chinese immigrants, respectively, and large-scale Chinese immigration continues into New York City and surrounding areas,[269][289][290][291][292][293] with the largest metropolitan Chinese diaspora outside Asia,[26][294] including an estimated 812,410 individuals in 2015.[295]
In 2012, 6.3% of New York City was of Chinese ethnicity, with nearly three-fourths living in either Queens or Brooklyn, geographically on Long Island.[296] A community numbering 20,000 Korean-Chinese (Chaoxianzu or Joseonjok) is centered in Flushing, Queens, while New York City is also home to the largest Tibetan population outside China, India, and Nepal, also centered in Queens.[297] Koreans made up 1.2% of the city's population, and Japanese 0.3%. Filipinos were the largest Southeast Asian ethnic group at 0.8%, followed by Vietnamese, who made up 0.2% of New York City's population in 2010. Indians are the largest South Asian group, comprising 2.4% of the city's population, with Bangladeshis and Pakistanis at 0.7% and 0.5%, respectively.[298] Queens is the preferred borough of settlement for Asian Indians, Koreans, Filipinos, and Malaysians,[299][269] and other Southeast Asians;[300] while Brooklyn is receiving large numbers of both West Indian and Asian Indian immigrants, and Manhattan is the favored destination for Japanese.
New York City has the largest European and non-Hispanic white population of any American city. At 2.7 million in 2012, New York's non-Hispanic White population is larger than the non-Hispanic White populations of Los Angeles (1.1 million), Chicago (865,000), and Houston (550,000) combined.[301] The non-Hispanic White population was 6.6 million in 1940.[302] The non-Hispanic White population has begun to increase since 2010.[303]
The European diaspora residing in the city is very diverse. According to 2012 census estimates, there were roughly 560,000 Italian Americans, 385,000 Irish Americans, 253,000 German Americans, 223,000 Russian Americans, 201,000 Polish Americans, and 137,000 English Americans. Additionally, Greek and French Americans numbered 65,000 each, with those of Hungarian descent estimated at 60,000 people. Ukrainian and Scottish Americans numbered 55,000 and 35,000, respectively. People identifying ancestry from Spain numbered 30,838 total in 2010.[304]
People of Norwegian and Swedish descent both stood at about 20,000 each, while people of Czech, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Scotch-Irish, and Welsh descent all numbered between 12,000 and 14,000.[305] Arab Americans number over 160,000 in New York City,[306] with the highest concentration in Brooklyn. Central Asians, primarily Uzbek Americans, are a rapidly growing segment of the city's non-Hispanic White population, enumerating over 30,000, and including more than half of all Central Asian immigrants to the United States,[307] most settling in Queens or Brooklyn. Albanian Americans are most highly concentrated in the Bronx,[308] while Astoria, Queens is the epicenter of American Greek culture as well as the Cypriot community.
New York is also home to the highest Jewish population of any city in the world, numbering 1.6 million in 2022, more than Tel Aviv and Jerusalem combined.[309] In the borough of Brooklyn, an estimated 1 in 4 residents is Jewish.[310] The city's Jewish communities are derived from many diverse sects, predominantly from around the Middle East and Eastern Europe, and including a rapidly growing Orthodox Jewish population, also the largest outside Israel.[297]
The metropolitan area is also home to 20% of the nation's Indian Americans and at least 20 Little India enclaves, and 15% of all Korean Americans and four Koreatowns;[255] the largest Asian Indian population in the Western Hemisphere; the largest Russian American,[289] Italian American, and African American populations; the largest Dominican American, Puerto Rican American, and South American[289] and second-largest overall Hispanic population in the United States, numbering 4.8 million;[304] and includes multiple established Chinatowns within New York City alone.[311]
Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, Brazil, and Venezuela are the top source countries from South America for immigrants to the New York City region; the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Haiti, and Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean; Nigeria, Egypt, Ghana, Tanzania, Kenya, and South Africa from Africa; and El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala in Central America.[312] Amidst a resurgence of Puerto Rican migration to New York City, this population had increased to approximately 1.3 million in the metropolitan area as of 2013.
Since 2010, Little Australia has emerged and is growing rapidly, representing the Australasian presence in Nolita, Manhattan.[313][314][315][316] In 2011, there were an estimated 20,000 Australian residents of New York City, nearly quadruple the 5,537 in 2005.[317][318] Qantas Airways of Australia and Air New Zealand have been planning for long-haul flights from New York to Sydney and Auckland, which would both rank among the longest non-stop flights in the world.[319] A Little Sri Lanka has developed in the Tompkinsville neighborhood of Staten Island.[320] Le Petit Sénégal, or Little Senegal, is based in Harlem. Richmond Hill, Queens is often thought of as "Little Guyana" for its large Guyanese community,[321] as well as Punjab Avenue (ਪੰਜਾਬ ਐਵੇਨਿਊ), or Little Punjab, for its high concentration of Punjabi people. Little Poland is expanding rapidly in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Sexual orientation and gender identityMain articles: LGBT culture in New York City, Stonewall riots, NYC Pride March, List of largest LGBT events, and List of LGBT people from New York CityFurther information: New York City Drag March, Queens Liberation Front, Queens Pride Parade, Greenwich Village Halloween Parade, and Same-sex marriage in New York
Philippine-born Geena Rocero introducing International Transgender Day of Visibility
Caribbean NYC-LGBTQ Equality Project
The NYC Dyke March, the world's largest celebration of lesbian pride and culture[322]
Spectators at a BDSM street fair in Lower Manhattan
NYC Pride March in Manhattan, the world's largest[323][324]
The Multicultural Festival at the 2018 Queens Pride ParadeNew York City has been described as the gay capital of the world and the central node of the LGBTQ+ sociopolitical ecosystem, and is home to one of the world's largest LGBTQ populations and the most prominent.[48] The New York metropolitan area is home to about 570,000 self-identifying gay and bisexual people, the largest in the United States.[325][326] Same-sex sexual activity between consenting adults has been legal in New York since the New York v. Onofre case in 1980 which invalidated the state's sodomy law.[327] Same-sex marriages in New York were legalized on June 24, 2011, and were authorized to take place on July 23, 2011.[328] Brian Silverman, the author of Frommer's New York City from $90 a Day, wrote the city has "one of the world's largest, loudest, and most powerful LGBT communities", and "Gay and lesbian culture is as much a part of New York's basic identity as yellow cabs, high-rise buildings, and Broadway theatre".[329] LGBT travel guide Queer in the World states, "The fabulosity of Gay New York is unrivaled on Earth, and queer culture seeps into every corner of its five boroughs".[330] LGBT advocate and entertainer Madonna stated metaphorically, "Anyways, not only is New York City the best place in the world because of the queer people here. Let me tell you something, if you can make it here, then you must be queer."[331]
The annual New York City Pride March (or gay pride parade) proceeds southward down Fifth Avenue and ends at Greenwich Village in Lower Manhattan; the parade is the largest pride parade in the world, attracting tens of thousands of participants and millions of sidewalk spectators each June.[332][323] The annual Queens Pride Parade is held in Jackson Heights and is accompanied by the ensuing Multicultural Parade.[333]
Stonewall 50 – WorldPride NYC 2019 was the largest international Pride celebration in history, produced by Heritage of Pride and enhanced through a partnership with the I ❤ NY program's LGBT division, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, with 150,000 participants and five million spectators attending in Manhattan alone.[334] New York City is also home to the largest transgender population in the world, estimated at more than 50,000 in 2018, concentrated in Manhattan and Queens; however, until the June 1969 Stonewall riots, this community had felt marginalized and neglected by the gay community.[333][140] Brooklyn Liberation March, the largest transgender-rights demonstration in LGBTQ history, took place on June 14, 2020, stretching from Grand Army Plaza to Fort Greene, Brooklyn, focused on supporting Black transgender lives, drawing an estimated 15,000 to 20,000 affiliation (2014)[337][338]Christian 59%Catholic 33%Protestant 23%Other Christian 3%Unaffiliated 24%Jewish 8%Muslim 4%Hindu 2%Buddhist 1%Other faiths 1%Religious affiliations in New York City
The landmark Neo-Gothic Roman Catholic St. Patrick's Cathedral, Midtown Manhattan
Central Synagogue, a notable Reform synagogue located at 652 Lexington Avenue
The Islamic Cultural Center of New York in Upper Manhattan, the first mosque built in New York City
Ganesh Temple in Flushing, Queens, the oldest Hindu temple in the U.S.ChristianityFurther information: St. Patrick's Cathedral (Midtown Manhattan), Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, and Christmas in New YorkLargely as a result of Western European missionary work and colonialism, Christianity is the largest religion (59% adherent) in New York City,[337] which is home to the highest number of churches of any city in the world.[16] Roman Catholicism is the largest Christian denomination (33%), followed by Protestantism (23%), and other Christian denominations (3%). The Roman Catholic population are primarily served by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York and Diocese of Brooklyn. Eastern Catholics are divided into numerous jurisdictions throughout the city. Evangelical Protestantism is the largest branch of Protestantism in the city (9%), followed by Mainline Protestantism (8%), while the converse is usually true for other cities and metropolitan areas.[338] In Evangelicalism, Baptists are the largest group; in Mainline Protestantism, Reformed Protestants compose the largest subset. The majority of historically African American churches are affiliated with the National Baptist Convention (USA) and Progressive National Baptist Convention. The Church of God in Christ is one of the largest predominantly Black Pentecostal denominations in the area. Approximately 1% of the population is Mormon. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and other Orthodox Christians (mainstream and independent) were the largest Eastern Christian groups. The American Orthodox Catholic Church (initially led by Aftimios Ofiesh) was founded in New York City in 1927.
JudaismMain articles: Judaism in New York City, History of the Jews in New York, and Jewish arrival in New AmsterdamJudaism, the second-largest religion practiced in New York City, with approximately 1.6 million adherents as of 2022, represents the largest Jewish community of any city in the world, greater than the combined totals of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.[339][340] Nearly half of the city's Jews live in Brooklyn, which is one-quarter Jewish.[341][342] The ethno-religious population makes up 18.4% of the city and its religious demographic makes up 8%.[343] The first recorded Jewish settler was Jacob Barsimson, who arrived in August 1654 on a passport from the Dutch West India Company.[344] Following the assassination of Alexander II of Russia, for which many blamed "the Jews", the 36 years beginning in 1881 experienced the largest wave of Jewish immigration to the United States.[345] In 2012, the largest Jewish denominations were Orthodox, Haredi, and Conservative Judaism.[346] Reform Jewish communities are prevalent through the area. 770 Eastern Parkway is the headquarters of the international Chabad Lubavitch movement, and is considered an icon, while Congregation Emanu-El of New York in Manhattan is the largest Reform synagogue in the world.
IslamMain article: Islam in New York CityIslam ranks as the third largest religion in New York City, following Christianity and Judaism, with estimates ranging between 600,000 and 1,000,000 observers of Islam, including 10% of the city's public school children.[347] Given both the size and scale of the city, as well as its relative proxinity and accessibility by air transportation to the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and South Asia, 22.3% of American Muslims live in New York City, with 1.5 million Muslims in the greater New York metropolitan area, representing the largest metropolitan Muslim population in the Western Hemisphere[348]—and the most ethnically diverse Muslim population of any city in the world.[349] Powers Street Mosque in Brooklyn is one of the oldest continuously operating mosques in the U.S., and represents the first Islamic organization in both the city and the state of New York.[350][351]
Hinduism and other religious affiliationsFurther information: Hindu Temple Society of North AmericaFollowing these three largest religious groups in New York City are Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, and a variety of other religions. As of 2023, 24% of Greater New Yorkers identified with no organized religious affiliation, including 4% Atheist.[352]
Wealth and income disparityNew York City, like other large cities, has a high degree of income disparity, as indicated by its Gini coefficient of 0.55 as of 2017.[353] In the first quarter of 2014, the average weekly wage in New York County (Manhattan) was $2,749, representing the highest total among large counties in the United States.[354] In 2022, New York City was home to the highest number of billionaires of any city in the world, including former Mayor Michael Bloomberg, with a total of 107.[21] New York also had the highest density of millionaires per capita among major U.S. cities in 2014, at 4.6% of residents.[355] New York City is one of the relatively few American cities levying an income tax (about 3%) on its residents.[356][357][358] As of 2018, there were 78,676 homeless people in New York City.[359]
EconomyMain article: Economy of New York CityFurther information: Economy of Long Island and Economy of New York
Midtown Manhattan, the world's largest central business district[360]see captionThe Financial District of Lower ManhattanNew York City is a global hub of business and commerce and an established safe haven for global investors, and is sometimes described as the capital of the world.[361] The term global city was popularized by sociologist Saskia Sassen in her 1991 work, The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo.[362] New York is a center for worldwide banking and finance, health care and life sciences,[13] medical technology and research, retailing, world trade, transportation, tourism, real estate, new media, traditional media, advertising, legal services, accountancy, insurance, both musical and prose theater, fashion, and the arts in the United States; while Silicon Alley, metonymous for New York's broad-spectrum high technology sphere, continues to expand. The Port of New York and New Jersey is a major economic engine, benefitting post-Panamax from the expansion of the Panama Canal, and accelerating ahead of California seaports in monthly cargo volumes in 2023.[363][364][365]
Many Fortune 500 corporations are headquartered in New York City,[366] as are a large number of multinational corporations. New York City has been ranked first among cities across the globe in attracting capital, business, and tourists.[367][368] New York City's role as the top global center for the advertising industry is metonymously reflected as Madison Avenue.[369] The city's fashion industry provides approximately 180,000 employees with $11 billion in annual wages.[370] The non-profit Partnership for New York City, currently headed by Kathryn Wylde, is the city's pre-eminent private business association, comprising approximately 330 corporate leaders in membership. The fashion industry is based in Midtown Manhattan and is represented by the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CDFA), headquartered in Lower Manhattan.
Significant economic sectors also include non-profit institutions, and universities. Manufacturing declined over the 20th century but still accounts for significant employment. particularly in smaller operations. The city's apparel and garment industry, historically centered on the Garment District in Manhattan, peaked in 1950, when more than 323,000 workers were employed in the industry in New York. In 2015, fewer than 23,000 New York City residents were employed in the manufacture of garments, accessories, and finished textiles, although efforts to revive the industry were underway,[371] and the American fashion industry continues to be metonymized as Seventh Avenue.[372]
Chocolate is New York City's leading specialty-food export, with up to $234 million worth of exports each year.[373] Godiva, one of the world's largest chocolatiers, is headquartered in Manhattan,[374] and an unofficial chocolate district in Brooklyn is home to several chocolate makers and retailers.[375] Food processing is a $5 billion industry that employs more than 19,000 residents.
In 2017, there were 205,592 employer firms in New York City.[259] Of those firms, 64,514 were owned by minorities, and 125,877 were shown to be owned by non-minorities. Veterans owned 5,506 of those firms.[259]View of Midtown Manhattan from New Jersey, taken in September 2021Wall StreetMain article: Wall StreetA large Flag is stretched over Roman style columns on the front of a large building.The New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street, the world's largest stock exchange per total market capitalization of its listed companies[376][377]New York City's most important economic sector lies in its role as the headquarters for the U.S. financial industry, metonymously known as Wall Street. The city's securities industry continues to form the largest segment of the city's financial sector and is an important economic engine. Many large financial companies are headquartered in New York City, and the city is also home to a burgeoning number of financial startup companies.
Lower Manhattan is home to the New York Stock Exchange, at 11 Wall Street, and the Nasdaq, at 165 Broadway, representing the world's largest and second largest stock exchanges, respectively, when measured both by overall average daily trading volume and by total market capitalization of their listed companies in 2013.[376][377] Investment banking fees on Wall Street totaled approximately $40 billion in 2012,[378] while in 2013, senior New York City bank officers who manage risk and compliance functions earned as much as $324,000 annually.[379] In fiscal year 2013–14, Wall Street's securities industry generated 19% of New York State's tax revenue.[380]
New York City remains the largest global center for trading in public equity and debt capital markets, driven in part by the size and financial development of the U.S. economy.[381]: 31–32 [382] New York also leads in hedge fund management; private equity; and the monetary volume of mergers and acquisitions. Several investment banks and investment managers headquartered in Manhattan are important participants in other global financial centers.[381]: 34–35 New York is also the principal commercial banking center of the United States.[383]
Many of the world's largest media conglomerates are also based in the city. Manhattan contained over 500 million square feet (46.5 million m2) of office space in 2018,[384] making it the largest office market in the United States,[385] while Midtown Manhattan, with 400 million square feet (37.2 million m2) in 2018,[384] is the largest central business district in the world.[386]
Tech and biotechFurther information: Tech:NYC, Tech companies in New York City, Biotech companies in New York City, and Silicon Alley
View from the Empire State Building looking southward (downtown) at the central Flatiron District, the cradle of Silicon Alley, now metonymous for the New York metropolitan region's high tech sector
The Cornell Tech at the Roosevelt IslandNew York is a top-tier global technology hub.[11] Silicon Alley, once a metonym for the sphere encompassing the metropolitan region's high technology industries,[387] is no longer a relevant moniker as the city's tech Environment has expanded dramatically both in location and in its scope. New York City's current tech sphere encompasses a universal array of applications involving artificial intelligence, the internet, new media, financial technology (fintech) and cryptocurrency, biotechnology, game design, and other fields within information technology that are supported by its entrepreneurship ecosystem and venture capital investments.
Technology-driven startup companies and entrepreneurial employment are growing in New York City and the region. The technology sector has been claiming a greater share of New York City's economy since 2010.[388] Tech:NYC, founded in 2016, is a non-profit organization which represents New York City's technology industry with government, civic institutions, in business, and in the media, and whose primary goals are to further augment New York's substantial tech talent base and to advocate for policies that will nurture tech companies to grow in the city.[389]
The biotechnology sector is also growing in New York City, based upon the city's strength in academic scientific research and public and commercial financial support. On December 19, 2011, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced his choice of Cornell University and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology to build a $2 billion graduate school of applied sciences called Cornell Tech on Roosevelt Island with the goal of transforming New York City into the world's premier technology capital.[390][391] By mid-2014, Accelerator, a biotech investment firm, had raised more than $30 million from investors, including Eli Lilly and Company, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, for initial funding to create biotechnology startups at the Alexandria Center for Life Science, which encompasses more than 700,000 square feet (65,000 m2) on East 29th Street and promotes collaboration among scientists and entrepreneurs at the center and with nearby academic, medical, and research institutions. The New York City Economic Development Corporation's Early Stage Life Sciences Funding Initiative and venture capital partners, including Celgene, General Electric Ventures, and Eli Lilly, committed a minimum of $100 million to help launch 15 to 20 ventures in life sciences and biotechnology.[392]
Real estate
Deutsche Bank Center as seen from Central Park WestReal estate is a major force in the city's economy, as the total value of all New York City property was assessed at US$1.072 trillion for the 2017 fiscal year, an increase of 10.6% from the previous year, with 89% of the increase coming from market effects.[393]
In 2014, Manhattan was home to six of the top ten ZIP codes in the United States by median housing price.[394] Fifth Avenue in Midtown Manhattan commands the highest retail rents in the world, at $3,000 per square foot ($32,000/m2) in 2017.[395] In 2019, the most expensive home sale ever in the United States achieved completion in Manhattan, at a selling price of $238 million, for a 24,000 square feet (2,200 m2) penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park.[396] In 2022, one-bedroom apartments in Manhattan rented at a median monthly price of US$3,600.00, one of the world's highest. New York City real estate is a safe haven for global investors.[19]
TourismMain article: Tourism in New York City
Times Square, the hub of the Broadway theater district and a global media center, is one of the world's leading tourist attractions with 50 million tourists annually.[37]
The I Love New York logo designed by Milton Glaser in 1977Tourism is a vital industry for New York City, and NYC & Company represents the city's official bureau of tourism. New York has witnessed a growing combined volume of international and domestic tourists, reflecting over 60 million visitors to the city per year, the world's busiest tourist destination.[16] Approximately 12 million visitors to New York City have been from outside the United States, with the highest numbers from the United Kingdom, Canada, Brazil, and China. Multiple sources have called New York the most photographed city in the world.[397][398][399]
I Love New York (stylized I ❤ NY) is both a logo and a song that are the basis of an advertising campaign and have been used since 1977 to promote tourism in New York City,[400] and later to promote New York State as well. The trademarked logo, owned by New York State Empire State Development,[401] appears in souvenir shops and brochures throughout the city and state, some licensed, many not. The song is the state song of New York.
The majority of the most high-profile tourist destinations to the city are situated in Manhattan. These include Times Square; Broadway theater productions; the Empire State Building; the Statue of Liberty; Ellis Island; the United Nations headquarters; the World Trade Center (including the National September 11 Memorial & Museum and One World Trade Center); the art museums along Museum Mile; green spaces such as Central Park, Washington Square Park, the High Line, and the medieval gardens of The Cloisters; the Stonewall Inn; Rockefeller Center; ethnic enclaves including the Manhattan Chinatown, Koreatown, Curry Hill, Harlem, Spanish Harlem, Little Italy, and Little Australia; luxury shopping along Fifth and Madison Avenues; and events such as the Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village; the Brooklyn Bridge (shared with Brooklyn); the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade; the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree; the St. Patrick's Day Parade; seasonal activities such as ice skating in Central Park in the wintertime; the Tribeca Film Festival; and free performances in Central Park at SummerStage.[402]
Points of interest have also developed in the city outside Manhattan and have made the outer boroughs tourist destinations in their own right. These include numerous ethnic enclaves; the Unisphere, Flushing Meadows–Corona Park, and Downtown Flushing in Queens; Downtown Brooklyn, Coney Island, Williamsburg, Park Slope, and Prospect Park in Brooklyn; the Bronx Zoo, the New York Botanical Garden, and the Grand Concourse in the Bronx; and the Staten Island Ferry shuttling passengers between Staten Island and the South Ferry Terminal bordering Battery Park in Lower Manhattan, at the historical birthplace of New York City.
Media and entertainmentMain article: Media in New York CityFurther information: New Yorkers in journalism
Rockefeller Center, one of Manhattan's leading media and entertainment hubs
Times Square Studios on Times Square is sometimes called the "Crossroads of the World".New York City has been described as the entertainment[16][403][404] and digital media capital of the world.[405] The city is a prominent location for the American entertainment industry, with many films, television series, books, and other media being set there.[406] As of 2019, New York City was the second-largest center for filmmaking and television production in the United States, producing about 200 feature films annually, employing 130,000 individuals. The filmed entertainment industry has been growing in New York, contributing nearly $9 billion to the New York City economy alone as of 2015.[407] By volume, New York is the world leader in independent film production—one-third of all American independent films are produced there.[408][409] The Association of Independent Commercial Producers is also based in New York.[410] In the first five months of 2014 alone, location filming for television pilots in New York City exceeded the record production levels for all of 2013,[411] with New York surpassing Los Angeles as the top North American city for the same distinction during the 2013–2014 cycle.[412]
New York City is the center for the advertising, music, newspaper, digital media, and publishing industries and is also the largest media market in North America.[413] Some of the city's media conglomerates and institutions include Warner Bros. Discovery, the Thomson Reuters Corporation, the Associated Press, Bloomberg L.P., the News Corp, The New York Times Company, NBCUniversal, the Hearst Corporation, AOL, Fox Corporation, and Paramount Global. Seven of the world's top eight global advertising agency networks have their headquarters in New York.[414] Two of the top three record labels' headquarters are in New York: Sony Music Entertainment and Warner Music Group. Universal Music Group also has offices in New York. New media enterprises are contributing an increasingly important component to the city's central role in the media sphere.
More than 200 newspapers and 350 consumer magazines have an office in the city,[409] and the publishing industry employs about 25,000 people.[415] Two of the three national daily newspapers with the largest circulations in the United States are published in New York: The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times (NYT). Nicknamed "the Grey Lady", the NYT has won the most Pulitzer Prizes for journalism and is considered the U.S. media's newspaper of record.[34] Tabloid newspapers in the city include the New York Daily News, which was founded in 1919 by Joseph Medill Patterson,[416] and The New York Post, founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton.[417] At the local news end of the media spectrum, Patch Media is also headquartered in Manhattan.
New York City also has a comprehensive ethnic press, with 270 newspapers and magazines published in more than 40 languages.[418] El Diario La Prensa is New York's largest Spanish-language daily and the oldest in the nation.[419] The New York Amsterdam News, published in Harlem, is a prominent African American newspaper. The Village Voice, historically the largest alternative newspaper in the United States, announced in 2017 that it would cease publication of its print edition and convert to a fully digital venture.[420] The television and radio industry developed in New York and is a significant employer in the city's economy. The three major American broadcast networks are all headquartered in New York: ABC, CBS, and NBC. Many cable networks are based in the city as well, including CNN, MSNBC, MTV, Fox News, HBO, Showtime, Bravo, Food Network, AMC, and Comedy Central. News 12 Networks operated News 12 The Bronx and News 12 Brooklyn. WBAI, with news and information programming, is one of the few socialist radio stations operating in the United States.
New York is also a major center for non-commercial educational media. NYC Media is the official public radio, television, and online media network and broadcasting service of New York City,[421] and this network has produced several original Emmy Award-winning shows covering music and culture in city neighborhoods and city government. The oldest public-access television channel in the United States is the Manhattan Neighborhood Network, founded in 1971.[422] WNET is the city's major public television station and a primary source of national Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) television programming. WNYC, a public radio station owned by the city until 1997, has the largest public radio audience in the United States.[423]
Climate resiliencyAs an oceanic port city, New York City is vulnerable to the long-term manifestations of global warming and rising seas. Climate change has spawned the development of a significant climate resiliency and Environmental sustainability economy in the city. Governors Island is slated to host a US$1 billion research and education center intended to establish New York's role as the global leader in addressing the climate crisis.[424]
EducationMain article: Education in New York City
Butler Library at Columbia University, described as one of the most beautiful college libraries in the United States[425]
The Washington Square Arch, an unofficial icon of both New York University and the Greenwich Village neighborhood that surrounds it
Fordham University's Keating Hall in the BronxNew York City has the largest educational system of any city in the world.[16] The city's educational infrastructure spans primary education, secondary education, higher education, and research.
Primary and secondary educationThe New York City Public Schools system, managed by the New York City Department of Education, is the largest public school system in the United States, serving about 1.1 million students in more than 1,700 separate primary and secondary schools.[426] The city's public school system includes nine specialized high schools to serve academically and artistically gifted students. The city government pays the Pelham Public Schools to educate a very small, detached section of the Bronx.[427]
The New York City Charter School Center assists the setup of new charter schools.[428] There are approximately 900 additional privately run secular and religious schools in the city.[429]
Higher education and researchMore than a million students, the highest number of any city in the United States,[430] are enrolled in New York City's more than 120 higher education institutions, with more than half a million in the City University of New York (CUNY) system alone as of 2020, including both degree and professional programs.[431] According to Academic Ranking of World Universities, New York City has, on average, the best higher education institutions of any global city.[432]
The public CUNY system is one of the largest universities in the nation, comprising 25 institutions across all five boroughs: senior colleges, community colleges, and other graduate/professional schools. The public State University of New York (SUNY) system includes campuses in New York City, including SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY Maritime College, and SUNY College of Optometry.
New York City is home to such notable private universities as Barnard College, Columbia University, Cooper Union, Fordham University, New York University, New York Institute of Technology, Rockefeller University, and Yeshiva University; several of these universities are ranked among the top universities in the world,[433][434] while some of the world's most prestigious institutions like Princeton University and Yale University remain in the New York metropolitan area.
The city also hosts other smaller private colleges and universities, including many religious and special-purpose institutions, such as Pace University, St. John's University, The Juilliard School, Manhattan College, Adelphi University - Manhattan, Mercy College (New York), The College of Mount Saint Vincent, Parsons School of Design, The New School, Pratt Institute, New York Film Academy, The School of Visual Arts, The King's College, Marymount Manhattan College, and Wagner College.
Much of the scientific research in the city is done in medicine and the life sciences. In 2019, the New York metropolitan area ranked first on the list of cities and metropolitan areas by share of published articles in life sciences.[435] New York City has the most postgraduate life sciences degrees awarded annually in the United States, and in 2012, 43,523 licensed physicians were practicing in New York City.[436] There are 127 Nobel laureates with roots in local institutions as of 2004.[437]
Major biomedical research institutions include Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Rockefeller University, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and Weill Cornell Medical College, being joined by the Cornell University/Technion-Israel Institute of Technology venture on Roosevelt Island. The graduates of SUNY Maritime College in the Bronx earned the highest average annual salary of any university graduates in the United States, $144,000 as of 2017.[438]
Human resourcesPublic healthMain articles: New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation and New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
New York-Presbyterian Hospital, affiliated with Columbia University and Cornell University, is the largest hospital and largest private employer in New York City and one of the world's busiest hospitals.[439]The New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) operates the public hospitals and outpatient clinics in New York City. A public benefit corporation with As of 2021, HHC is the largest municipal healthcare system in the United States with $10.9 billion in annual revenues,[440] HHC is the largest municipal healthcare system in the United States serving 1.4 million patients, including more than 475,000 uninsured city residents.[441] HHC was created in 1969 by the New York State Legislature as a public benefit corporation (Chapter 1016 of the Laws 1969).[442] HHC operates 11 acute care hospitals, five nursing homes, six diagnostic and treatment centers, and more than 70 community-based primary care sites, serving primarily the poor and working class. HHC's MetroPlus Health Plan is one of the New York area's largest providers of government-sponsored health insurance and is the plan of choice for nearly half a million New Yorkers.[443]
HHC's facilities annually provide millions of New Yorkers services interpreted in more than 190 languages.[444] The most well-known hospital in the HHC system is Bellevue Hospital, the oldest public hospital in the United States. Bellevue is the designated hospital for treatment of the President of the United States and other world leaders if they become sick or injured while in New York City.[445] The president of HHC is Ramanathan Raju, MD, a surgeon and former CEO of the Cook County health system in Illinois.[446] In August 2017, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed legislation outlawing pharmacies from selling cigarettes once their existing licenses to do so expired, beginning in 2018.[447]
Public safetyPolice and law enforcementMain articles: New York City Police Department and Law enforcement in New York CityFurther information: Police surveillance in New York City and Crime in New York City
The New York Police Department (NYPD), the largest police force in the United States
NYPD police officers in BrooklynThe New York Police Department (NYPD) has been the largest police force in the United States by a significant margin, with more than 35,000 sworn officers.[448] Members of the NYPD are frequently referred to by politicians, the media, and their own police cars by the nickname, New York's Finest.
Crime overall has trended downward in New York City since the 1990s.[449] In 2012, the NYPD came under scrutiny for its use of a stop-and-frisk program,[450][451][452] which has undergone several policy revisions since then. In 2014, New York City had the third-lowest murder rate among the largest U.S. cities,[453] having become significantly safer after a spike in crime in the 1970s through 1990s.[454] Violent crime in New York City decreased more than 75% from 1993 to 2005, and continued decreasing during periods when the nation as a whole saw increases.[455] By 2002, New York City was ranked 197th in crime among the 216 U.S. cities with populations greater than 100,000.[455] In 1992, the city recorded 2,245 murders.[456] In 2005, the homicide rate was at its lowest level since 1966,[457] and in 2009, the city recorded fewer than 461 homicides for the first time ever since crime statistics were first published in 1963.[456] New York City has stricter gun laws than most other cities in the U.S.—a license to own any firearm is required in New York City, and the NY SAFE Act of 2013 banned assault weapons—and New York state had the fifth lowest gun death rate of the fifty states in 2020.[458] New York City recorded 491 murders in 2021.[459] In 2017, 60.1% of violent crime suspects were Black, 29.6% Hispanic, 6.5% White, 3.6% Asian and 0.2% American Indian.[460]
Sociologists and criminologists have not reached consensus on the explanation for the dramatic long-term decrease in the city's crime rate. Some attribute the phenomenon to new tactics used by the NYPD,[461] including its use of CompStat and the broken windows theory.[462] Others cite the end of the crack epidemic and demographic changes,[463] including from immigration.[464] Another theory is that widespread exposure to lead pollution from automobile exhaust, which can lower intelligence and increase aggression levels, incited the initial crime wave in the mid-20th century, most acutely affecting heavily trafficked cities like New York. A strong correlation was found demonstrating that violent crime rates in New York and other big cities began to fall after lead was removed from American gasoline in the 1970s.[465] Another theory cited to explain New York City's falling homicide rate is the inverse correlation between the number of murders and the increasingly wet climate in the city.[466]
Organized crime has long been associated with New York City, beginning with the Forty Thieves and the Roach Guards in the Five Points neighborhood in the 1820s, followed by the Tongs in the same neighborhood, which ultimately evolved into Chinatown, Manhattan. The 20th century saw a rise in the Mafia, dominated by the Five Families, as well as in gangs, including the Black Spades.[467] The Mafia and gang presence has declined in the city in the 21st century.[468][469]
FirefightingMain article: New York City Fire Department
The Fire Department of New York (FDNY), the largest municipal fire department in the United StatesThe Fire Department of New York (FDNY) provides fire protection, technical rescue, primary response to biological, chemical, and radioactive hazards, and emergency medical services for the five boroughs of New York City. The FDNY is the largest municipal fire department in the United States and the second largest in the world after the Tokyo Fire Department. The FDNY employs approximately 11,080 uniformed firefighters and more than 3,300 uniformed EMTs and paramedics. The FDNY's motto is New York's Bravest.
The fire department faces multifaceted firefighting challenges in many ways unique to New York. In addition to responding to building types that range from wood-frame single family homes to high-rise structures, the FDNY also responds to fires that occur in the New York City Subway.[470] Secluded bridges and tunnels, as well as large parks and wooded areas that can give rise to brush fires, also present challenges.
The FDNY is headquartered at 9 MetroTech Center in Downtown Brooklyn,[471] and the FDNY Fire Academy is on the Randalls Island.[472] There are three Bureau of Fire Communications alarm offices which receive and dispatch alarms to appropriate units. One office, at 11 Metrotech Center in Brooklyn, houses Manhattan/Citywide, Brooklyn, and Staten Island Fire Communications; the Bronx and Queens offices are in separate buildings.
Public library system
The Stephen A. Schwarzman Headquarters Building of the New York Public Library at Fifth Avenue and 42nd StreetThe New York Public Library (NYPL), which has the largest collection of any public library system in the United States.[473] Queens is served by the Queens Borough Public Library (QPL), the nation's second-largest public library system, while the Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) serves Brooklyn.[473]
In 2013, the New York Public Library and the Brooklyn Public Library announced that they would merge their technical services departments into a new department called BookOps. This proposed merger anticipated a savings of $2 million for the Brooklyn Public Library and $1.5 million for the New York Public Library. Although not currently part of the merger, it is expected that the Queens Public Library will eventually share some resources with the other city libraries.[474][475]
Culture and contemporary lifeMain article: Culture of New York CityFurther information: Broadway theatre, LGBT culture in New York City, List of museums and cultural institutions in New York City, Music of New York City, List of nightclubs in New York City, List of LGBT people from New York City, List of people from New York City, New York Fashion Week, and Met GalaNew York City has been described as the cultural capital of the world by Manhattan's Baruch College.[476] A book containing a series of essays titled New York, Culture Capital of the World, 1940–1965 has also been published as showcased by the National Library of Australia.[477] In describing New York, author Tom Wolfe said, "Culture just seems to be in the air, like part of the weather."[478]
Numerous major American cultural movements began in the city, such as the Harlem Renaissance, which established the African-American literary canon in the United States.[479][480] The city became the center of stand-up comedy in the early 20th century, jazz[481] in the 1940s, abstract expressionism in the 1950s, and the birthplace of hip-hop in the 1970s.[482] The city's punk[483] and hardcore[484] scenes were influential in the 1970s and 1980s. New York has long had a flourishing scene for Jewish American literature.
The city is the birthplace of many cultural movements, including the Harlem Renaissance in literature and visual art; abstract expressionism (also known as the New York School) in painting; and hip-hop,[189] punk, salsa, freestyle, Tin Pan Alley, certain forms of jazz, and (along with Philadelphia) disco in music. New York City has been considered the dance capital of the world.[485][486] The city is also frequently the setting for novels, movies (see List of films set in New York City), and television programs. New York Fashion Week is one of the world's preeminent fashion events and is afforded extensive coverage by the media.[487][488] New York has also frequently been ranked the top fashion capital of the world on the annual list compiled by the Global Language Monitor.[489]
Midtown Manhattan in January 2020One of the most common traits attributed to New York City is its fast pace,[490][491] which spawned the term New York minute.[492] Journalist Walt Whitman characterized New York's streets as being traversed by "hurrying, feverish, electric crowds".[491]
ResilienceNew York City's residents are prominently known for their resilience historically, and more recently related to their management of the impacts of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the COVID-19 pandemic.[493][494][495] New York was voted the world's most resilient city in 2021 and 2022 per Time Out's global poll of urban residents.[494]
ArtsNew York City has more than 2,000 arts and cultural organizations and more than 500 art galleries.[496] The city government funds the arts with a larger annual budget than the National Endowment for the Arts.[496] Wealthy business magnates in the 19th century built a network of major cultural institutions, such as Carnegie Hall and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which have become internationally renowned. The advent of electric lighting led to elaborate theater productions, and in the 1880s, New York City theaters on Broadway and along 42nd Street began featuring a new stage form that became known as the Broadway musical. Strongly influenced by the city's immigrants, productions such as those of Harrigan and Hart, George M. Cohan, and others used song in narratives that often reflected themes of hope and ambition. New York City itself is the subject or background of many plays and musicals.
Performing artsMain articles: Broadway theatre and Music of New York CityThe corner of a lit up plaza with a fountain in the center and the ends of two brightly lit buildings with tall arches on the square.Lincoln Center in Manhattan
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, part of Museum Mile, is one of the largest museums in the world.[497]Broadway theatre is one of the premier forms of English-language theatre in the world, named after Broadway, the major thoroughfare that crosses Times Square,[498] also sometimes referred to as "The Great White Way".[499][500][501] Forty-one venues in Midtown Manhattan's Theatre District, each with at least 500 seats, are classified as Broadway theatres. According to The Broadway League, Broadway shows sold approximately $1.27 billion worth of tickets in the 2013–2014 season, an 11.4% increase from $1.139 billion in the 2012–2013 season. Attendance in 2013–2014 stood at 12.21 million, representing a 5.5% increase from the 2012–2013 season's 11.57 million.[502] Performance artists displaying diverse skills are ubiquitous on the streets of Manhattan.
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, anchoring Lincoln Square on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, is home to numerous influential arts organizations, including the Metropolitan Opera, New York City Opera, New York Philharmonic, and New York City Ballet, as well as the Vivian Beaumont Theater, the Juilliard School, Jazz at Lincoln Center, and Alice Tully Hall. The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute is in Union Square, and Tisch School of the Arts is based at New York University, while Central Park SummerStage presents free music concerts in Central Park.[503]
Visual artsMain article: List of museums and cultural institutions in New York CityNew York City is home to hundreds of cultural institutions and historic sites. Museum Mile is the name for a section of Fifth Avenue running from 82nd to 105th streets on the Upper East Side of Manhattan,[504] in an area sometimes called Upper Carnegie Hill.[505] Nine museums occupy the length of this section of Fifth Avenue, making it one of the densest displays of culture in the world.[506] Its art museums include the Guggenheim, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Neue Galerie New York, and The Africa Center, which opened in late 2012. In addition to other programming, the museums collaborate for the annual Museum Mile Festival, held each year in June, to promote the museums and increase visitation.[507] Many of the world's most lucrative art sales are held in New York City.[508][509]
CuisineMain articles: Cuisine of New York City, List of restaurants in New York City, and List of Michelin starred restaurants in New York CityPeople crowd around white tents in the foreground next to a red brick wall with arched windows. Above and to the left is a towering stone bridge.Smorgasburg, which opened in 2011 as an open-air food market, is part of the Brooklyn Flea.[510]New York City's food culture includes an array of international cuisines influenced by the city's immigrant history. Central and Eastern European immigrants, especially Jewish immigrants from those regions, brought bagels, cheesecake, hot dogs, knishes, and delicatessens (delis) to the city. Italian immigrants brought New York-style pizza and Italian cuisine into the city, while Jewish immigrants and Irish immigrants brought pastrami[511] and corned beef,[512] respectively. Chinese and other Asian restaurants, sandwich joints, trattorias, diners, and coffeehouses are ubiquitous throughout the city. Some 4,000 mobile food vendors licensed by the city, many immigrant-owned, have made Middle Eastern foods such as falafel and kebabs[513] examples of modern New York street food. The city is home to "nearly one thousand of the finest and most diverse haute cuisine restaurants in the world", according to Michelin.[514] The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene assigns letter grades to the city's restaurants based upon their inspection results.[515] As of 2019, there were 27,043 restaurants in the city, up from 24,865 in 2017.[516] The Queens Night Market in Flushing Meadows–Corona Park attracts more than ten thousand people nightly to sample food from more than 85 countries.[517]
The annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the world's largest parade[518]
The annual Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village, the world's largest Halloween parade[519]
The ticker-tape parade for the Apollo 11 astronauts on August 13, 1969
The annual Philippine Independence Day Parade, the largest outside the PhilippinesNew York City is well known for its street parades, which celebrate a broad array of themes, including holidays, nationalities, human rights, and major league sports team championship victories. The majority of parades are held in Manhattan. The primary orientation of the annual street parades is typically from north to south, marching along major avenues. The annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is the world's largest parade,[518] beginning alongside Central Park and processing southward to the Flagship Macy's Herald Square store;[520] the parade is viewed on telecasts worldwide and draws millions of spectators in person.[518] Other notable parades including the annual New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade in March, the NYC LGBT Pride March in June, the LGBT-inspired Greenwich Village Halloween Parade in October, and numerous parades commemorating the independence days of many nations. Ticker-tape parades celebrating championships won by sports teams as well as other heroic accomplishments march northward along the Canyon of Heroes on Broadway from Bowling Green to City Hall Park in Lower Manhattan.
Accent and dialectMain articles: New York City English and New York accentThe New York area is home to a distinctive regional accent and speech pattern called the New York dialect, alternatively known as Brooklynese or New Yorkese. It has generally been considered one of the most recognizable accents within American English.[521]
The traditional New York area speech pattern is known for its rapid delivery, and its accent is characterized as non-rhotic so that the sound [ɹ] does not appear at the end of a syllable or immediately before a consonant; therefore the pronunciation of the city name as "New Yawk."[522] There is no [ɹ] in words like park [pɑək] or [pɒək] (with vowel backed and diphthongized due to the low-back chain shift), butter [bʌɾə], or here [hiə]. In another feature called the low back chain shift, the [ɔ] vowel sound of words like talk, law, cross, chocolate, and coffee and the often homophonous [ɔr] in core and more are tensed and usually raised more than in General American English. In the most old-fashioned and extreme versions of the New York dialect, the vowel sounds of words like "girl" and of words like "oil" became a diphthong [ɜɪ]. This is often misperceived by speakers of other accents as a reversal of the er and oy sounds, so that girl is pronounced "goil" and oil is pronounced "erl"; this leads to the caricature of New Yorkers saying things like "Joizey" (Jersey), "Toidy-Toid Street" (33rd St.) and "terlet" (toilet).[522] The character Archie Bunker from the 1970s television sitcom All in the Family was an example of this pattern of speech.
The classic version of the New York City dialect is generally centered on middle- and working-class New Yorkers. The influx of non-European immigrants in recent decades has led to changes in this distinctive dialect,[522] and the traditional form of this speech pattern is no longer as prevalent among general New Yorkers as it has been in the past.[522]
SportsMain article: Sports in the New York metropolitan areaThree runners in a race down a street where onlookers are cheering behind barriers.The New York Marathon, held annually in November, is the largest marathon in the world.[523]A tennis stadium pack with fans watching a grass court.The U.S. Open Tennis Championships are held every August and September in Flushing Meadows–Corona Park in Queens.A baseball stadium from behind home plate in the evening.Citi Field, also in Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, has been home to the New York Mets since 2009.
Madison Square Garden in Midtown Manhattan is home to the New York Knicks, New York Rangers, and St. John's Red Storm.New York City is home to the headquarters of the National Football League,[524] Major League Baseball,[525] the National Basketball Association,[526] the National Hockey League,[527] and Major League Soccer.[528] The New York metropolitan area hosts the most sports teams in the first four major North American professional sports leagues with nine, one more than Los Angeles, and has 11 top-level professional sports teams if Major League Soccer is included, also one more than Los Angeles. Participation in professional sports in the city predates all professional leagues.
The city has played host to more than 40 major professional teams in the five sports and their respective competing leagues. Four of the ten most expensive stadiums ever built worldwide (MetLife Stadium, the new Yankee Stadium, Madison Square Garden, and Citi Field) are in the New York metropolitan area.[529] Madison Square Garden, its predecessor, the original Yankee Stadium and Ebbets Field, are sporting venues in New York City, the latter two having been commemorated on U.S. postage stamps. New York was the first of eight American cities to have won titles in all four major leagues (MLB, NHL, NFL and NBA), having done so following the Knicks' 1970 title. In 1972, it became the first city to win titles in five sports when the Cosmos won the NASL final.
American footballThe city is represented in the National Football League by the New York Giants and the New York Jets, although both teams play their home games at MetLife Stadium in nearby East Rutherford, New Jersey,[530] which hosted Super Bowl XLVIII in 2014.[531]
BaseballNew York has been described as the "Capital of Baseball".[532] There have been 35 Major League Baseball World Series and 73 pennants won by New York teams. It is one of only five metro areas to host two Major League Baseball teams, the others being Los Angeles, Chicago, Baltimore–Washington, and until the Athletics depart Oakland, California, the San Francisco Bay Area. Additionally, there have been 14 World Series in which two New York City teams played each other, known as a Subway Series and occurring most recently in 2000. No other metropolitan area has had this happen more than once (Chicago in 1906, St. Louis in 1944, and the San Francisco Bay Area in 1989).
The city's two Major League Baseball teams are the New York Mets, who play at Citi Field in Queens,[533] and the New York Yankees, who play at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. These teams compete in six games of interleague play every regular season that has also come to be called the Subway Series. The Yankees have won a record 27 championships,[534] while the Mets have won the World Series twice.[535] The city also was once home to the Brooklyn Dodgers (now the Los Angeles Dodgers), who won the World Series once,[536] and the New York Giants (now the San Francisco Giants), who won the World Series five times. Both teams moved to California in 1958.[537] There is also one Minor League Baseball team in the city, the Mets-affiliated Brooklyn Cyclones,[538] and the city gained a club in the independent Atlantic League when the Staten Island FerryHawks began play in 2022.[539]
BasketballThe city's National Basketball Association teams are the Brooklyn Nets (previously known as the New York Nets and New Jersey Nets as they moved around the metropolitan area) and the New York Knicks, while the New York Liberty is the city's Women's National Basketball Association team. The first national college-level basketball championship, the National Invitation Tournament, was held in New York in 1938 and remains in the city.[540] The city is well known for its links to basketball, which is played in nearly every park in the city by local youth, many of whom have gone on to play for major college programs and in the NBA.
Ice hockeyThe metropolitan area is home to three National Hockey League teams. The New York Rangers, the traditional representative of the city itself and one of the league's Original Six, play at Madison Square Garden in Manhattan. The New York Islanders, traditionally representing Nassau and Suffolk Counties of Long Island, play in UBS Arena in Elmont, New York, and played in Brooklyn's Barclays Center from 2015 to 2020. The New Jersey Devils play at Prudential Center in nearby Newark, New Jersey and traditionally represent the counties of neighboring New Jersey which are coextensive with the boundaries of the New York metropolitan area and media market.
SoccerIn soccer, New York City is represented by New York City FC of Major League Soccer, who play their home games at Yankee Stadium[541] and the New York Red Bulls, who play their home games at Red Bull Arena in nearby Harrison, New Jersey.[542] NJ/NY Gotham FC also plays their home games in Red Bull Arena, representing the metropolitan area in the National Women's Soccer League. Historically, the city is known for the New York Cosmos, the highly successful former professional soccer team which was the American home of Pelé. A new version of the New York Cosmos was formed in 2010, and most recently played in the third-division National Independent Soccer Association before going on hiatus in January 2021. New York was a host city for the 1994 FIFA World Cup[543] and will be one of eleven US host cities for the 2026 FIFA World Cup.[544]
Tennis and otherThe annual United States Open Tennis Championships is one of the world's four Grand Slam tennis tournaments and is held at the National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows–Corona Park, Queens.[545] The New York City Marathon, which courses through all five boroughs, is the world's largest running marathon,[523] with 51,394 finishers in 2016[546] and 98,247 applicants for the 2017 race.[523] The Millrose Games is an annual track and field meet whose featured event is the Wanamaker Mile. Boxing is also a prominent part of the city's sporting scene, with events like the Amateur Boxing Golden Gloves being held at Madison Square Garden each year.[547] The city is also considered the host of the Belmont Stakes, the last, longest and oldest of horse racing's Triple Crown races, held just over the city's border at Belmont Park on the first or second Sunday of June. The city also hosted the 1932 U.S. Open golf tournament and the 1930 and 1939 PGA Championships, and has been host city for both events several times, most notably for nearby Winged Foot Golf Club. The Gaelic games are played in Riverdale, Bronx at Gaelic Park, home to the New York GAA, the only North American team to compete at the senior inter-county level.
International eventsIn terms of hosting multi-sport events, New York City hosted the 1984 Summer Paralympics and the 1998 Goodwill Games. New York City's offer to host the 2012 Summer Olympics was one of five finalists, but lost out to London.[548]
EnvironmentMain article: Environmental issues in New York CityTwo yellow taxis on a narrow street lined with shops.As of 2012, New York City had about 6,000 hybrid taxis in service, the largest number of any city in North America.[549]Environmental issues in New York City are affected by the city's size, density, abundant public transportation infrastructure, and its location at the mouth of the Hudson River. For example, it is one of the country's biggest sources of pollution and has the lowest per-capita greenhouse gas emissions rate and electricity usage. Governors Island is planned to host a US$1 billion research and education center to make New York City the global leader in addressing the climate crisis.[550]
Environmental impact reductionNew York City has focused on reducing its Environmental impact and carbon footprint.[551] Mass transit use in New York City is the highest in the United States. Also, by 2010, the city had 3,715 hybrid taxis and other clean diesel vehicles, representing around 28% of New York's taxi fleet in service, the most of any city in North America.[552] New York City is the host of Climate Week NYC, the largest Climate Week to take place globally and regarded as major annual climate summit.
New York's high rate of public transit use, more than 200,000 daily cyclists as of 2014,[553] and many pedestrian commuters make it the most energy-efficient major city in the United States.[554] Walk and bicycle modes of travel account for 21% of all modes for trips in the city; nationally the rate for metro regions is about 8%.[555] In both its 2011 and 2015 rankings, Walk Score named New York City the most walkable large city in the United States,[556][557][558] and in 2018, Stacker ranked New York the most walkable U.S. city.[559] Citibank sponsored the introduction of 10,000 public bicycles for the city's bike-share project in the summer of 2013.[560] New York City's numerical "in-season cycling indicator" of bicycling in the city had hit an all-time high of 437 when measured in 2014.[561]
The city government was a petitioner in the landmark Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency Supreme Court case forcing the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases as pollutants. The city is a leader in the construction of energy-efficient green office buildings, including the Hearst Tower among others.[197] Mayor Bill de Blasio has committed to an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions between 2014 and 2050 to reduce the city's contributions to climate change, beginning with a comprehensive "Green Buildings" plan.[551]
Water purity and availabilityMain articles: Food and water in New York City and New York City water supply systemThe New York City drinking water supply is extracted from the protected Catskill Mountains watershed.[562] As a result of the watershed's integrity and undisturbed natural water filtration system, New York is one of only four major cities in the United States the majority of whose drinking water is pure enough not to require purification through water treatment plants.[563] The city's municipal water system is the largest in the United States, moving over one billion gallons of water per day;[564] a leak in the Delaware aqueduct results in some 20 million gallons a day being lost under the Hudson River.[565] The Croton Watershed north of the city is undergoing construction of a $3.2 billion water purification plant to augment New York City's water supply by an estimated 290 million gallons daily, representing a greater than 20% addition to the city's current availability of water.[566] The ongoing expansion of New York City Water Tunnel No. 3, an integral part of the New York City water supply system, is the largest capital construction project in the city's history,[567] with segments serving Manhattan and the Bronx completed, and with segments serving Brooklyn and Queens planned for construction in 2020.[568] In 2018, New York City announced a $1 billion investment to protect the integrity of its water system and to maintain the purity of its unfiltered water supply.[564]
Air qualityAccording to the 2016 World Health Organization Global Urban Ambient Air Pollution Database,[569] the annual average concentration in New York City's air of particulate matter measuring 2.5 micrometers or less (PM2.5) was 7.0 micrograms per cubic meter, or 3.0 micrograms within the recommended limit of the WHO Air Quality Guidelines for the annual mean PM2.5.[570] The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, in partnership with Queens College, conducts the New York Community Air Survey to measure pollutants at about 150 locations.[571]
Environmental revitalizationNewtown Creek, a 3.5-mile (6-kilometer) a long estuary that forms part of the border between the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, has been designated a Superfund site for Environmental clean-up and remediation of the waterway's recreational and economic resources for many communities.[572] One of the most heavily used bodies of water in the Port of New York and New Jersey, it had been one of the most contaminated industrial sites in the country,[573] containing years of discarded toxins, an estimated 30 million US gallons (110,000 m3) of spilled oil, including the Greenpoint oil spill, raw sewage from New York City's sewer system,[573] and other accumulation.
Government and politicsMain articles: Government of New York City, Politics of New York City, and Elections in New York CityGovernment
New York City Hall is the oldest City Hall in the United States that still houses its original governmental functions.
New York County Courthouse houses the New York Supreme Court and other governmental offices.
Eric Adams, the current and 110th Mayor of New York CityNew York City has been a metropolitan municipality with a Strong mayor–council form of government[574] since its consolidation in 1898. In New York City, the city government is responsible for public education, correctional institutions, public safety, recreational facilities, sanitation, water supply, and welfare services.
The mayor and council members are elected to four-year terms. The City Council is a unicameral body consisting of 51 council members whose districts are defined by geographic population boundaries.[575] Each term for the mayor and council members lasts four years and has a two consecutive-term limit,[576] which is reset after a four-year break. The New York City Administrative Code, the New York City Rules, and the City Record are the code of local laws, compilation of regulations, and official journal, respectively.[577][578]
Each borough is coextensive with a judicial district of the state Unified Court System, of which the Criminal Court and the Civil Court are the local courts, while the New York Supreme Court conducts major trials and appeals. Manhattan hosts the First Department of the Supreme Court, Appellate Division while Brooklyn hosts the Second Department. There are also several extrajudicial administrative courts, which are executive agencies and not part of the state Unified Court System.
Uniquely among major American cities, New York is divided between, and is host to the main branches of, two different U.S. district courts: the District Court for the Southern District of New York, whose main courthouse is on Foley Square near City Hall in Manhattan and whose jurisdiction includes Manhattan and the Bronx; and the District Court for the Eastern District of New York, whose main courthouse is in Brooklyn and whose jurisdiction includes Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and U.S. Court of International Trade are also based in New York, also on Foley Square in Manhattan.
PoliticsThe present mayor is Eric Adams. He was elected in 2021 with 67% of the vote, and assumed office on January 1, 2022.
The Democratic Party holds the majority of public offices. As of April 2016, 69% of registered voters in the city are Democrats and 10% are Republicans.[579] New York City has not been carried by a Republican presidential election since President Calvin Coolidge won the five boroughs in 1924. A Republican candidate for statewide office has not won all five boroughs of the city since it was incorporated in 1898. In 2012, Democrat Barack Obama became the first presidential candidate of any party to receive more than 80% of the overall vote in New York City, sweeping all five boroughs. Party platforms center on affordable housing, education, and economic development, and labor politics are of importance in the city. Thirteen out of 26 U.S. congressional districts in the state of New York include portions of New York City.[580]
New York City is the most important geographical source of political fundraising in the United States. At least four of the top five ZIP Codes in the nation for political contributions were in Manhattan for the 2004, 2006, and 2008 elections. The top ZIP Code, 10021 on the Upper East Side, generated the most money for the 2004 presidential campaigns of George W. Bush and John Kerry.[581] The city has a strong imbalance of payments with the national and state governments. It receives 83 cents in services for every $1 it sends to the federal government in taxes (or annually sends $11.4 billion more than it receives back). City residents and businesses also sent an additional $4.1 billion in the 2009–2010 fiscal year to the state of New York than the city received in return.[582]
TransportationMain article: Transportation in New York CityA row of yellow taxis in front of a multi-story ornate stone building with three huge arched windows.New York City is home to the two busiest train stations in the U.S., Grand Central Terminal and Penn Station.New York City's comprehensive transportation system is both complex and extensive.
The front end of a subway train, with a red E on a LED display on the top. To the right of the train is a platform with a group of people waiting for their train.The New York City Subway, the world's largest rapid transit system by number of stationsRapid transitMass transit in New York City, most of which runs 24 hours a day, accounts for one in every three users of mass transit in the United States, and two-thirds of the nation's rail riders live in the New York City metropolitan area.[583][584]
RailThe New York City Subway system is the largest rapid transit system in the world when measured by stations in operation, with 472, and by length of routes. Nearly all of New York's subway system is open 24 hours a day, in contrast to the overnight shutdown common to systems in most cities, including Hong Kong,[585][586] London, Paris, Seoul,[587][588] and Tokyo. The New York City Subway is also the busiest metropolitan rail transit system in the Western Hemisphere, with 1.76 billion passenger rides in 2015,[589] while Grand Central Terminal, also referred to as "Grand Central Station", is the world's largest railway station by number of train platforms.
Public transport is widely used in New York City. 54.6% of New Yorkers commuted to work in 2005 using mass transit.[590] This is in contrast to the rest of the United States, where 91% of commuters travel in automobiles to their workplace.[591] According to the New York City Comptroller, workers in the New York City area spend an average of 6 hours and 18 minutes getting to work each week, the longest commute time in the nation among large cities.[592] New York is the only U.S. city in which a majority (52%) of households do not have a car; only 22% of Manhattanites own a car.[593] Due to their high usage of mass transit, New Yorkers spend less of their household income on transportation than the national average, saving $19 billion annually on transportation compared to other urban Americans.[594]
New York City's commuter rail network is the largest in North America.[583] The rail network, connecting New York City to its suburbs, consists of the Long Island Rail Road, Metro-North Railroad, and New Jersey Transit. The combined systems converge at Grand Central Terminal and Pennsylvania Station and contain more than 250 stations and 20 rail lines.[583] In Queens, the elevated AirTrain people mover system connects 24 hours a day JFK International Airport to the New York City Subway and the Long Island Rail Road; a separate AirTrain system is planned alongside the Grand Central Parkway to connect LaGuardia Airport to these transit systems.[595][596] For inter-city rail, New York City is served by Amtrak, whose busiest station by a significant margin is Pennsylvania Station on the West Side of Manhattan, from which Amtrak provides connections to Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. along the Northeast Corridor, and long-distance train service to other North American cities.[597]
The Staten Island Railway rapid transit system solely serves Staten Island, operating 24 hours a day. The Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH train) links Midtown and Lower Manhattan to northEastern New Jersey, primarily Hoboken, Jersey City, and Newark. Like the New York City Subway, the PATH operates 24 hours a day; meaning three of the six rapid transit systems in the world which operate on 24-hour schedules are wholly or partly in New York (the others are a portion of the Chicago "L", the PATCO Speedline serving Philadelphia, and the Copenhagen Metro).
Multibillion-dollar heavy rail transit projects under construction in New York City include the Second Avenue Subway, and the East Side Access project.[598]
Port Authority Bus Terminal, the world's busiest bus station, at Eighth Avenue and 42nd Street[599]New York City's public bus fleet runs 24/7 and is the largest in North America.[600] The Port Authority Bus Terminal, the main intercity bus terminal of the city, serves 7,000 buses and 200,000 commuters daily, making it the busiest bus station in the world.[599]
AirFive jumbo airplanes wait in a line on a runway next to a small body of water. Behind them in the distance is the airport and control tower.John F. Kennedy Airport in Queens, the busiest international airport to the United States with over 12 million inbound and outbound flights as of 2021New York's airspace is the busiest in the United States and one of the world's busiest air transportation corridors. The three busiest airports in the New York metropolitan area include John F. Kennedy International Airport, Newark Liberty International Airport, and LaGuardia Airport; 130.5 million travelers used these three airports in 2016.[601] JFK and Newark Liberty were the busiest and fourth busiest U.S. gateways for international air passengers, respectively, in 2012; as of 2011, JFK was the busiest airport for international passengers in North America.[602]
Plans have advanced to expand passenger volume at a fourth airport, Stewart International Airport near Newburgh, New York, by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.[603] Plans were announced in July 2015 to entirely rebuild LaGuardia Airport in a multibillion-dollar project to replace its aging facilities.[604] Other commercial airports in or serving the New York metropolitan area include Long Island MacArthur Airport, Trenton–Mercer Airport and Westchester County Airport. The primary general aviation airport serving the area is Teterboro Airport.
Staten Island Ferry shuttles commuters between Manhattan and Staten Island.The Staten Island Ferry is the world's busiest ferry route, carrying more than 23 million passengers from July 2015 through June 2016 on the 5.2-mile (8.4 km) route between Staten Island and Lower Manhattan and running 24 hours a day.[605] Other ferry systems shuttle commuters between Manhattan and other locales within the city and the metropolitan area.
NYC Ferry, a NYCEDC initiative with routes planned to travel to all five boroughs, was launched in 2017, with second graders choosing the names of the ferries.[606] Meanwhile, Seastreak ferry announced construction of a 600-passenger high-speed luxury ferry in September 2016, to shuttle riders between the Jersey Shore and Manhattan, anticipated to start service in 2017; this would be the largest vessel in its class.[607]
Taxis, vehicles for hire, and tramsSee also: Taxis of New York City
Yellow medallion taxicabs are a widely recognized icon of New York City.Other features of the city's transportation infrastructure encompass 13,587 yellow taxicabs;[608] other vehicle for hire companies;[609][610] and the Roosevelt Island Tramway, an aerial tramway that transports commuters between Roosevelt Island and Manhattan Island.
Streets and highways
8th Avenue in Manhattan looking north (uptown)Despite New York's heavy reliance on its vast public transit system, streets are a defining feature of the city. The Commissioners' Plan of 1811 greatly influenced the city's physical development. Several of the city's streets and avenues, including Broadway,[611] Wall Street,[612] Madison Avenue,[369] and Seventh Avenue are also used as metonyms for national industries there: the theater, finance, advertising, and fashion organizations, respectively.
New York City also has an extensive web of freeways and parkways, which link the city's boroughs to each other and to North Jersey, Westchester County, Long Island, and southwestern Connecticut through various bridges and tunnels. Because these highways serve millions of outer borough and suburban residents who commute into Manhattan, it is quite common for motorists to be stranded for hours in traffic congestion that are a daily occurrence, particularly during rush hour.[613][614] Congestion pricing in New York City will go into effect in 2022 at the earliest.[615][616][617]
New York City is also known for its rules regarding turning at red lights. Unlike the rest of the United States, New York State prohibits right or left turns on red in cities with a population greater than one million, to reduce traffic collisions and increase pedestrian safety. In New York City, therefore, all turns at red lights are illegal unless a sign permitting such maneuvers is present.[618]
River crossings
The George Washington Bridge, connecting Upper Manhattan (background) and Fort Lee, New Jersey across the Hudson River, is the world's busiest motor vehicle bridge.[619][620]New York City is located on one of the world's largest natural harbors, and the boroughs of Manhattan and Staten Island are primarily coterminous with islands of the same names, while Queens and Brooklyn are at the west end of the larger Long Island, and the Bronx is on New York State's mainland. This situation of boroughs separated by water led to the development of an extensive infrastructure of bridges and tunnels.
The George Washington Bridge is the world's busiest motor vehicle bridge,[619][620] connecting Manhattan to Bergen County, New Jersey. The Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the Americas and one of the world's longest.[621][622] The Brooklyn Bridge is an icon of the city itself. The towers of the Brooklyn Bridge are built of limestone, granite, and Rosendale cement, and their architectural style is neo-Gothic, with characteristic pointed arches above the passageways through the stone towers. This bridge was also the longest suspension bridge in the world from its opening until 1903, and is the first steel-wire suspension bridge. The Queensboro Bridge is an important piece of cantilever architecture. The Manhattan Bridge, opened in 1909, is considered to be the forerunner of modern suspension bridges, and its design served as the model for many of the long-span suspension bridges around the world; the Manhattan Bridge, Throgs Neck Bridge, Triborough Bridge, and Verrazano-Narrows Bridge are all examples of structural expressionism.[623][624]
Manhattan Island is linked to New York City's outer boroughs and to New Jersey. The Lincoln Tunnel, which carries 120,000 vehicles a day under the Hudson River between New Jersey and Midtown Manhattan, is the busiest vehicular tunnel in the world.[625] The tunnel was built instead of a bridge to allow unfettered passage of large passenger and cargo ships that sailed through New York Harbor and up the Hudson River to Manhattan's piers. The Holland Tunnel, connecting Lower Manhattan to Jersey City, New Jersey, was the world's first mechanically ventilated vehicular tunnel when it opened in 1927.[626][627] The Queens–Midtown Tunnel, built to relieve congestion on the bridges connecting Manhattan with Queens and Brooklyn, was the largest non-federal project in its time when it was completed in 1940.[628] President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first person to drive through it.[629] The Brooklyn–Battery Tunnel (officially known as the Hugh L. Carey Tunnel) runs underneath Battery Park and connects the Financial District at the southern tip of Manhattan to Red Hook in Brooklyn.
Cycling networkMain article: Cycling in New York CityCycling in New York City is associated with mixed cycling conditions that include urban density, relatively flat terrain, congested roadways with stop-and-go traffic, and many pedestrians. The city's large cycling population includes utility cyclists, such as delivery and messenger services; cycling clubs for recreational cyclists; and an increasing number of commuters. Cycling is increasingly popular in New York City; in 2017 there were approximately 450,000 daily bike trips, compared with 170,000 daily bike trips in 2005.[630] As of 2017, New York City had 1,333 miles (2,145 km) of bike lanes, compared to 513 miles (826 km) of bike lanes in 2006.[630] As of 2019, there are 126 miles (203 km) of segregated or "protected" bike lanes citywide.[631]
PeopleMain article: List of people from New York CityGlobal outreachMain article: List of sister cities of New York CityIn 2006, the sister city Program of the City of New York, Inc.[632] was restructured and renamed New York City Global Partners. Through this program, New York City has expanded its international outreach to a network of cities worldwide, promoting the exchange of ideas and innovation between their citizenry and policymakers. New York's historic sister cities are denoted below by the year they joined New York City's partnership network.[633]
ANDOVER (MA). Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Exeter Academy.To Conserve a Legacy: American Art from Historically Black Colleges and Universities.Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999.240 pp., 138 color illus., 137 b&w illus. Text by Richard J. Powell, Jock Reynolds; intro by Kinshasha Holman. Includes painting, sculpture, and photographs by over 90 artists and historic photographs, gathered from the collection of 6 important university collections: Clark, Fisk, Hampton, Howard, N.C. Central, and Tuskegee. A major publication on African American Art. Includes among others: William E. Artis, Henry W. Bannarn, Arthur P. Bedou, John Biggers, Edmund Bruce, Elizabeth Catlett, Claude Clark, Sr., Allan Rohan Crite, Frederick C. Flemister, Allan R. Freelon, Otis Galbreath, Sam Gilliam, Humbert Howard, Clementine Hunter, Wilmer A. Jennings, Malvin Gray Johnson, William H. Johnson, Edmonia Lewis, Rose Piper, Horace Pippin, Prentiss H. Polk, James A. Porter, John N. Robinson, Charles Sallee, Augusta Savage, William Edouard Scott, Charles Sebree, Alvin Smith, white artist Prentiss Taylor, James Lesesne Wells, Hale Woodruff. Large 4to, cloth, d.j. First ed.
ATKINSON, J. EDWARD, ed.Black Dimensions in Contemporary American Art.New York: NAL Plume, 1971.127 pp., 74 color illus. Intro. by David C. Driskell. Includes fifty (thirteen women) contemporary artists with brief informative notes on each. A broad range of style and subject matter. Includes: Benny Andrews, Calvin Bailey, John T. Biggers, Arthur Britt, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Arthur Carraway, Bernie Casey, Don Concholar, Mary Reed Daniel, Alonzo Davis, Juette Day, Aaron Douglas, David Driskell, Eugenia Dunn, Marion Epting, Russell T. Gordon, David Hammons, Phillip Hampton, Marvin Harden, Wilbur Haynie, Richard Hunt, Barbara J. Jones (Hogu), Lois Mailou Jones, Eddie Jack Jordan, Sr., Lemuel Joyner, Henri Linton, Jimmy Mosley, Ademola Olugebefola, John Outterbridge, William Pajaud, James D. Parks, Delilah Pierce, John Riddle, Gregory Ridley, Lucille D. (Malkia) Roberts, Arthur Rose, Nancy Rowland, Marion Sampler, Jewel Simon, Ray Saunders, Leo Twiggs, Alma Thomas, Vincent D. Smith, Royce H. Vaughn, James Watkins, Charles White, Garrett Whyte, John W. Wilson, James A. Young. 8vo (8 x 5.4 in.), pictorial printed cloth. First ed.
ATLANTA (GA). Atlanta Life Insurance Co.The First Annual Atlanta Life National Art Competition and Exhibition.November 21-, 1980.Juried by Richard Long, Samella Lewis, Barry Gaither. Artists exhibited include: Benny Andrews, George Balams, Willie Birch, Shirley Bolton, Douglas Boyd, Yvonne Brown, Charles Bryan, Irene Bryant, (Viola) Burley Leak, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Joshua B. Butler, Arthur Carraway, Juan Martin, Elizabeth Catlett, Gerald Duane Coleman, Michael Cummings, Morris Dawson, William Duffy, Tina Dunkley, Ed Dwight, Milton Fletcher, Ausbra Ford, Christopher Gonzalez, Phyllis Gooden, Eugene Grigsby, Ed Hamilton, Philip Hampton, Michael D. Harris, Adrienne W. Hoard, Joseph Holston, Marian Howard, J. D. Jackson, E(lliott) C. Jones, Charles Joyner, Kai Kambel, Kofi Kayiga, James King, Clayton Lang Jr., Velma Jean Ludaway, Robert J. Martin, Jerome B. Meadows, Jill N. Parker, James Dallas Parks, James B. Pasley, Curtis Patterson, John T. Riddle Jr., Thom Shaw, Edgar Sorrells-Adewale, Vincent D. Smith, Paul Goodnight, Carlton Omar Thompson, Yvonne Tucker, Curtis Tucker, Leo Twiggs, Chester Williams, Gilberto Wilson, Winston Wingo, Rip Woods, Yvette Woods; guest artists: Jewel Simon, Joy Ballard Peters, Freddie Styles, Arthur Parks, Maurice Pennington, James Adair, Evelyn Mitchell. Wraps.
ATLANTA (GA). Atlanta University.Fifth Annual Exhibition of Paintings, Sculptures and Prints by Negro Artists.1946.Group exhibition. Purchase award winners included: Charles White (won 2 prizes), Franklin M. Shands (won both painting and watercolor categories), Richmond Barthé, Elizabeth Catlett, Leonard Cooper, Joseph Delaney, Wilmer Jennings, Ellis Wilson, Roy DeCarava. Others in the exhibition: Selma Burke, Margaret Taylor Burroughs, William L. Cooper, John Miller Howard, Donald Redvers Reid, Charles W. Stallings, Hale Woodruff. [Review: Ebony, 1 (July 1946):46-49; illus. of work by Richmond Barthé, Charles White, Donald Reid, Franklin Shands, Jenelsie Walden, Wilbert Warren, Elizabeth Catlett, John Howard.]
ATLANTA (GA). Atlanta University.Fourth Annual Exhibition of Paintings, Sculptures and Prints by Negro Artists.1945.Group exhibition. Prize winners included: Henry W. Bannarn, John Wilson (first prize winner), Frederick Flemister, John N. Robinson (as John D.), Robert Willis, Margery W. Brown (as Marjorie), William E. Artis, Richmond Barthé, Mark Hewitt, Jenelsie Walden Holloway (as Jenelse Walden), Margaret G. Burroughs (as Margaret Goss); others included: Robert Willis, Pauline Clay, Hughie Lee-Smith, Vernon Winslow, Ellis Wilson, et al. [Review: Time magazine, April 9, 1945; and NYT review.]
ATLANTA (GA). High Museum of Art.Highlights from the Atlanta University Collection of Afro-American Art.October-November, 1973.Unpag. (37 pp. plus errata slip) exhib. cat., illus. Intro. by Thomas D. Jarrett; foreword by Gudmund Vigtel; text by Richard A. Long. Over 70 artists listed. Includes: James Adair, Jackie W. Adams, Charles Alston, Frank Herman Alston, Jr., Benny Andrews, John W. Arterbery, Joseph Atkinson, William E. Artis, Herman Kofi Bailey, Mike Bannarn, Ernie Barnes, Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Bob Blackburn, Shirley Bolton, Eva Booker, Mildred A. Braxton, Arthur L. Britt, Margery Brown, Selma Burke, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, William S. Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Houston E. Chandler, Irene V. Clark, Floyd Coleman, Robert Colescott, Margaret S. Collins, William Leonard Cooper, Anne A. Costley, Samuel A. Countee, Ernest Crichlow, Robert A. Daniel, Roy DeCarava, Joseph Delaney, Richard Dempsey, David Driskell, Charles Enoch, John Farrar, Julia A. Fields, Thomas J. Flanagan, Frederick Flemister, Jean Flowers, Otis Galbreath, Barbara L. Gallon, Sam Gilliam, Charles Haines, Zenobia Hammonds, Edwin A. Harleston, William A. Harper, Palmer C. Hayden, William M. Hayden, June Hector, Mark Hewitt, Leon Hicks, Jenelsie Holloway, John Miller Howard, Richard Hunt, Wilmer Jennings, Estella W. Johnson, Malvin Gray Johnson, William H. Johnson, Fred Jones, Leonard Jones, Jacob Lawrence, Samella Lewis, Norma Morgan, Marion Perkins, John Rhoden, Franklin M. Shands, Jewel Simon, Merton Simpson, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Charles White, Robert Willis, Ellis Wilson, Hale Woodruff, et al. [Traveled to: Baltimore Museum of Art, January 15-February 24, 1974; Jacksonville Art Museum, FL, March 15-April 15; Minnesota Museum of Art, St. Paul, June 1-July 15, 1974; Delta Fine Arts, Inc., Winston-Salem, NC; Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists, Boston; Studio Museum in Harlem; DuSable Museum of African American History, Chicago.] 4to (28 cm.), wraps. First ed.
BALTIMORE (MD). Richman Gallery and Davison Lobby, The Park School.If I Didn't Care: Generational Artists Discuss Cultural Histories.January 30-March 30, 2009.Group exhibition. Curated by Rick Delaney. Included: Laylah Ali, Emma Amos, Elizabeth Axtman, Margaret Burroughs, Nine Buxenbaum, Debra Edgerton, Wanda Ewing, Howardena Pindell, Karen Powell, Faith Ringgold, Deborah Roberts, Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson, Joyce J. Scott, Pamela Sunstrum, Tamasha Williamson, Paula Williams, Flo Oy Wong, Saya Woolfalk. [Review: Alex Ebstein, "Her Stories," Baltimore City Paper, February 18, 2009:lengthy descriptive review.]
BARBOUR, FLOYD B., ed.The Black Seventies.Boston: Porter Sargent, 1970.335 pp., bibliog., index. Includes: Margaret Burroughs essay "To Make a Painter Black"; Porter Sargent, The Chicago Wall of Pride and Respect. Lois Mailou Jones, Eugene E. White, Selma Burke, Ernest Crichlow, Charles White, Evangeline J. Montgomery; brief mention of Romare Bearden. 8vo, cloth, d.j.
BARNWELL, ANDREA D.The Walter O. Evans Collection of African American Art.Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2000.163 pp., 90 excellent color plates, b&w text illus., notes, exhib. checklist, artists' biogs. Critical essays by Tritobia Hayes Benjamin, Walter O. Evans, Kirsten P. Buick, Amy M. Mooney, Andrea D. Barnwell. A substantial traditional collection of paintings, sculpture, prints, mixed-media work, and drawings: including: Charles Alston, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, Bob Blackburn, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Eldzier Cortor, Beauford Delaney, Aaron Douglas, Robert S. Duncanson, Edwin A. Harleston, William A. Harper, Richard Hunt, Clementine Hunter, Sargent Johnson, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Archibald Motley, Jr., Marion Perkins, Horace Pippin, James Porter, Nelson A. Primus, Charles Sebree, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma Thomas, Robert Thompson, Dox Thrash, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White. 4to, cloth, d.j. First ed.
BIRMINGHAM (AL). Birmingham Civil Rights Institute.Vision: Works from Birmingham Civil Rights Institute Fine Arts Collection.January 10-March 11, 2012.Group exhibition. Included: 36 works by African American artists including eight Alabamaians --Ahmad Austin, Art Bacon, Gwen Gorby, Chester Higgins, Ronald McDowell, white artist Hollis Nall, and Stephen Walker, along with Sam Gilliam, Jacob Lawrence and Margaret Burroughs.
BIRMINGHAM (AL). Birmingham Civil Rights Institute.Vision: Works from the BCRI Fine Arts Collection 1992-2012.January, 2012.Group exhibition of 36 works. Included: Ahmad Austin, Art Bacon, Margaret Burroughs, Sam Gilliam, Gwen Gorby, Chester Higgins, Jacob Lawrence, Ronald McDowell, white artist Hollis Nall, Steven Walker.
BLUM, BETTY.Art Related Archival Materials in the Chicago Area.Washington (DC). Smithsonian Institution, 1991.74 pp., index. Lists references to artists and others in interviews for Archives of American Art and papers by numerous African American artists based on the summaries, not based on document search. Includes: Margaret Burroughs, William S. Carter, William Dawson, Fitzhugh Dinkins, Aaron Douglas, Bernard Goss, Richard Hunt, Joseph Kersey, William McBride, James (Son) Thomas, Anna M. Tyler, Charles White, Luster Willis, Leroy Winbush, Vernon Winslow, and Joseph Yoakum, as well as one reference to Wifredo Lam. [Note: Repeats spelling errors in transcripts yet again.]
BONE, ROBERT and RICHARD COURAGE.The Muse In Bronzeville: African American Creative Expression In Chicago, 1932-1950.New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2011.336 pp., 12 illus., appendix A lists 35 artists (26 of whom were employed by the Federal Art Project), notes, bibliog., index. The book argues that a Chicago cultural Renaissance (equivalent to the Harlem Renaissance of the 20s and early 30s) occurred from 1935-50 when it picked up the torch from Harlem. This proposition, first advanced by Richard Bone, is laid out here in greater detail in a book he had been working on for over a decade and which was finished by his collaborator/colleague Richard Courage. Unfortunately, visual art was not a primary concern for Bone or for Courage, so as one might expect the visual art information here is largely a reworking of previously published material on the few artists who are discussed. No new information, for example, on Horace Cayton's support of visual artists at the Park Community Center. Includes: Margaret Burroughs, Eldzier Cortor, Archibald Motley, Jr., Gordon Parks, Marion Perkins, Charles Sebree, Charles White; with bare passing mention of Elizabeth Catlett, William Dawson, William McKnight Farrow, Bernard Goss, and a few others. Most of the four dozen artists working in Chicago, or even the full 35 listed in Appendix A are not mentioned or discussed; they include: Hanry A. Avery, John Carlis, William S. Carter, Edward T. Collier, Charles Davis, Katherine Dorsey, Walter Ellison, Ramon Gabriel, Rex Goreleigh (as Gorleigh), Charles Haig, Fred Hollingsworth, Frederick D. Jones, Joseph Kersey, Clarence Lawson, Lonnie Moore, Frank Neal, George Neal, Kenneth Prince, David Ross, William Stewart, Jennelsie Walden, Earl Walker, Oscaretta Winn, Vernon Winslow, Leon Wright. 4to (10.2 x 7.2 in.), cloth, d.j.
BONTEMPS, ARNA, ed.Forever Free: Art by African-American Women 1862-1980.Hampton: Hampton University and Stephenson Inc., Alexandria, VA, 1980.214 pp. exhib. cat., 44 color plates, 4 b&w illus., plus b&w thumbnail photos of artists, checklist of 118 works, biogs., bibliogs., colls, exhibs. for each artist. Intro. David Driskell; intro. by Roslyn A. Walker, book-length text by Arna Bontemps and Jacqueline Fonvielle-Bontemps; afterword by Keith Morrison; biogs. by Alan M. Gordon (often with quotes from the artists.) Artists include: Rose Auld, Camille Billops, Betty Blayton, Vivian E. Browne, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Yvonne Catchings, Elizabeth Catlett, Catti, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Minnie Evans, Meta Fuller, Ethel Guest, Maren Hassinger, Adrienne Hoard, Varnette Honeywood, Margo Humphrey, Clementine Hunter, Suzanne Jackson, Marie Johnson-Calloway, Lois Mailou Jones, Vivian Key, Edmonia Lewis, Geraldine McCullough, Victoria Susan Meek, Eva Hamlin-Miller, Mary Lovelace O'Neal, Winnie Owens, Delilah Pierce, Georgette Powell, Nancy Prophet, Helen Ramsaran, Faith Ringgold, Betye Saar, Augusta Savage, Sylvia Snowden, Shirley Stark, Ann Tanksley, Alma Thomas, Mildred Thompson, Yvonne Tucker, Annie Walker, Laura Waring, Deborah Wilkins, Viola Wood, Shirley Woodson, Estella Wright, Barbara Zuber. [Traveled to: Center for Visual Arts, Normal, IL; Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, AL; Indianapolis Museum of Art.] [Review by Susan Willand Worteck, Feminist Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1. (Spring, 1982):97-108.] Large 4to, cloth, pictorial d.j. First ed.
BRITTON, CRYSTAL A.African-American Art: The Long Struggle.New York: Smithmark, 1996.128 pp., 107 color plates (mostly full-page and double-page), notes, index. Artists include: Terry Adkins, Charles Alston, Amalia Amaki, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, William E. Artis, Radcliffe Bailey, Xenobia Bailey, James P. Ball, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Romare Bearden, Edward Mitchell Bannister, John T. Biggers, Camille Billops, Willie Birch, Bob Blackburn, Betty Blayton, David Bustill Bowser, Grafton Tyler Brown, James Andrew Brown, Kay Brown, Vivian Browne, Beverly Buchanan, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Carole Byard, Elizabeth Catlett, Dana Chandler, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Ed Clark, Robert Colescott, Houston Conwill, Eldzier Cortor, Renée Cox, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Rohan Crite, Giza Daniels-Endesha, Dave [the Potter], Thomas Day, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Jeff Donaldson, Aaron Douglas, Leonardo Drew, Robert S. Duncanson, William Edmondson, Melvin Edwards, Minnie Evans, William Farrow, Gilbert Fletcher, James Forman, Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller, Michele Godwin, David Hammons, Edwin Harleston, William A. Harper, Palmer Hayden, Thomas Heath, white artist Jon Hendricks (no illus.), Robin Holder, May Howard Jackson, Wadsworth Jarrell, Malvin Gray Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Joshua Johnston, Napoleon Jones-Henderson, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Lois Mailou Jones, Cliff Joseph, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie-Lee Smith, Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Juan Logan, Valerie Maynard, Dindga McCannon, Sam Middleton, Scipio Moorhead, Keith Morrison, Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Sana Musasama, Marilyn Nance, Gordon Parks, Marion Perkins, Howardena Pindell, Adrian Piper, Horace Pippin, James A. Porter, Harriet Powers, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet, Martin Puryear, Patrick Reason, Gary Rickson, Faith Ringgold, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders, Augusta Savage, Joyce J. Scott, William E. Scott, Charles Sebree, Lorna Simpson, William H. Simpson, Clarissa Sligh, Frank Smith, Vincent D. Smith, Nelson Stevens, Renée Stout, Freddie L. Styles, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma Thomas, Jean Toche (no illus.), Lloyd Toone, Bill Traylor, James Vanderzee, Annie E. Walker, William Walker, Laura Wheeler Waring, Carrie Mae Weems, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Grace Williams, Michael Kelly Williams, Pat Ward Williams, William T. Williams, Ellis Wilson, Fred Wilson, Hale Woodruff, et al. 4to (32 cm.), pictorial boards, d.j. First ed.
BROOKLYN (NY). MoCADA Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Art.From Challenge to Triumph: African American Prints & Printmaking, 1867-2002.Thru February 22, 2003.Important survey. Artists included: Charles Alston, Emma Amos, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Camille Billops, Robert Blackburn, Grafton Tyler Brown, Calvin Burnett, Margaret T. Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Ed Clark, Eldzier Cortor, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Crite, David C. Driskell, Allan Freelon, Reginald Gammon, Sam Gilliam, Linda Hiwot, Robin Holder, Albert Huey, Mary Howard Jennings, Wilmer Jennings, William H. Johnson, Sargent Johnson, Ronald Joseph, Paul Keene, Gwendolyn Knight, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Samella Lewis, Whitfield Lovell, Richard Mayhew, Lev T. Mills, Evangeline J. Montgomery, Otto Neals, Hayward Oubré, Howardena Pindell, Vincent Smith, Dread Scott, William E. Scott, Lou Stovall, Raymond Steth, Dox Thrash, Ruth Waddy, Cheryl Warrick, James Lesesne Wells, John Wilson, Charles White, Hale Woodruff.
CATTELL, JACQUES, ed.Who's Who in American Art 16.New York: Bowker, 1984.Curators who are not also artists are included in this bibliographic entry but are not otherwise listed in the database: We are NOT going to go through all of these volumes over the decades; this one is catalogued simply to record the degree to which living African American artists had entered the conciousness of the mainstream American art world as of 1984. [Should be consulted along with Falk's Who Was Who in American Art (1985) to complete the "awareness list" as of the mid-1980s.] 160 artists are included here along with 1000 pages of far more obscure white artists: p. 21, Benny Andrews, 33, Ellsworth Ausby, 50, Richmond Barthé; 57, Romare Bearden, 76, John Biggers, 83, Betty Blayton, 98, Frank Bowling, 108, Arthur Britt, 112, Wendell Brooks, 116, Marvin Brown, 117-18, Vivian Browne, 121, Linda Goode Bryant, 128, Calvin Burnett, 129, Margaret Burroughs, 132, Carole Byard, 133, Walter Cade, 148, Yvonne Pickering Carter, 168, Claude Clark, 178-79, Floyd Coleman, 179, Robert Colescott, 181, Paul Collins, 184, James Conlon, 188-89, Arthur Coppedge; 191, Eldzier Cortor, Averille Costley-Jacobs, 198, Allan Crite; 210, D'Ashnash-Tosi [Barbara Chase-Riboud], 213-14, Alonzo Davis, 219-20, Roy DeCarava, 222, Avel DeKnight, 226, Richard Dempsey, 228, Murry DePillars, 237, Raymond Dobard, 239, Jeff Donaldson, 243, John Dowell, 246, David Driskell, 256, Allan Edmunds, 256-57, James Edwards, 260, David Elder, 265, Whitney John Engeran, 267, Marion Epting, 270, Burford Evans, 271, Minnie Evans, 271-72, Frederick Eversley, 277, Elton Fax, 304, Charlotte Franklin, 315, Edmund Barry Gaither (curator), 317, Reginald Gammon, 325, Herbert Gentry, 326, Joseph Geran, 328, Henri Ghent (curator), 332, Sam Gilliam, 346, Russell Gordon, 354, Rex Goreleigh, 361, Eugene Grigsby, 375, Robert Hall, 380, Leslie King-Hammond (curator), 381, Grace Hampton, 385, Marvin Harden, 406, Barkley Hendricks, 418, Leon Hicks, 414, Freida High-Wasikhongo, 424-25, Al Hollingsworth, 428, Earl Hooks, 433, Humbert Howard, 439, Richard Hunt, 450, A. B. Jackson, Oliver Jackson; 451, Suzanne Jackson, 454, Catti James, Frederick James, 464, Lester L. Johnson; 467, Ben Jones, 467-68, Calvin Jones, 469, James Edward Jones, Lois Jones, 471, Theodore Jones, 489, Paul Keene; 492, James Kennedy, 495-96, Virginia Kiah, 535, Raymond Lark, 540-41, Jacob Lawrence, 546, Hughie Lee-Smith, 557, Samella Lewis, 586, Cheryl Ilene McClenney (arts admin.), 595, Anderson Macklin, 620, Philip Lindsay Mason, 625, Richard Mayhew, 597, Oscar McNary, 598, Kynaston McShine (curator), 610, 637, Marianne Miles a.k.a. Marianne; 638, Earl Miller, 640-41, Lev Mills, 649, Evangeline Montgomery; 653, Norma Morgan, 655, Keith Morrison, 657, Dewey Mosby (curator), 671, Otto Neals, 693, Ademola Olugebefola, 700, Hayward Oubré, John Outterbridge, Wallace Owens, 702, William Pajaud, 706, James Parks, 710, Curtis Patterson, 711, Sharon Patton (curator), 711-12, John Payne, 720, Regenia Perry (curator), 724, Bertrand Phillips; 727, Delilah Pierce, 728, Vergniaud Pierre-Noël, 729, Stanley Pinckney, Howardena Pindell, 744, Leslie Price, Arnold Prince, 747, Mavis Pusey, 752, Bob Ragland, 759, Roscoe Reddix, 763, Robert Reid, 768, John Rhoden, 772, John Riddle, Gregory Ridley, 774, Faith Ringgold, 778, Lucille Roberts, 803, Mahler Ryder, 804, Betye Saar, 815, Raymond Saunders, 834, John Scott, 841, James Sepyo, 857, Thomas Sills, 859, Jewel Simon, 861, Merton Simpson, Lowery Sims (curator); 865, Van Slater, 869, Dolph Smith, 873, Vincent Smith, 886, Francis Sprout, 890-91, Shirley Stark, 898, Nelson Stevens, 920, Luther Stovall, 909, Robert Stull, 920, Ann Tanksley, James Tanner, 924, Rod Taylor, 922, William Bradley Taylor [Bill Taylor], 929, Elaine Thomas, 946, Curtis Tucker, 949, Leo Twiggs, 970, Larry Walker, 977, James Washington, 979, Howard Watson, 994, Amos White, 995, Franklin White, 996 Tim Whiten, 1001-2, Chester Williams, 1003, Randolph Williams, Todd Williams, Walter Williams, William T. Williams, 1005, Edward Wilson, George Wilson, 1005-6, John Wilson, 1007, Frank Wimberley, 1016, Rip Woods, 1017, Shirley Woodson, 1019, Bernard Wright, 1025, Charles Young, 1026, Kenneth Young, Milton Young.
CHARLOTTE (NC). Bank of America Gallery and Mint Museum of Art.Celebration and Vision: The Hewitt Collection of African-American Art.Charlotte: Bank of America, 1999.ix, 101 pp., illus., bibliog. Text by Todd D. Smith. The Hewitt Collection was purchased by the Bank of America as a gift for the Afro-American Cultural Center. Includes 55 works by 20 artists: Charles Alston, Romare Bearden, John T. Biggers, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Ernest Crichlow, James Denmark, Jonathan Green, J. Eugene Grigsby, Earl Hill, Alvin C. Hollingsworth, Ronald Joseph, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Virginia Evans Smit, Ann Tanksley, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Ellis Wilson, Frank Wimberley, Hale Woodruff. 4to (28 x 23 cm.), wraps. First ed.
CHARLOTTE (NC). Harvey B. Gantt Center for African American Arts + Culture.Charlotte Collects African American Art.September 10, 2010-January 23, 2011.Group exhibition. Included: Benny Andrews, Radcliffe Bailey, Romare Bearden, Camille Billops, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Nick Cave, Jonathan Green, Jacob Lawrence, Al Loving, Carl Owens, Ann Tanksley, Henry Ossawa Tanner and others.
CHASE, JUDITH WRAGG.Afro-American Art and Craft.New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1971.142 pp., 227 b&w illus., bibliog. Noteworthy inclusion of early plantation craftsmen, cabinetmakers, weavers, quiltmakers, basketmakers and woodcarvers as well as contemporary African American art and crafts. Includes: Charles Alston, William Artis, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Rohan Crite, Eldzier Cortor, William Craft, Dale Brockman Davis, Aaron Douglas, Minnie Evans, Regina Foreman, Allan Freelon, Reginald Gammon, William Hayden, Jacob Lawrence, Horace Pippin, Phillip P. Simmons, Peter Simmons, Elmer Davis Taylor, James Lesesne Wells, and hundreds of others. 4to, cloth, d.j. First ed.
CHIARMONTE, PAULA.Women Artists in the United States. A Selective Bibliography and Resource Guide on the Fine and Decorative Arts, 1750-1986.Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1990.Non-black or male artists who were erroneously included are omitted from this list: Eileen Abdulrashid, Mrs. Allen, Charlotte Amevor, Emma Amos, Dorothy Atkins, Joan Cooper Bacchus, Ellen Banks, Camille Billops, Betty Blayton, Gloria Bohanon, [as Bottanon], Shirley Bolton, Kay Brown, Vivian Browne, Beverly Buchanan, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Sheryle Butler, Carole Byard, Catti [as Caiti], Yvonne Catchings, Elizabeth Catlett, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Doris L. Colbert, Luiza Combs, Marva Cremer, Doris Crudup, Oletha Devane, Stephanie Douglas, Eugenia Dunn, Queen Ellis, Annette Lewis Ensley, Minnie Jones Evans, Irene Foreman, Miriam Francis, Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller, Ibibio Fundi [as Ibibin] (a.k.a. Jo Austin), Alice Gafford, Wilhelmina Godfrey [as Wihelmina], Amanda Gordon, Cynthia Hawkins, Kitty L. Hayden, Lana T. Henderson [as Lane], Vernita Henderson, Adrienne Hoard, Jacqui Holmes, Margo Humphrey, Clementine Hunter, Claudia Jane Hutchinson, Martha E. Jackson, May Howard Jackson, Suzanne Jackson, Rosalind Jeffries, Marie Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Barbara Jones-Hogu [as Jones-Hogn], Harriet Kennedy, Gwendolyn Knight, Edmonia Lewis, Samella Lewis, Ida Magwood, Mary Manigault, Valerie Maynard, Geraldine McCullough, Mrs. McIntosh, Dorothy McQuarter, Yvonne Cole Meo, Onnie Millar, Eva Hamlin Miller, Evangeline Montgomery, Sister Gertrude Morgan, Norma Morgan, Marilyn Nance, Inez Nathaniel-Walker, Senga Nengudi, Winifred Owens-Hart, Denise Palm, Louise Parks, Angela Perkins, Howardena Pindell, Adrian Piper, Stephanie Pogue, Harriet Powers, Elizabeth Prophet, Mavis Pusey, Faith Ringgold, Brenda Rogers, Juanita Rogers, Nellie Mae Rowe, Betye Saar, Augusta Savage, Elizabeth Scott, Joyce Scott, Jewel Simon, Shirley Stark, Della Brown Taylor [as Delia Braun Taylor], Jessie Telfair [as Jessi], Alma Thomas, Phyllis Thompson, Roberta Thompson, Betty Tolbert, Elaine Tomlin, Lucinda Toomer, Elaine Towns, Yvonne Tucker, Charlene Tull, Anna Tyler, Florestee Vance, Pinkie Veal, Ruth Waddy, Carole Ward, Laura W. Waring, Pecolia Warner, Mary Parks Washington, Laura W. Williams, Yvonne Williams. A few African American male artists are also included: Leslie Garland Bolling, Ademola Olugebefola [as Adennola].
CHICAGO (IL). Aaron Galleries.A Collection of Works on Paper by Joseph Delaney and Other African American Masters.Fall, 2002.Exhibition catalogue of 118 works, mostly prints and drawings, including 45 works by African American artists: Joseph Delaney (19 works), Romare Bearden (1 watercolor), John Biggers (1), Margaret Burroughs (5), William Carter, Robert Colescott (2), Irene Clark (5), Eldzier Cortor (1), Aaron Douglas (4 block prints), Berry Horton (5), Richard Hunt (1).
CHICAGO (IL). Art Institute of Chicago.A Century of Collecting: African American Art in the Art Institute of Chicago.February 15-May 18, 2003.Group exhibition. Curated by Daniel Schulman, associate curator of modern and contemporary art. 60 artists (over half contemporary) including: Benny Andrews, Radcliffe Bailey, Richmond Barthé, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Romare Bearden, Dawoud Bey, Hilda Wilkinson Brown, Margaret Burroughs, William S. Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Edward Clark, Kerry Stuart Coppin, Eldzier Cortor, Allan Rohan Crite, Charles C. Dawson, Aaron Douglas, John E. Dowell, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Melvin Edwards, Walter Ellison, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, William Harper, George Herriman, Earlie Hudnall, Jr., Richard Hunt, Joshua Johnson, Rashid Johnson, Sargent Johnson, Joseph Kersey, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Glenn Ligon, Kerry James Marshall, Willie Middlebrook, Keith Morrison, Archibald J. Motley, Marion Perkins, Allie Pettway, Jessie T. Pettway, Robert Pious, Adrian Piper, Horace Pippin, Martin Puryear, Faith Ringgold, William Edouard Scott, Vincent Smith, Nelson Stevens, Alma Thomas, Bob Thompson, Henry Ossawa Tanner, James Vanderzee, Kara Walker, Carrie Mae Weems, Gearldine Westbrook, Charles White, Sarah Ann Wilson, Hale Woodruff, Joseph E. Yoakum.
CHICAGO (IL). Art Institute of Chicago.African Americans in Art: Selections from the Art Institute of Chicago.1999.Museum studies, v. 24, no. 2, 140-272, illus. (some in color), substantial bibliog. pp. 260-272. Essays by Susan F. Rossen, Colin L. Westerbeck, Amy M. Mooney (on Archibald J. Motley, Jr.), Andrea D. Barnwell and Kirsten P. Buick, Daniel Schulman (very important text on Marion Perkins), Cherise Smith (on Simpson, Weems and Willie Robert Middlebrook). Artists include: Samuel J. Miller, Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Marion Perkins, Lorna Simpson; Carrie Mae Weems, Willie Robert Middlebrook, Joshua Johnson, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Joseph Delaney, Aaron Douglas, Walter Ellison, Horace Pippin, James Vanderzee, Eldzier Cortor, Hilda Wilkinson Brown, William H. Johnson, Richmond Barthé, Beauford Delaney, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Margaret Burroughs, Roy DeCarava, Charles White, Elizabeth Catlett, Richard Hunt, Melvin Edwards, Vincent D. Smith; Robert Thompson, Joseph Yoakum, Alma Thomas, Romare Bearden, Adrian Piper, Kerry Coppin, Kerry James Marshall, Kara Walker. Topics include Frederick A. Douglass, definitions of African American Art, mixed media work, sculpture. 4to (26 cm.), wraps.
CHICAGO (IL). Chicago Artists Group Galleries.An Exhibition in Defense of Peace and Democracy.1938.Group exhibition - an interracial show. Included: Margaret Burroughs, Eldzier Cortor, Charles Davis, Bernard Goss, Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Charles White.
CHICAGO (IL). Chicago Artists Group Galleries.Group exhibition.April 2-23, 1938.Group exhibition. Included: painters: Margaret Taylor [Burroughs], William Carter, Eldzier Cortor [as Elzier], Charles Davis, Bernard Goss, George Neal, Charles Sebree, Charles White, Lorraine Williams, Ann Wilson, Yossain; sculptors: Henry Avery, Joseph Kersey, Clarence Lawson. [From exhibition review "14 Race Artists Exhibiting Work," Chicago Defender, April 16, 1938:1.]
CHICAGO (IL). Chicago Public Library.WPA and the Black Artist: Chicago and New York.1978.16 pp., color cover illus., 17 b&w illus. Checklist of 62 works by 13 New York artists and 21 Chicago artists. Intro. by Ruth Ann Stewart. Artists included: Charles Alston, Robert Blackburn, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Eldzier Cortor, Ernest Crichlow, Joseph Delaney, Aaron Douglas, Rex Goreleigh, Vertis Hayes, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Norman Lewis, Archibald Motley, Gordon Parks, Augusta Savage, Charles White, Henry Avery, Richmond Barthé, William Carter, Charles Dawson, Walter W. Ellison, Ramon Gabriel, Bernard Goss, Fred Hollingsworth, Joseph Kersey, William McBride, Frank Neal, Marion Perkins, Charles Sebree, Dox Thrash, Vernon Winslow. Biographies mention Alonzo Aden, James Porter, Hale Woodruff. [Traveled to: Studio Museum in Harlem, New York, NY.] 8vo, stapled stiff wraps.
CHICAGO (IL). DuSable Museum of African American History.Prints by American Negro Artists from the Ruth Waddy Collection.1986.Group exhibition. Included: Margaret Burroughs, Richard Hunt, Ruth Waddy.
CHICAGO (IL). Illinois Art Gallery, Illinois State Museum.The Flowering: African-American Artists and Friends in 1940s Chicago: A Look at the South Side Community Art Center.April 7-May 28, 1993.Exhib. cat., checlist of works. Curated by Judith Burson Lloyd and Anna Tyler. Group exhibition. Included: Ernest Alexander, Henry Avery, Richmond Barthé, Katherine Bell, Sylvester Britton, Margaret Burroughs, William Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Irene Clark, Eldzier Cortor, Robert Tyler Crump, Charles Vincent Davis, Walter Ellison, William McKnight Farrow, Ramon Gabriel, Bernard Goss, Fred Hollingsworth, Richard Hunt, Frederick D. Jones (as Fred), Joe Kersey, Clarence Lawson, Hughie Lee-Smith, William McBride, Archibald Motley, Frank Neal, George Neal, Gordon Parks, Marion Perkins, Ramon Price, Walter Sanford, William Edouard Scott, Allen Stringfellow, Earl M. Walker, William (Bill) Weaver, Charles White. [Review: Garrett Holg, "Recalling a Cultural Oasis on South Side," Chicago Sun-Times, (May 9, 1993):9.]
CHICAGO (IL). Robert Henry Adams Fine Art.African American Art in Chicago, 1900-1950.September 17-October 30, 1999.20 pp. exhib. cat., 15 full-page color plates, checklist of 26 works by 18 artists, biogs., exhibs. for each artist. Includes: Margaret Burroughs, William Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Irene Clark, Eldzier Cortor, Walter Ellison, William M. Farrow, Ramon Gabriel, William A. Harper, Frederick D. Jones (as Fred), Joseph Kersey, Hughie Lee-Smith, Archibald Motley, Jr., James Bolivar Needham, Marion Perkins, William E. Scott, Charles Sebree, Charles White. [Review: Alan G. Artner, Chicago Tribune, September 23, 1999: "The majority of the artists will be unknown to viewers, despite such celebrities as William Edouard Scott, Archibald J. Motley Jr., Elizabeth Catlett and Margaret Burroughs. Earlier works are indistinguishable in subject matter from pieces done by Caucasian artists, and once black experience begins to be chronicled, it comes in time-honored categories such as the nude study and portrait. / The exception is Walter Ellison's 1940 "House Rent Party," a hybrid of elements from symbolic and fool-the-eye painting, with a glance toward decorative and commercial illustration, particularly caricature. Its keyhole viewpoint turns the spectator into a voyeur, casting some doubt on the innocence of the actions depicted. / Only a "Seated Boy" watercolor by Ramon Gabriel plus some anonymous designs for posters are as winningly individual. 4to, wraps. First ed.
CHICAGO (IL). South Side Community Art Center.Images of the Past: Collection of Artwork from the 40s, 50s, 60s.October 22-November 19, 2005.Group exhibition featuring works from the WPA, Africobra and the Muralist movement. Artists included: Sherman Beck, Sylvester Britton, Allen Stringfellow, Margaret Burroughs, Geraldine McCullough, Jeff Donaldson, Charles White, William Carter, Irene V. Clark, and others.
CHICAGO (IL). South Side Community Art Center.Recession.April 2-May 2, 2010.Group exhibition chronicling the history of the South Side Community Art Center. Includes: Greg Bray, Sylvester Britton, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Colleen Coleman, Jonathan Green, Richard Hunt, Calvin Jones, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Rodney Lee Jones, Geraldine McCullough, Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Ray Noland, Lorenzo Pace, Eva Richardson, Duhirwe Rushemeza, Eve Sanford, Margaret Tarr, Al Tyler, Anna Tyler, Charles White, John Yancey.
CHICAGO (IL). South Side Community Art Center.We Too Look at America [Opening exhibit of paintings by Negro artists of the Illinois Art Project, Work Projects Administration].December 16, 1940-January 28, 1941.Exhib. cat. Dedication by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Includes: Richmond Barthé, Margaret Taylor Goss [Burroughs], John Carlis, Jr., William S. Carter, Eldzier Cortor, Charles V. Davis, Ramon Gabriel, Joseph Kersey, William McBride, Archibald Motley, George E. Neal, Gordon Parks, Charles Sebree, Charles White. [Review: Selma Gordon, "Seventy-Five Years of Negro Progress," The Crisis 48 (January 1941):10-11+.] [Chicago Public Library N6487.C52S72].
CHICAGO (IL). Tanner Art Galleries.Exhibition of the Art of the American Negro (1851-1940).July 4-September 2, 1940.Exhib. cat., 18 illus. Assembled by the American Negro Exposition. Statement by Alain Locke, chairman of the art committee; lists selections jury, awards jury, exhibition committees. Included 100 artists: Charles Alston, William E. Artis, John Ingliss Atkinson, Henry Avery, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé, Leslie G. Bolling, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Simms Campbell, Fred Carlo, William S. Carter, Eldzier Cortor, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Rohan Crite, Charles C. Davis, Charles C. Dawson, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Aaron Douglas, Robert S. Duncanson, Elba Lightfoot DeReyes, Walter Ellison, William M. Farrow, Elton Fax, Frederick C. Flemister, Allan R. Freelon, Meta Vaux Fuller, Reginald Gammon, Rex Goreleigh, Bernard Goss, J. Eugene Grigsby, John Hardrick, Edwin Harleston, William A. Harper, Palmer C. Hayden, William M. Hayden, Vertis Hayes, James Herring, Fred Hollingsworth, Zell Ingram, Burt Jackson, Robert M. Jackson, Louise E. Jefferson, Wilmer Jennings, Malvin Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Lawrence Arthur Jones, Lois Mailou Jones, Joseph Kersey, Jacob Lawrence (won second prize), Clarence Lawson, Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Richard Lindsey, Romeyn Van Vleck Lippman, Ed Loper, Rosemary Louis, John Lutz, Francis McGee, Ron Moody, Archibald J. Motley, George E. Neal, Robert L. Neal, Marion Perkins, Frederick Perry, Robert Pious, Horace Pippin, James A. Porter, Georgette Powell, Teodoro Ramos-Blanco (South American artist), Donald Reid, John Rollins, David Ross, Charles Sallee, Augusta Savage, Charles Sebree, Samuel Simms, Albert A. Smith, Marvin Smith, Mary E. Smith, William E. Smith, Thelma Streat, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Dox Thrash, Daniel N. Tillman, Earl Walker, Laura Wheeler Waring, Wilbert (Masood Ali) Warren, Claude Weaver, Albert Wells, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Ellis Wilson, Leroy Winbush, Hale Woodruff, Leon Wright. [Among the many reviews: Selma Gordon, "Seventy-Five Years of Negro Progress," The Criss 48 (January 1941):10-11+; mainstream review in Newsweek Vol XVI, No 11, September 9, 1940.] 8vo, pictorial wraps. Exhibition poster and catalogue cover design by James Lesesne Wells.
COLLINS, LISA GAIL and MARGO CRAWFORD, eds.New Thoughts on the Black Arts Movement.New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2006.402 pp., 40 illus., chapter notes, notes on contributors, index. Contributors include: Collins, Crawford, Kellie Jones, Mary Ellen Lennon, Erina Duganne, Cherise Smith, Lee Bernstein, and others. Includes: Billy (Fundi) Abernathy, Sylvia Abernathy, Muhammad Ahmad, Benny Andrews, Amiri Baraka, Camille Billops, Betty Blayton, Gloria Bohanon, Ed Brown, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Ben Caldwell, Dana Chandler, Edward Christmas, Dan Concholar, Houston Conwill, Kinshasha Conwill, Robert Crawford, Alonzo Davis, Dale Davis, Roy DeCarava, Murry Depillars, Dj. Spooky (Paul D. Miller), Jeff Donaldson, Emory Douglas, Louis Draper, David Driskell, Melvin Edwards, Albert Fennar, Reginald Gammon, Ray Gibson, Sam Gilliam, Tyree Guyton, David Hammons, Maren Hassinger, James Hinton, Richard Hunt, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Suzanne Jackson, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Samella Lewis, Tom Lloyd. Clarence Major, Edward McDowell, Dindga McCannon, Senga Nengudi, John Outterbridge, Joe Oversotree, Gordon Parks, Judson Powell, Noah Purifoy, Sr., Herbert Randall, Betye Saar, Beuford Smith, Marvin Smith, Morgan Smith, Edward Spriggs, SUN RA, Curtis Tann, Askia Touré, James Vanderzee, Ruth Waddy, Bill Walker, Timothy Washington, Charles White, Randy Williams, William T. Williams, Deborah Willis, and Hale Woodruff. The texts explore the racial and sexual politics of the era, links with other contemporaneous cultural movements, prison arts, the role of Black colleges and universities, gender politics and the rise of feminism, color fetishism, photography, and more. 8vo (26 x 18 cm.; 9.9 x 7.1 in.), cloth, d.j.
COLUMBUS (OH). Ohio Historical Center.Soul! Art from the National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center [Wilburforce].May 1, 2009-February 27, 2010.Group exhibition. Curated by Floyd Thomas. Included: Cedric Adams, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, Akosua Bandele, Richard Barclift, Richmond Barthé, John P. Beckley, Tina Brewer, Ashley Bryan, Calvin Burnett, Margarret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Dana Chandler, Claude Clark, Jeffrey Clark, Mary Reed Daniels, Willis (Bing) Davis, Louis Delsarte, Hayward Dinsmore, Raymond Dobard, Jeff Donaldson, Elton C. Fax, Tom Feelings, Manuel Gomez, Bernard Goss, M. E. Grayson, Clementine Hunter, Christina James, Brian Joiner, Jimi Jones, Jack Jordan, Clayton Lang, Jon Onye Lockard, Nola Lynch-Sheldon, Martina Johnson Allen, Victor Matthews, Valerie Maynard, Sylvia M. Miller, Velma Morris, Ademola Olugebefola, Elijah Pierce, Steve Prince, Patrick Reason, Annie Ruth, Betye Saar, Michael Sampson, Walter Simon, Michael Smith (sculptor), Ayanna Spears, Ann Tanksley, Yvonne Edwards Tucker, Harry Washington, Richard Wyatt, James "Bongo" Allen and unknown artist named Tilman. [Review: Kevin Joy, "Selections cover range of experiences by African-Americans" Columbus Dispatch, May 4, 2009; illus. "Golden Prison" by Dana Chandler.]:
COOPERSTOWN (NY). New York State Historical Association, Fenimore Art Museum.Through the Eyes of Others: African Americans and Identity in American Art.Thru December 31, 2008.Group exhibition. Curated by Gretchen Sullivan Sorin. The exhibition's purpose was to juxtapose 19th-century views of American life with contemporary interpretations by prominent African American artists to examine how we, as Americans, have constructed and interpreted race. Not only a dated concept but a show in which (according to several reviews) the black perspective was represented by fewer than ten works. Included: Romare Bearden, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Whitfield Lovell, Faith Ringgold, Betye Saar, Lorna Simpson and Hale Woodruff. [Traveled to: New York State Museum, Albany, September 8, 2009-January 6, 2010.]
DAVIES, CAROL BOYCE, ed.Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora: Origins, Experiences and Culture.ABC-CLIO, 2008.3 vols. 1110 pp. Marked by a more than usual editorail indifference to the visual arts, entries of erratic quality and less than desirable levels of research or scholarship. Deborah Willis is alotted a bare handful of pages to cover the entirety of African American photography. The essay on African Diaspora Art was allotted 17 pages to cover a period of 35,000 years and makes a courageous attempt to do so. It is not supported by any entries on individual artists, and many of the artists mentioned are not in the index. The entry is also plagued with inexcusable misspellings of numerous artists' names. The essay on Diaspora photography is also beset by the requirement of inappropriate brevity; the author desperately spends most of the allotted space listing the names of a fairly subjective selection of photographers, some with birth dates, others not. Clyde Taylor packs his 2 1/2 page space allotment to cover Diaspora Film with as many names as possible and, understandably, still can find no room for the Black Audio Film Collective or other such experimental filmmakers, Other essays are depressingly vacuous - the essay on the Black Arts Movement, allotted 2 pages, spends only 31 lines on vague remarks about the movement which the reader is led to think is attributable to events that took place in the Nile Valley thousands of years before. What can you say about a book that devotes more space to rap and hip-hop than to Barbados. Not a book worth consulting? 4to (10.3 x 7.3 in.), cloth.
DAVIS (CA). Nelson Gallery, University of California-Davis.Shared Histories: African American Art from Local Collections.July 12-August 17, 2007.Group exhibition. Includes painting, sculpture and drawing by 35 artists: Ernie Barnes, Romare Bearden, Charles Bibbs, Lynda E. Bibbs, Ella Mae Bolton, Milton Bowens, Manuelita Brown, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Betty Davies, Aaron Douglas, David Driskell, Ed Dwight, Frank Frazier, Jonathan Green, Mike Henderson, Oliver Jackson, Charles Joyner, Jacob Lawrence, Edna McIver, Mamie McKinstry, Betye Saar, John T. Scott, Sir Shadow, Bernice Sims, Hughie Lee-Smith, Jimmie Lee Sudduth, Milan Tiff, Mose Tolliver, Charles White, Fred Wilson, Hale Woodruff, Joseph Yoakum.
DES PLAINES (IL). Koehnline Museum of Art, Oakton Community College.Convergence: Jewish and African American artists in Depression Era Chicago.February 27-March 28, 2008.Group exhibition. Curated by Richard Courage and Nathan Harpaz. Included: Margaret Burroughs, Walter Ellison, Eldzier Cortor, Chanles Davis, George Neal, Bernard Goss, Archibald J. Motley, Jr. Marion Perkins, Charles White, along with important white Jewish teachers, supporters and co-radicals Bernice Berkman, Aaron Bohrod, Alex Topchevsky, Morris Topchevsky, Mitchell Siporin, Sophie Wessel, Simon Gordon, Shoshannah, and Todros Geller. [Brief video on UTube features Margaret Burroughs discussing the important support of these Chicago Jewish artists for their black colleagues and their encouragement of the South Side Community Art Center.]
DRISKELL, DAVID C.Two Centuries of Black American Art.Los Angeles: Museum of Art, 1976.221 pp. exhib. cat., 205 illus., 32 in color, bibliog., index. Groundbreaking survey exhibition of African American art. Texts by Driskell; catalogue notes by Leonard Simon. Includes Dave the Potter, Charles H. Alston, William E. Artis, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Grafton Tyler Brown, David Butler, Selma Burke, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Claude Clark, Eldzier Cortor, Allan Rohan Crite, Thomas Day, Joseph Delaney, Aaron Douglas, Robert S. Duncanson, William Edmondson, Minnie Evans, Edwin A. Harleston, Palmer Hayden, Felrath Hines, Earl J. Hooks, Julien Hudson, Clementine Hunter, Wilmer Jennings, James Butler Johnson, Joshua Johnson, Malvin Gray Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Richard Mayhew, Sam Middleton, Leo Moss, Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Marion Perkins, Horace Pippin, James A. Porter, Patrick Reason, John Rhoden, Gregory Ridley, Jr., William E. Scott, Charles Sebree, Henry Ossawa Tanner, William (Bill) Taylor, Alma Thomas, Dox Thrash, Laura Wheeler Waring, Edward Webster, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Walter Williams, Ed Wilson, Ellis Wilson, John Wilson, Hale Woodruff. Additional artists mentioned in the text: James Allen, Leslie Bolling, John Kane (?), Jules Lion, James Vanderzee, many more. [Traveled to Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA; High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA; Museum of Fine Arts, Dallas, TX; and the Brooklyn Museum, NY.] 4to, wraps. First ed.
DURHAM (NC). NCCU Art Museum, North Carolina Central University.Black Women Artists: North Carolina Connections.1990.Exhib. cat. Includes important text by Lynn Igoe: "Black Women Artists: An Introduction." Provides an extensive list of exhibits featuring black women artists since the first such show in 1947 at the Barnett Aden Gallery, Washington, DC. Artists mentioned includes the usual 50-60 names: Edmonia Lewis, Meta Warrick Fuller, May Howard Jackson, Bertina Lee, Betty Blayton, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Harriet Powers, Minnie Evans, Clementine Hunter, Sister Gertrude Morgan, Eva Hamlin Miller, Jacqueline Fonvielle-Bontemps, Betye Saar, Alison Saar, Lezley Saar, Nellie Mae Rowe, Liani Foster, Barbara Tyson Mosley, Camille Billops, Alma Thomas, Maren Hassinger. Checklist of women artists includes: Emma Amos, Gwendolyn Bennett, Camille Billops, Betty Blayton, Kay Brown, Margery Wheeler Brown, Vivian Browne, Beverly Buchanan, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Carole Byard, Yvonne Pickering Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Minnie Evans, Meta Warrick Fuller, Maren Hassinger, Varnette P. Honeywood, Margo Humphrey, Clementine Hunter, May Howard Jackson, Suzanne Jackson, Louise Jefferson, Marie Johnson-Calloway, Lois Mailou Jones, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Edmonia Lewis, Samella Saunders Lewis, Dindga McCannon, Geraldine McCullough, Allie McGhee, Valerie Maynard, Evangeline J. Montgomery, Norma Morgan, Sister Gertrude Morgan, Inez Nathaniel-Walker, Senga Nengudi (Sue Irons), Delilah Pierce, Howardena Pindell, Adrian Piper, Stephanie Pogue, Georgette Powell, Harriet Powers, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet, Faith Ringgold, Malkia (Lucille) Roberts, Nellie Mae Rowe, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Augusta Savage, Jewel Simon, Ann Tanksley, Alma Thomas, Ruth Waddy, Laura Wheeler Waring. The exhibition includes many of the same artists but also a number of artists not in Igoe's essay or checklist. Exhib. checklist lists the following: Marvette Pratt Aldrich, Brenda Branch, Mable Bullock, Selma Burke, Elizabeth Catlett, Collins, Davis, Minnie Evans, Olivia Gatewood, Gail Hansberry, Lana Thompson Henderson, Hill, Lois Mailou Jones, Eva Hamlin Miller, Norma Morgan, Stephanie Pogue, Mercedes Barnes Thompson.
ESTELL, KENNETH.African America: Portrait of a People.Detroit: Visible Ink, 1994.Section on Fine and Applied Arts pp. 593-655 mentions a sizeable number of artists (with many misspellings): Scipio Moorhead, Eugene Warburg, Bill Day [presumably Thomas Day], Charles Alston, Benny Andrews, Henry Bannarn, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé (photo), Jean-Michel Basquiat, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Camille Billops, Robert Blackburn, curator Horace Brockington, Elmer Brown, Eugene Brown, Kay Brown, Linda Bryant, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, E. Simms Campbell, Elizabeth Catlett, Cathy Chance, Dana Chandler, Gylbert Coker, Robert Colescott, Houston Conwill, Michael Cummings, Ernest Crichlow, Emilio Cruz, Roy DeCarava (with photo), Beauford Delaney, Aaron Douglas, David Driskell, Robert Duncanson, William Edmondson, Elton Fax, (with photo), Meta Warrick Fuller, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, Philip Hampton, Florence Harding (as Harney), Palmer Hayden, James V. Herring, George Hulsinger, Richard Hunt, Clementine Hunter, Zell Ingram, Venola Jennings, Larry Johnson, Lester L. Johnson, Malvin Gray Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Joshua Johnston, Ben Jones, Emeline King, Jacob Lawrence (with photo); Hughie Lee-Smith, Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Samella Lewis, Ionis Bracy Martin, Cheryl McClenny, Geraldine McCullough, Evangeline J. Montgomery, Jimmy Mosely, Juanita Moulon, Archibald Motley (with photo), Otto Neals, Senga Nengudi, Ademola Olugebefola, Hayward Oubré, John Outterbridge, Gordon Parks, Marion Perkins, Delilah Pierce, Howardena Pindell, Jerry Pinkney, Horace Pippin, James Porter, Florence Purviance, Martin Puryear, Faith Ringgold, Betye Saar, Charles Sallee, Augusta Savage, William E. Scott, Charles Searles, Lorna Simpson, Willi Smith (with photo), William E. Smith, Edward Spriggs, F. [Doc] Spellmon, Nelson Stevens, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Jean Taylor, Alma Thomas, Bob Thompson, Dox Thrash, James VanDerZee, Laura Waring, Faith Weaver, Edward T. P. Welburn, Charles White, Randy Williams, William T. Williams (with photo), John Wilson, Hale Woodruff, Dolores Wright, Richard Yarde, and George Washington Carver. Also mentions fashion designers Stephen Burrows (photo), Gordon Henderson, Willi Smith. 4to, cloth.
FALK, PETER HASTINGS, ed.Who Was Who in American Art, 1564-1975.Madison, CT: Sound View Press, 1999.3 Vols. 3724 pp. The 1985 publication is a summary compiled from the original 34 volumes of American Art Annual: Who's Who in Art, no new entries. It is in some ways an account of the spotty knowledge that the white art world had acquired about black artists during the decades after WWII. Many glaring omissions. The 1999 edition seems to have substantial additions. Included: Alonzo Aden, Frank Herman Alston, Jr., Frederick Cornelius Alston, Dorothy Austin, Henry Avery, Henry Bannarn, Edward Bannister, Richmond Barthé, John Biggers, James Bland, Leslie Bolling, William E. Braxton, Wendell T. Brooks, Elmer William Brown, Eugene J. Brown, Samuel Joseph Brown, Selma Burke, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Taylor Goss Burroughs, Elmer Simms Campbell, John Carlis, Jr., William S. Carter, Dana C. Chandler, Jr., Samuel O. Collins, Eldzier Cortor, Norma Criss, Allan Crite, Charles C. Dawson, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Arthur Diggs, Frank J. Dillon, Aaron Douglas, Charles Early, Walter W. Ellison, Annette Ensley, William M. Farrow, Allan Freelon, Meta Fuller, Robert Gates, Rex Goreleigh, Donald O. Greene, Samuel P. Greene, Charles E. Haines, John Wesley Hardrick, William A. Harper, John Taylor Harris, Palmer Hayden, Dion Henderson, James V. Herring, Clifton Thompson Hill, Hector Hill, Raymond Howell, Bill Hutson, May Howard Jackson, Oliver Jackson, Wilmer Jennings, George H. Benjamin Johnson, Malvin Gray Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Frederick D. Jones, Jr., Henry B. Jones, Lois Mailou Jones, Joseph Kersey, Vivian Schuyler Key, Jacob Lawrence, Bertina B. Lee, Hughie Lee-Smith, Edmonia Lewis, Elba Lightfoot, Ed Loper, John Lutz, William McBride, Sr., Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Robert L. Neal, John B. Payne, Horace Pippin, James A. Porter, Nancy Prophet, Oliver Richard Reid, Earl Richardson, Marion Sampler, Augusta Savage, William E. Scott, Charles Sebree, Albert Alexander Smith, Teressa Staats, Thelma J. Streat, Henry O. Tanner, Dox Thrash, Laura Waring, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Benjamin L. Wigfall, Ellis Wilson, John W. Wilson, Hale Woodruff, Terrance Yancey. 4to, cloth.
FARRIS, PHOEBE, ed.Women Artists of Color: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook to Twentieth Century Artists in the Americas.Westport (CT): Greenwood, 1999.xx, 496 pp., afterword, notes, cultural resource list, index. Includes 25 African American women artists; biographical essay, exhibs. artist's statement and bibliog. for each artist. The choices are fairly predictable, with only a few surprise additions such as installation artist Marie T. Cochran and ceramicist Sana Musasama. However, the essays are substantial and the reference material is useful. 8vo, cloth, no d.j. (as issued). First ed.
FORT WORTH (TX). Amon Carter Museum.The Harmon & Harriet Kelley Collection of African American Art: Works on Paper.2009.Group exhibition. 69 works from the late 1800s-2002 - drawings, etchings, lithographs, watercolors, pastels, acrylics, gouaches, linoleum and color screen prints. Included 47 artists: Ron Adams, Benny Andrews, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Bob Blackburn, Elmer Brown, Grafton Tyler Brown, Hilda Wilkinson Brown, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Claude Clark, Robert Colescott, Eldizer Cortor, Ernest Crichlow, Richard Dempsey, Aaron Douglas, William McKnight Farrow, Allan R. Freelon, Reginald Gammon, Rex Goreleigh, Margo Humphrey, William H. Johnson, Sargent Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Paul Keene, Wifredo Lam, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Lionel Lofton, Bert Long, Whitfield Lovell, Sam Middleton, Dean Mitchell, Ike Morgan, William Pajaud, Alison Saar, Charles Sallee, William E. Scott, Charles Sebree, Albert A. Smith, William E. Smith, Raymond Steth, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma W. Thomas, Dox Thrash, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Walter Williams, John Wilson, Hale Woodruff. [Traveling exhibition.] [Images: Hoyt W., Ed.Black World (July 1970).Johnson Pub. Co., 1970.Articles in this issue include: Amiri Baraka on the black woman; fiction by Margaret Burroughs and Eloise Greenfield; Darwin Turner on African American literary critics; John O'Neal on theater in Yorubaland.
GATES, HENRY LOUIS and EVELYN BROOKS HIGGINBOTHAM, eds.African American National Biography.2009.Originally published in 8 volumes, the set has grown to 12 vollumes with the addition of 1000 new entries. Also available as online database of biographies, accessible only to paid subscribers (well-endowed institutions and research libraries.) As per update of February 2, 2009, the following artists were included in the 8-volume set, plus addenda. A very poor showing for such an important reference work. Hopefully there are many more artists in the new entries: Jesse Aaron, Julien Abele (architect), John H. Adams, Jr., Ron Adams, Salimah Ali, James Latimer Allen, Charles H. Alston, Amalia Amaki, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, William E. Artis, Herman "Kofi" Bailey, Walter T. Bailey (architect), James Presley Ball, Edward M. Bannister, Anthony Barboza, Ernie Barnes, Richmond Barthé, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Cornelius Marion Battey, Romare Bearden, Phoebe Beasley, Arthur Bedou, Mary A. Bell, Cuesta Ray Benberry, John Biggers, Camille Billops, Howard Bingham, Alpha Blackburn, Robert H. Blackburn, Walter Scott Blackburn, Melvin R. Bolden, David Bustill Bowser, Wallace Branch, Barbara Brandon, Grafton Tyler Brown, Richard Lonsdale Brown, Barbara Bullock, Selma Hortense Burke, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Taylor Goss Burroughs, John Bush, Elmer Simms Campbell, Elizabeth Catlett, David C. Chandler, Jr., Raven Chanticleer, Ed Clark, Allen Eugene Cole, Robert H. Colescott, Eldzier Cortor, Ernest T. Crichlow, Michael Cummings, Dave the Potter [David Drake], Griffith J. Davis, Thomas Day, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Thornton Dial, Sr., Joseph Eldridge Dodd, Jeff Donaldson, Aaron Douglas, Sam Doyle, David Clyde Driskell, Robert S. Duncanson, Ed Dwight (listed as military, not as artist); Mel Edwards, Minnie Jones Evans, William McNight Farrow, Elton Fax, Daniel Freeman, Meta Warrick Fuller, Reginald Gammon, King Daniel Ganaway, the Goodridge Brothers, Rex Goreleigh, Tyree Guyton, James Hampton, Della Brown Taylor (Hardman), Edwin Augustus Harleston, Charles "Teenie" Harris, Lyle Ashton Harris, Bessie Harvey, Isaac Scott Hathaway, Palmer Hayden, Nestor Hernandez, George Joseph Herriman, Varnette Honeywood, Walter Hood, Richard L. Hunster, Richard Hunt, Clementine Hunter, Bill Hutson, Joshua Johnson, Sargent Claude Johnson, William H. Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Ann Keesee, Gwendolyn Knight, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Edmonia Lewis, Samella Lewis, Glenn Ligon, Jules Lion, Edward Love, Estella Conwill Majozo, Ellen Littlejohn, Kerry James Marshall, Lynn Marshall-Linnemeier, Richard Mayhew, Carolyn Mazloomi, Aaron Vincent McGruder, Robert H. McNeill, Scipio Moorhead, Archibald H. Motley, Jr., Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, Mr. Imagination (Gregory Warmack), Lorraine O'Grady, Jackie Ormes, Joe Overstreet, Carl Owens, Gordon Parks, Sr., Gordon Parks, Jr., C. Edgar Patience, Howardena Pindell, Adrian Margaret Smith Piper, Rose Piper, Horace Pippin, William Sidney Pittman, Stephanie Pogue, Prentiss Herman Polk (as Prentice), James Amos Porter, Harriet Powers, Elizabeth Prophet, Martin Puryear, Patrick Henry Reason, Michael Richards, Arthur Rose, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders, Augusta Savage, Joyce J. Scott, Addison Scurlock, George Scurlock, Willie Brown Seals, Charles Sebree, Joe Selby, Lorna Simpson, Norma Merrick Sklarek, Clarissa Sligh, Albert Alexander Smith, Damballah Smith, Marvin and Morgan Smith, Maurice B. Sorrell, Simon Sparrow, Rozzell Sykes, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma Thomas, J.J. Thomas, Robert Louis (Bob) Thompson, Mildred Jean Thompson, Dox Thrash, William Tolliver, Bill Traylor, Leo F. Twiggs, James Augustus Joseph Vanderzee, Kara Walker, William Onikwa Wallace, Laura Wheeler Waring, Augustus Washington, James W. Washington, Jr., Carrie Mae Weems, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, John H. White, Jack Whitten, Carla Williams, Daniel S. Williams, Paul Revere Williams (architect), Deborah Willis, Ed Wilson, Ellis Wilson, Fred Wilson, John Woodrow Wilson, Ernest C. Withers, Beulah Ecton Woodard, Hale Aspacio Woodruff.
GREENSBORO (NC). H.C. Taylor Gallery, North Carolina A&T State University.15 Afro-American Women.March 1-31, 1970.Unpag. exhib. cat., illus., brief biogs. and photos of artists. Includes: Betty Blayton, Lorraine Bolton, Edith Brown, Margaret Burroughs, Iris Crump, Inge Hardison, Lois Mailou Jones, Eva Hamlin Miller, Norma Morgan, Delilah Pierce, Faith Ringgold, Lucille (Malkia) Roberts, Ann Tanksley, Alma Thomas, and Barbara Zuber. Wraps.
GREENVILLE (SC). Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Beta lota Omega Chapter.Afro-American Women in Art: their achievements in sculpture and painting.Greenville: Negro Heritage Committee, 1969.32 pp., illus., bibliog. Introduction by Leroy F. Holmes, Jr. Artists included and mentioned: Emma Amos, Betty Blayton, Mildred A. Braxton, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Yvonne Catchings, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Ladybird Cleveland, Virginia Cox, Eugenia V. Christian Dunn, Edmonia Lewis, Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller, Ethel Guest, Esther Hill, May Howard Jackson, Lois Mailou Jones, Eva Hamlin Miller, Geraldine Hamilton McCullough, Norma Morgan, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet, Augusta Savage, Laura Wheeler Waring, et al. 4to, wraps. First ed.
HAMPTON (VA). Hampton University.The International Review of African American Art Vol. 11, no. 4 (1994).1994.Keepers of the Flame: African American Art Collections at Black Institutions. 64 pp., 31 color plates, 37 b&w illus. Nine articles on public collections of Black art all over the country (Fisk, Howard, Atlanta, Chicago, Boston, Morgan State, South Carolina State, Spelman, Winston-Salem State, etc.) Artwork by: Ron Adams, William Artis, John Biggers, Romare Bearden, Margaret G. Burroughs, Samuel Brown, Elizabeth Catlett, Eldzier Cortor, Beauford Delaney, Aaron Douglas, Robert S. Duncanson, William Harper, Joshua Johnson, William H Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Jacob Lawrence, Samella Lewis, Juan Logan, Lester Mathews, Sam Middleton, Archibald Motley, Jr., Horace Pippin, Stephanie Pogue, Augusta Savage, William Scott, Malvin Gray Johnson, Marion Perkins, James A Porter, Charles Sebree, Henry O. Tanner, James Watkins, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, John Wilkins, Ellis Wilson, Hale Woodruff. 4to, wraps.
HAMPTON (VA). Hampton University.The International Review of African American Art Vol. 17, no. 3 (1998).2000.This issue focuses on collectors, including former and current NBA players and musicians who are art collectors. Obituary for John T. Biggers. Images of wrok by: Phoebe Beasley (cover), Jacob Lawrence, John Biggers, Norman Lewis, Benny Andrews, Elizabeth Catlett, Charles White, Luther Hampton, Robert Colescott, John Wesley Hardrick, Kevin Cole, Charles Alston, Sam Gilliam, Vincent Smith, Alvin Loving; Jr., Edward Clark, Nanette Carter, Leroy Campbell, Dewey Crumpler, Mildred Howard, José Bedia, Edgar Arceneaux, David Newton, Whitfield Lovell, Hughie Lee-Smith, Robert Tomlin, John Henry Adams, Laura W. Waring, Clementine Hunter, Charles E. Porter, Aaron Douglas, Philemonia Williamson, Hale Woodruff, Ann Tanksley, Jonathan Green, Romare Bearden, Ernie Barnes, Tom Miller, Faith Ringgold, Ernest Crichlow, Ayokunle Odeleye, Amalia Amaki, Mary Jane McKnight, Howardena Pindell, William Carter, Margaret Burroughs, white artist Charles Cullen, J. Clinton Devillis, Meta Vaux Fuller, Samuel O. Collins, Nina Buxenbaum, Larry Walker; photographs listed by an unidentifiable artist listed as "Van Dyke Brown"(?) which is a photo process; plus documentary photographs of collectors and artists. 4to, wraps.
HARLEY, RALPH L., JR.Checklist of Afro-American Art and Artists.Kent State University Libraries, 1970.In: Serif 7 (December 1970):3-63. What could have been the solid foundation of future scholarship is unfortunately marred by errors of all kinds and the inclusion of numerous white artists. All Black artists are cross-referenced.
HINE, DARLENE CLARK and JOHN McCLUSKEY, JR., eds.The Black Chicago Renaissance.Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2012.272 pp., text illus., notes, index. Notable for Chapter 8 "Who Are You America, But Me?" The American Negro Exposition by Jeffrey Helgeson; Chapter 9 "Chicago's Native Black Son: Charles White and the Laboring of the Black Renaissance" by Erik S. Gellman; Chapter 10 "Chicago's African American Visual Arts Renaissance" by Murray N. DePillars (which includes passing mention of dozens of later artists.) 4to (11 x 8.7 in.), cloth. No dustjacket. First ed.
HODGES, CARL G. and Mrs. HELENE H. LEVENE.Illinois Negro Historymakers.Chicago: Illinois Emancipation Centennial Commission, 1964.91 pp., 12 b&w illus. of paintings. Exploratory history of African Americans in Illinois, including section of "Statistical Tabulation," with comparative census figures from 1830-1960. Margaret Burroughs was director of research for the Art Project. [2nd ed. published by the Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, IL, 1969 seems to be only 43 pages. Not seen.] 8vo (23 cm.), white wraps. First ed.
HOUSTON (TX). O'Kane Gallery, University of Houston-Downtown College.Highlights from the Collection of Corrine Jennings and Joe Overstreet.January 19-March 23, 2006.Group exhibition of twenty-four works by African American master and contemporary artists. Included: Edward M. Bannister, Camille Billops, Bob Blackburn, Margaret Burroughs, Eldzier Cortor, Robert S. Duncanson, Lawrence Finney, Palmer Hayden, Linda Hiwot, Wilmer Jennings, Oliver Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Charlotte Ka, Hughie Lee-Smith, Norman Lewis, Joe Overstreet, Howardena Pindell, Rose Piper, Debra Priestly, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Dox Thrash.
INDIANAPOLIS (IN). IUPUI University Library.Seeing Through Black American Eyes.Thru February 28, 2002.Group exhibition. Included: Margaret Burroughs, Bruce Armstrong, et al.
INNIS, DORIS FUNNYE and JULIANA WU.Profiles in Black: Biographical Sketches of 100 Living Black Unsung Heroes.New York: CORE, 1976.Biographical sketches with photos of each. Artists included: Margaret Burroughs, Vincent Smith, Faith Ringgold.
Ivoryton (CT). ART Gallery Magazine.The ART Gallery Magazine: Afro-American issue (Vol. 11, no. 7, April 1968).1968.Special Afro-American issue. Approx. 100 pp., b&w and color illus. Includes: Alonzo J. Aden, Charles Alston, Emma Amos, Eric Anderson, Benny Andrews, William E. Artis, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, Sheman Beck, Ed Bereal, John T. Biggers, Betty Blayton, Sylvester Britton, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, William S. Carter, Bernie Casey, Elizabeth Catlett, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Edward Christmas, Claude Clark, Eldzier Cortor, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Rohan Crite, Emilio Cruz, Mary Reed Daniel, Charles C. Dawson, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Avel DeKnight, Richard Dempsey, Jeff Donaldson, Aaron Douglas, David C. Driskell, Robert S. Duncanson, Eugene Eda, William Edmondson, Melvin Edwards, John Farrar, Frederick C. Flemister, Meta Warrick Fuller, Reginald Gammon, Sam Gilliam, Robert Glover, Russell T. Gordon, Bernard Goss, Phillip Hampton, Marvin Harden, Romaine Harris, Eugene Hawkins, Palmer Hayden, Wilbur Haynie, Reginald Helm, James Herring, Leon Hicks, Vivian Hieber (?), Felrath Hines, Alvin Hollingsworth, Humbert Howard, Richard Hunt, A.B. Jackson, Hiram E. Jackson, Daniel LaRue Johnson, Joshua Johnson, Malvin Gray Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Frederic Jones (presumably Frederick D. Jones, Jr.), Lois Mailou Jones, Robert Edmond Jones, Jack Jordan, Sr., Louis Joseph Jordan, Ronald Joseph (as Joseph Ronald), Paul Keene, Joseph Kersey, Herman King, Sidney Kumalo, Jacob Lawrence, Clarence Lawson, Clifford Lee, Hughie Lee-Smith, James Edward Lewis, Jr., Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Tom Lloyd, Alvin Loving, William Majors, Howard Mallory, Jr., David Mann, Richard Mayhew, Anna McCullough, Geraldine McCullough, Charles W. McGee, Lloyd McNeill, Jr., Earl Miller, Norma Morgan, Jimmie Mosely, Archibald J. Motley, Jr., Texeira Nash, Frank W. Neal, George E. Neal, Hayward L. Oubre, Jr., James D. Parks, Marion Perkins, Robert S. Pious, Horace Pippin, James A. Porter, Judson Powell, Ramon Price, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet, Noah Purifoy, Mavis Pusey, Robert D. Reid, John W. Rhoden, Haywood "Bill" Rivers, Henry C. Rollins, Mahler Ryder, Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders, William E. Scott, Charles Sebree, Jewel Simon, Merton D. Simpson, Van Slater, Carroll Sockwell, John Stevens, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Ralph M. Tate, Lawrence Taylor, John Torres, Jr., Alfred J. Tyler, Ruth G. Waddy, William Walker, Eugene Warburg, Howard N. Watson, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Jack H. White, Jack Whitten, Garrett Whyte, Sam William, Douglas R. Williams, Jose Williams, Todd Williams, Walter H. Williams, Stan Williamson, Ed Wilson, Ellis Wilson, John W. Wilson, Roger Wilson, Hale A. Woodruff, James E. Woods, Roosevelt (Rip) Woods, Charles Yates, Hartwell Yeargans, et al. 8vo (24 cm.; 9 x 6 in.), wraps.
JEFFERSON CITY (MO). Art Gallery Richardson Fine Arts Center, Lincoln University.First Annual Exhibit of Paintings, Sculpture and Prints by Members of the National Conference of Artists.April 20, 21 and 22, 1962.(4 pp.) exhib. brochure, checklist of 100 works, list of prizewinners. The first organizational meeting of The National Conference of Artists met at Atlanta University in 1959. Founding members included: Margaret Burroughs, Jack Jordan and James D. Parks. Three years later the group was able to assemble this first historic exhibition. Prizewinning artists include: Margaret Burroughs (awarded Best in Show), D. Elease Austin, Lois Mailou Jones, Eugene Turner, William E. Johnson (Jefferson City, MO), Gregory Ridley, David Woods, James D. Parks, Sandra Baker, Ernestine Bertrand, Harper T. Phillips, Jimmie Mosely, Eugene Turner, Leon L. Leonard, and Jack Jordan (New Orleans.) Others in the show included: Vaughn Alcee, Kearn Blocker, David Bradford, Calvin Burnett, Mary R. Daniel, Rose Dawson, Eugenia Dunn, Frankie Ernst, Richard Evans, Frank Glasper, Jean Greggs, Jim Hardin, Ted Harrison, Joan Hoffa, Curtis Mason, Delroy Payne, Thomas Richardson, Arthur Rose, Betsy Ross, Jaycie Shannon, Joseph E. Smith. 8vo, folded sheet, printed on both sides.
KAZIMIERZ (Poland). Pulavy Palace.[Group exhibition].1965.Included: Margaret Burroughs.
KING-HAMMOND, LESLIE and bell hooks.Gumbo Ya Ya: An Anthology of Contemporary African American Women Artists.New York: Midmarch Arts Press, 1995.351 pp., over 300 illus. (11 in color), photo and /or illus., biogs., exhibs., and brief critical text for each artist, index. Intro. by Leslie King-Hammond. Essential reference listing of 152 women artists with brief entries by African American scholars and curators; more than a dozen others are mentioned in passing (see below primary list.) It should be mentioned that most performance artists, filmmakers, video artists, folk artists, quilters, most photographers, illustrators, and other categories such as the entire new generation of artists established in the decade preceding publication are omitted. Artists included in the primary listings: Emma Amos, Rose Auld, Xenobia Bailey, Mildred Baldwin, Ellen Banks, Trena Banks, Phoebe Beasley, Camille Billops, Betty Blayton, Lula Mae Blocton, Kabuya P. Bowens, Brenda Branch, Kay Brown, Vivian E. Browne, Beverly Buchanan, Selma Burke, Millie Burns, Margaret Burroughs, Carole Byard, Carol Ann Carter, Nanette Carter, Yvonne Pickering Carter, Yvonne Catchings, Elizabeth Catlett, Catti, Robin Chandler, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Marie Cochran, Virginia Cox, Pat Cummings, Mary Reed Daniel, Juette Day, Nadine DeLawrence, Julee Dickerson-Thompson, Marita Dingus, Yanla Dozier, Tina Dunkley, Malaika Favorite, Violet Fields, Ibibio Fundi, Olivia Gatewood, Jan Spivey Gilchrist, Michele Godwin, Gladys Barker Grauer, Renée Green, Ethel Guest, Cheryl Hanna, Inge Hardison, Bessie Harvey, Maren Hassinger, Cynthia Hawkins, Janet Henry, Candace Hill-Montgomery, Adrienne Hoard, Robin Holder, Jenelsie Holloway, Jacqui Holmes, Varnette Honeywood, Mildred Howard, Margo Humphrey, Irmagean, Suzanne Jackson, Martha Jackson-Jarvis, Marie Johnson-Calloway, Marva Lee Pitchford Jolly, Lois Mailou Jones, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Kai Kambel, Margaret Slade Kelly, Gwendolyn Knight, Ruth Lampkins, Artis Lane, Viola Leak, Dori Lemeh, Mary Le Ravin, Rosalind Letcher, Edmonia Lewis, Samella Lewis, Marcia Lloyd, Fern Logan, Lynn Marshall-Linnemeier, Valerie Maynard, Dindga McCannon, Geraldine McCullough, Vivian McDuffie, Joanne McFarland, Vicki Meek, Yvonne Meo, Eva Hamlin Miller, Corinne Howard Mitchell, Evangeline Montgomery, Norma Morgan, Lillian Morgan-Lewis, Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, Deborah Muirhead, Sana Musasama, Marilyn Nance, Senga Nengudi, Lorraine O'Grady, Mary Lovelace O'Neal, Winifred Owens-Hart, Sandra Payne, Janet Taylor Pickett, Delilah Williams Pierce, Howardena Pindell, Adrian Piper, Rose Piper, Stephanie Pogue, Georgette Seabrooke Powell, Debra Priestly, Mavis Pusey, Helen Ramsaran, Patricia Ravarra, Faith Ringgold, Malkia Roberts, Aminah Robinson, Sandra Rowe, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Eve Sandler, Joanne Scott, Joyce J. Scott, Cheryl Shackleton, Yolanda Sharpe, Gail Shaw-Clemons, Jewel Simon, Coreen Simpson, Lorna Simpson, Clarissa Sligh, Gilda Snowden, Sylvia Snowden, Shirley Stark, Janet Stewart, Renée Stout, Elisabeth Sunday, Ann Tanksley, Vivian Tanner, Anna Tate, Evelyn Terry, Freida High Tesfagiorgis, Alma Thomas, Barbara Thomas, Mildred Thompson, Renée Townsend, Yvonne Tucker, Ruth Waddy, Denise Ward-Brown, Fan Warren, Bisa Washington, Mary Washington, Joyce Wellman, Adell Westbrook, Linda Whitaker, Pat Ward Williams, Philemona Williamson, Deborah Willis, Shirley Woodson, [OTHERS mentioned in passing or in footnotes include the following: May Howard Jackson, Meta Warrick Fuller, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet, Annie Walker, Laura Waring, Irene Clark, Clementine Hunter, Harriet Powers, Gladys-Marie Fry, Cuesta Benberry, Rosalind Jeffries [as Roslind], Sister Gertrude Morgan, Inez Nathaniel-Walker, Nellie Mae Rowe, Mary T. Smith, Grannie Dear Williams. Mentions artists the editors hoped to include, but who weren't for various reasons: Amalia Amaki, Jacqueline Bontemps, Ora Williams Carter, Marva Cremer, Pat Davis, Kira Harris, Ruth Beckman Holloman, May Howard, Dolores Johnson, Jean Lacy, Toni Lane, Laurie Ourlicht, Virginia Smit, Ming Smith, Phyllis Thompson, Deborah Wilkins, and Viola M. Wood.] 4to (11 x 8.5 in ), wraps. First ed.
KINNON, JOY BENNETT.60 Years of Blacks in the Arts.2005.In: Ebony 61, no. 1 (November, 2005):140+; small thumbnail images of work by Elizabeth Catlett, Jacob Lawrence, Moneta Sleet, Jr., Charles White. Mentions Margaret Burroughs, Romare Bearden, Richard Hunt, Geraldine McCullough, and Gordon Parks. 4to, wraps.
LAKE CHARLES (LA). Historic City Hall.The Harriet and Harmon Kelley Collection of African American Art: Works on Paper.February 1-March 31, 2007.Exhib. cat., illus. Traveling exhibition of 69 works on paper dating from the late1800s to 2002. Curated and text by Regenia Perry. Included in the exhibition are drawings, etchings, lithographs, watercolors, pastels, acrylics, gouaches, linoleum and color screen prints by such noted artists as Ron Adams, Benny Andrews, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Bob Blackburn, Grafton Tyler Brown, Elmer Brown, Hilda Wilkerson Brown, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Claude Clark, Robert Colescott, Ernest Crichlow, Eldzier Cortor, Charles Criner, Mary Reed Daniel, Richard Dempsey, Aaron Douglas, William M. Farrow, Allan Freelon, Reginald Gammon, Rex Goreleigh, Margo Humphrey, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Paul Keene, Wifredo Lam, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Lionel Lofton, Bert Long, Whitfield Lovell, Sam Middleton, Dean Mitchell, Ike Morgan, William Pajaud, Alison Saar, Charles L. Sallee, William E. Scott, Albert A. Smith, William E. Smith, Raymond Steth, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma Thomas, Dox Thrash, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Walter Williams, John Wilson, Hale Woodruff. [Traveled to: College of Wooster Art Museum. Wooster, OH, August 28-October 28, 2007; Degenstein Art Gallery, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA, January 15-March 15, 2008; Vero Beach Museum of Art, Vero Beach, FL, July 1-October 15, 2008; Amon Carter Museum, Ft. Worth, TX, June 6-August 23, 2009; McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, TX, September 23, 2009-January 3, 2010; The Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, FL, November 13, 2010-January 16, 2011; Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, Lincoln, NE, May 27-September 25, 2011, and other venues.] and other venues.]
LAKE FOREST (IL). Community Gallery of Art, College of Lake County.The Dr. Robert H. Derden Collection: A Black Collector's Odyssey in Contemporary Art.January 12-February 25, 1990.Unpag. (9) pp. exhibition catalogue, illus., checklist of 47 works by 39 artists, addendum list of 52 artists in Derden's collection. Intro. by Clarence D. White; text by Victoria Lautman. African American artists in the exhibition include: Muneer Bahauddeen, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Garry Bibbs, Jennifer Blair, Beverly Buchanan, Margaret Burroughs, John Dowell, El Loko, Sam Gilliam, Robert Glover, Richard Hunt, Marva Lee Jolly, Hughie Lee-Smith, Alex McMath, Howardena Pindell, Madeline Rabb, Alison Saar, Simon Sparrow, Freddie Styles, Anna Tyler, Al Tyler, Clarence D. White, Maurice Wilson. 4to, wraps.
LEIPZIG (Germany). International House.Kook Art Exhibit.1965.Group exhibition. Included: Margaret Burroughs.
LEWIS, SAMELLA.Art: African American.Los Angeles: Hancraft, 1990.x (ii), 298 pp., 294 illus. (104 in color), bibliog. Excellent survey of African American art as of the mid-70s, with a discriminating selection of plates. Unfortunately very poor quality reproductions. [All 169 artists are cross-referenced, although not separately listed here.) 4to, wraps. Second revised ed. 1990
LEWIS, SAMELLA S. and RUTH G. WADDY, eds.Black Artists on Art Vol. 2.Los Angeles: Contemporary Crafts, Inc., 1971.xii, 140 pp., 199 illus., 86 in color, statements and brief bios for all artists, index. Intro. by Samella Lewis. Excellent reference. Benny Andrews, William Artis, Dorothy Atkins, Casper Banjo, Cleveland Bellow, Gloria Bohanon, Shirley Bolton, Vivian Browne, Margaret Burroughs, Nathaniel Bustion, Sheryle Butler, Yvonne Catchings, Elizabeth Catlett, Mitchell Caton, George Clack, Floyd Coleman, Alonzo Davis, Bing Davis, Dale Davis, Murry DePillars, Kenneth Dickerson, Eugene Eda, Cyril Fabio, Kenneth Falana, Thomas Feelings, Alice Gafford, Robert Glover, Ron Griffin, Bob Heliton, Dion Henderson, William Henderson, Ernest Herbert, Alvin C. Hollingsworth, Humbert Howard, Suzanne Jackson, Rosalind Jeffries, Paul Keene, Gwendolyn Knight, Doyle Lane, Jacob Lawrence, Edward Love, Ron Moore, Norma Morgan, Isaac Nommo, Denise Palm, Leslie Price, William Prior, Noah Purifoy, Roscoe Reddix, Jerry Reed, John Riddle, Bernard Rollins, John Russell, Van Slater, Arenzo Smith, George Smith, Howard Smith, Nelson Stevens, Rod Taylor, Roberta Thompson, Charlene Tull, Leo Twiggs, Alfred Tyler, Anna Tyler, Bernard Upshur, Florestee Vance, William Walker, Carole Ward, Richard Waytt, Fred R. Wilson, Stanley Wilson, Charles Young, Milton Young. 4to, cloth, d.j. First ed.
LEWISBURG (PA). Center Gallery, Bucknell University.Since the Harlem Renaissance: 50 Years of Afro-American Art.April 13-June 6, 1984.124 pp. exhib. cat., 96 illus. (19 in color), exhib. checklist of 133 works by 77 artists, bibliog. Text includes interviews with 12 of the artists: Benny Andrews, Romare Bearden, David Driskell, Sam Gilliam, Lois Mailou Jones, James Little, Al Loving, Howardena Pindell, Faith Ringgold, Frank E. Smith, Jack Whitten, William T. Williams. Intro. mentions the following artist interviews which were not used but which are on deposit with the Hatch-Billops Collection: Jeff Donaldson, Mel Edwards, Bill Hutson, Richard Mayhew, Joe Overstreet. Excellent survey with many dozens of additional artists mentioned in passing. [Traveled to: SUNY, Old Westbury, November 1-December 9; Munson-Williams- Proctor Institute, Utica , NY, January 11-March 3, 1985; University of Maryland, College Park, MD, March 27-May 3; Museum of Art, Pennsylvania State University, July 19-September 1, 1985; The Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, VA, September 22-November 1, 1985.] 4to (31 cm.; 12 x 9 in.), wraps. First ed.
LOS ANGELES (CA). California African American Museum.In the Hands of African American Collectors: The Personal Treasures of Bernard and Shirley Kinsey.September 28, 2006-March 11, 2007.112 pp. exhib. cat., full-page color illus., biogs. of most artists. Curated by Evelyn Carter, Jill Moniz and Christopher D. Jimenez y West; texts by Gary Nash and Rita Roberts; reflections as collectors, Bernard and Shirley Kinsey. Group exhibition of work collected by the Kinseys in Los Angeles for the past 35 years. Includes some 90 paintings, sculptures, prints, books, documents, manuscripts and vintage photographs. Artists include: Ron Adams, Tina Allen, Charles Alston, Edward M. Bannister, Ernie Barnes, Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, Phoebe Beasley, John Biggers, Bob Blackburn, Grafton Tyler Brown, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Claude Clark, Allan Rohan Crite, Bill Dallas, Robert S. Duncanson, Samuel L. Dunson Jr., Ed Dwight, Sam Gilliam, Jonathan Green, Palmer Hayden, Richard Hunt, William H. Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Artis Lane, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Norman Lewis, Lionel Lofton, Richard Mayhew, William Pajaud, James Porter, Edward Pratt, Sue Jane Mitchell Smock, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Alma Thomas, Matthew Thomas, William Tolliver, James Lesesne Wells. [Traveled to: South Side Community Art Center, Chicago, July 13, 2007-March 2, 2008; Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, FL, May 1-July 20, 2008.] 4to (28 cm.), wraps.
MACON (GA). Tubman African American Museum.A Book of Songs: Works on Paper from the Collection of Harmon and Harriet Kelley.May 13-July 11, 2004.Exhibition of 42 works by 37 different artists. Though smaller, this exhibition is more than just a survey of noteworthy artists, it celebrates the diversity and breadth of the Kelley collection. Artists included: Ron Adams, Benny Andrews, Charles Alston, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Eldzier Cortor, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Wifredo Lam and William H. Johnson, among others.
MOSCOW (USSR). Friendship House.[Group exhibition].1967.Included: Margaret Burroughs.
MOTLEY, WILLARD F.Negro Art in Chicago.1940.In: Opportunity, Journal of Negro Life 18, no. 1 (January 1940): 1922, 2831. "There is a small group of young Negro artists in Chicago that will be heard from one of these days...At present they are struggling in garage and top floor tenement studios...They paint for the love of it. There is much talent in the group." [Reprinted in Lindsay Patterson, ed., The Negro in Music and Art, 1968.] 4to (11 x 8 in.), wraps.
MULLIN, BILL.Popular Fronts: Chicago and African-American Cultural Politics, 1935-46.Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1999.256 pp., illus., bibliog., notes, index. Extensive discussion of the cultural importance of the South Side Art Center. Mentions William E. Smith, Raymond Steth, Dox Thrash, Henry A. Avery, Richmond Barthé, Margaret Burroughs, John Carlis, Jr., William S. Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Eldzier Cortor, Charles Davis, Walter Ellison, William McKnight Farrow, Ramon Gabriel, Rex Goreleigh, Bernard Goss, Joseph Kersey, Jacob Lawrence, Clarence Lawson, Archibald Motley, Jr., George Neal, Gordon Parks, Marion Perkins, David Ross, William E. Scott, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Earl Walker, Charles White, Lorraine Williams, Vernon Winslow. 8vo, cloth. First ed.
NEW ORLEANS (LA). Amistad Research Center and the New Orleans Museum of Art.Beyond the Blues: Reflections of Africa America in the Fine Arts Collection of the Amistad Research Center.April 11-July 11, 2010.188 pp., 316 illus. (302 in color). This publication serves both as a catalogue of the exhibition and also as documentation of the majority of works in the Amistad's collection. Foreword by David C. Driskell; texts by curator Margaret Rose Vendryes, Lowery Stokes Sims, Michael D. Harris, and Renee Ater. See exhibition checklist: 4to, boards. Ed. of 1000.
NEW ORLEANS (LA). Stella Jones Gallery.Ebony soliloquy: a five year retrospective (1996-2001).2001.47 pp. exhib. cat., illus. (mostly color.) Preface by Samella Lewis. Group exhibition. Included: Richard Barthé, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Herbert Gentry, Loïs Mailou Jones, Phoebe Beasley, Yvonne Edwards-Tucker, Artis Lane, Evangeline "EJ" Montgomery, Mary Lovelace O'Neal, Ann Tanksley, Louis Delsarte, Malaika Favorite, Randall Henry, Dennis Paul Williams, Tayo Adenaike, El Anatsui, Antonio Carreño, LeRoy Clarke, Edouard Duval-Carrié, Wosene Kosrof, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Claude Clark, Ernest Crichlow, Reginald Gammon, Richard Hunt, Samella Lewis, Richard Mayhew, William "Bill" Pajaud, Jr., Gordon Parks, Sr., Ron Adams, Benny Andrews, Allan Rohan Crite, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Francisco Mora, James Amos Porter, Vincent Smith. 4to (28 cm.), wraps.
NEW YORK (NY)..The New York Public Library African American Desk Reference.Wiley, 1999.Includes a short and dated list of the usual 110+ artists, with a considerable New York bias, and a random handful of Haitian artists, reflecting the collection at the Schomburg: architect Julian Francis Abele. Josephine Baker, Edward M. Bannister, Amiri Baraka, Richmond Barthé, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Romare Bearden, John T. Biggers, Camille Billops, Bob Blackburn, Betty Blayton, Frank Bowling, Grafton Tyler Brown, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, David Butler, Elizabeth Catlett, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Edward Clark, Robert Colescott, Ernest Crichlow, Emilio Cruz, William Dawson, Roy DeCarava, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Aaron Douglas, John Dowell, Robert S. Duncanson, John Dunkley, William Edmondson, Melvin Edwards, Minnie Evans, Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller, Sam Gilliam, Henry Gudgell, David Hammons, James Hampton, William A. Harper, Bessie Harvey, Isaac Hathaway, Albert Huie, Eugene Hyde, Jean-Baptiste Jean, Florian Jenkins, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Joshua Johnston, Lois Mailou Jones, Lou Jones, Napoleon Jones-Henderson, Ronald Joseph, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Edmonia Lewis, Georges Liautaud, Seresier Louisjuste, Richard Mayhew, Jean Metellus, Oscar Micheaux, David Miller, Scipio Moorhead, Archibald J. Motley, Abdias do Nascimento, Philomé Obin, Joe Overstreet, Gordon Parks, David Philpot, Elijah Pierce, Howardena Pindell, Horace Pippin, James A. Porter, David Pottinger, Harriet Powers, Martin Puryear, Gregory D. Ridley, Faith Ringgold, Sultan Rogers, Leon Rucker, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders, Augusta Savage, William Edouard Scott, Senegalese filmmaker Ousmane Sembene, Ntozake Shange, Philip Simmons, Lorna Simpson, Moneta J. Sleet, Vincent D. Smith, Micius Stéphane, Renée Stout, SUN RA, Alma Thomas, Neptune Thurston, Mose Tolliver (as Moses), Bill Traylor, Gerard Valcin, James Vanderzee, Melvin Van Peebles. Derek Walcott, Kara Walker, Eugene Warburg, Laura Wheeler Waring, James W. Washington, Barrington Watson, Carrie Mae Weems, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Jack Whitten, Lester Willis, William T. Williams, John Wilson, Hale Woodruff, Richard Yarde. 8vo (9.1 x 7.5 in.), cloth, d.j.
NEW YORK (NY). College Art Association.Directory of People of Color in the Visual Arts.1993.Foreword, Murry DePillars; essay by Faith Ringgold. Individuals are indexed by name (with address, phone number, fax, etc.) as well as by discipline: academic, arts organization, self-employed /unaffiliated, museum/gallery; by ethnicity; and by state. Limited attempt to put together a Who's Who of Color in the Arts, based on the membership list of an organization with only 80 African American members at the time of publication. Wraps.
NEW YORK (NY). Ebony Editors.Ebony Handbook.Chicago: Johnson Publisnt Company Pub., 1974.Of historical interest only. Includes over 150 artists, more than double the number who were included in Ebony's Negro Handbook of 1966. Nonetheless, this represents a very limited selection compared with the St. Louis Index (1972) and Cederholm (1973) which had been published in the two years immediately preceeding this revision. Includes: Charles Alston, Eileen Anderson, Ralph Arnold, William E. Artis, Kwasi Asante, Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, Sherman Beck, Ben Bey, Michelle C. Bey, John T. Biggers, Gloria Bohanon, Lorraine Bolton, Shirley Bolton, Elmer Brown, Samuel J. Brown, Herbert Bruce, Joan Bryant, Selma Burke, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Nathaniel Bustion, William S. Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Benjamin Clark, Claude Clark, Irene V. Clark, Floyd Coleman, Eldzier Cortor, Samuel Countee, G. C. Coxe, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Rohan Crite, Alonzo J. Davis, Charles C. Dawson, Richard Dempsey, J. Brooks Dendy, Jeff Donaldson, Harold S. Dorsey, Aaron Douglas, Annette Ensley, Marion Epting, P. Fernand (listed only in this publication), Frederick C. Flemister, Ausbra Ford, Leroy Foster, Meta Vaux Fuller, Rex Goreleigh, Joseph E. Grey, J. Eugene Grigsby, John W. Hardrick, Oliver Harrington, Frank Hayden, Palmer Hayden, Vertis C. Hayes, Eselean Henderson, Alvin C. Hollingsworth, Humbert Howard, Kenneth Howard (in this publication only), Richard Hughes, Richard Hunt, J.D. Jackson, Wilmer Jennings, Lester L. Johnson, Malvin Gray Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Ben Jones, Lawrence Jones, Lois Maillou Jones, Mark Jones, Charles Keck, James E. Kennedy, Joseph Kersey, Henri Umbaji King, Omar Lama, Jacob Lawrence, Clifford Lee, Hughie Lee-Smith, Leon Leonard, Edmonia Lewis, Norman Lewis, Edward L. Loper, Anderson Macklin, William Majors, Stephen Mayo, Geraldine McCullough, Eva Hamlin Miller, Rosetta Dotson Minner, Corinne Mitchell, James Mitchell, Norma Morgan, Jimmie Mosely, Archibald J. Motley, Dindga McCannon, David Normand, Hayward Oubre, Sandra Peck, Marion Perkins, Alvin Phillips, Delilah Pierce, Horace Pippin, James A. Porter, Georgette Seabrooke Powell, Leo Twiggs, Al Tyler, Anna Tyler, Steve Walker, John Wilson, Hale Woodruff, Kenneth V. Young, et al.
NEW YORK (NY). Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.Art of the Masters: A Survey of African American Images, 1980-2000.April 5-30, 2001.Group exhibition. Included: Benny Andrews, John Biggers, Romare Bearden, Kwame Brathwaite, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Adger Cowans, Willis Bing Davis, David Driskell, Reginald Gammon, Sam Gilliam, Hugh Grannum, Al Hinton, Al Hollingsworth, Wadsworth Jarrell, Ben Jones, Calvin Jones, Lois Mailou Jones, Jacob Lawrence, Jon Lockard, Samella Lewis, Al Loving, Richard Mayhew, E.J. Montgomery, Otto Neals, Aaron Ibn Pori Pitts, Greg Ridley, Betye Saar, Frank Smith, Nelson Stevens, Donald Stinson, Robert Stull, Ann Tanksley, Yvonne Edwards Tucker, Raymond Wells, Emmett Wigglesworth, Rip Woods, Shirley Woodson, et al. [Traveled to: Arts Council, Fayetteville, January 22-March 6, 2010; Chicago.]
NEW YORK (NY). Studio Museum in Harlem.Impressions/Expressions: Black American Graphics.October 7, 1979-January 6, 1980.56 pp. exhib. cat., illus., brief biogs., bibliog. Substantial intro. by curator Richard Powell. Includes: Emma Amos, Casper Banjo, Cleveland Bellow, Bob Blackburn, Elmer Brown, Grafton Tyler Brown, Sam Brown, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Carole Byard, Elizabeth Catlett, Claude Clark, Sr., Dan Concholar, Alonzo Davis, John Dowell, Allan Edmunds, Marion Epting, Kenneth Falana, Russell Gordon, Raymond Grist, David Hammons, Leon Hicks, Raymond Holbert, Jacqui Holmes, Margo Humphrey, Wilmer Jennings, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Winston Kennedy, Hughie Lee-Smith, Samella Lewis, Jules Lion, Percy Martin, Valerie Maynard, Lev Mills, Jay Moon, Scipio Moorhead, Norma Morgan, Nefertiti, Ademola Olugebefola, Patrick Reason, Joe Ross (presumably Joseph B. Ross, Jr.), Betye Saar, Charles Sallee, A. J. Smith, Albert A. Smith, Frank Smith, George Smith, William Smith, Raymond Steth, Lou Stovall, Sharon Sutton, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Mildred Thompson; Phyllis Thompson, Dox Thrash, Ruth Waddy, Bobby Walls, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Walter H. Williams, John Wilson, Hale Woodruff, Stephanie Pogue, Calvin Reid. [Traveled to: Gallery of Art, Howard University, Washington, DC, February 10-March 28, 1980.] 8vo (23 cm.), wraps. Errata slip.
NEWARK (DE). University Museum, University of Delaware.A Century of African American Art: The Paul R. Jones Collection.New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2004.259 pp., mostly color plates throughout, artists' biogs., bibliog., notes on contributors, index. Ed. by Amalia Amaki, curator of the collection, with additional texts by Sharon Pruitt, Ann E. Gibson, Ikem Stanley Okoye, Marcia R. Cohen and Diana McClintock, Carla Williams, Winston Kennedy. Artists include: Jim Alexander, William J. Anderson, Benny Andrews, Heman Kofi Bailey, Romare Bearden, Camille Billops, Frank Bowling, Benjamin Britt, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Doughba H. Caranda-Martin, Nanette Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, David Driskell, Michael Ellison, John W. Feagin, Reginald Gammon, Samuel Guilford, Earl J. Hooks, Margo Humphrey, Bill Hutson, Amos "Ashanti" Johnson, P.R. Jones, Jacob Lawrence, Samella Lewis, James Little, Lionel Lofton, Edward Loper, Aimee Miller, Jimmie Lee Mosely, Ming Smith Murray, Ayokunle Odeleye, Harper T. Phillips, Howardena Pindell, Prentice H. Polk, Alvin Smith, Cedric Smith, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Leo Twiggs, James Vanderzee, Carrie Mae Weems, Charles White, John Wilson, Hale Woodruff, et al. [Traveled to numerous venues including: Spelman College Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA, September 8-December 10, 2005; Hilliard University Art Museum, Lafayette, LA, September 7-December 29, 2007.] 4to (29 cm.), cloth, d.j. First ed.
NEWARK (DE). University of Delaware.African American Art: The Paul R. Jones Collection.February 11-April 4, 1993.24 pp., 20 b&w illus., 4 color plates, biogs., bibliog., notes, checklist of 74 items by 53 artists, mostly prints, drawings, and photographs. Text by William I. Homer. Artists include: Amalia Amaki, William Anderson, Benny Andrews, Trena Banks, Romare Bearden, Camille Billops, Frank Bowling, Beverly Buchanan, Selma Burke, Margaret T. Burroughs, Nanette Carter, William Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Roy DeCarava, Edwin Augustus Harleston, Wadsworth Jarrell, Jacob Lawrence, James Little, Lev Mills, Evelyn Mitchell, Sister Gertrude Morgan, Heyward Oubré, Howardena Pindell, P. H. Polk, John Riddle, Betye Saar, Addison Scurlock, Jewel Simon, Freddie L. Styles, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Leo Twiggs, Charles White, Jack Whitten, Hale Woodruff. 4to, stapled wraps. First ed.
NEWARK (NJ). Newark Museum.Alone in a Crowd: Prints of the 1930s-40s by African-American Artists. Collection Reba and Dave Williams.December 10, 1992-February 28, 1993.58 pp. exhib. cat., 35 illus. (8 in color), exhib. checklist of 105 prints with biogs. of all artists by Diane Cochrane, index. Excellent texts by Dougherty, Lowery S. Sims, Leslie King Hammond on Black Printmakers and the W.P.A., and Reba and Dave Williams. Includes: Charles Alston, John Biggers, Robert Blackburn, Elmer W. Brown, Samuel J. Brown, Jr., Hilda Wilkinson Brown, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Claude Clark, Eldzier Cortor, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Crite, Charles C. Dawson, Aaron Douglas, Carl Hill, Louise Jefferson, Wilmer Jennings, William H. Johnson, Sargent Johnson, Henry Bozeman Jones, Lawrence Arthur Jones, Lois Mailou Jones, Ronald Joseph, Hughie Lee-Smith, James E. Lewis, Norman Lewis, Samella Lewis, Richard W. Lindsey, William McBride, Hayward Oubré, Georgette Seabrooke Powell, David Ross, Charles Sallee, William E. Smith, Raymond Steth, Dox Thrash, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Clarence Williams, Hale Woodruff, John Wilson. [Traveled to 17 other locations.] Oblong 4to (23 x 28 cm.; 9 x 11 in.), wraps. First ed.
OAKLAND (CA). Ebony Museum of Art.Views of a Heritage: In Celebration of the African American Artist.1991.42 pp. exhib. cat. Featuring: Casper Banjo, David Bradford, Margaret Burroughs, Alonzo Davis, Dale Davis, Imagean, Tomye Neal-Madison, Ronald Scott McDowell, Tunde Odunlade, Ted Pontiflet, Estrellita Hundson Redus, Shanju. et al.
OAKLAND (CA). June Steingart Gallery, Laney College.African American Art Exhibition.March 3-April 18, 2014.Group exhibition. Included: Edward M. Bannister, Romare Bearden, Jacqueline Bontemps, Andreas Branch, Robert Colescott, Adger Cowans, William Dawson, Napoleon Jones-Henderson, Richard Hunt, Larry Jordan, Nashormeh Lindo, Arthur Monroe, Mary Lovelace O'Neal, Lorenzo Pace, Martin Puryear, Janet Sheard, Leslee Stadford, Roderick A. Taylor, Carole Ward Allen, Fan Warren.
OCALA (FL). Appleton Museum, and other venues.Southern Journeys: African American Artists of the South.April, 2010.Group exhibition of 55 paintings, sculptures and works on paper that examine the work of African American artists who have chronicled the history of Southern culture in their art through memory of place, rather than their current place of work. Seemingly an offshoot of the exhibition by the same title organized by the Alexandria Museum of Art and Stella Jones gallery. Artists include: Sarah Albritton, Leroy Allen, Benny Andrews, Radcliffe Bailey, John Barnes, Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, Ron Bechet, John Biggers, Willie Birch, Beverly Buchanan, Claire Foster Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Claude Clark, Sr., Jeffrey Cook, Ernest Crichlow, Alonzo Davis, Louis Delsarte, James Denmark, David Driskell, Malaika Favorite, Reginald Gammon, Gharles Gilliam, Sr., Eugene Grigsby, Frank Hayden, Randall Henry, Lester Holt, Jr., Clementine Hunter, Wadsworth Jarrell, Lawrence Jones, Lois Mailou Jones, Mapo Kinnard-Payton, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Samella Lewis, Ruth Mae McCrane, William Pajaud, Martin Payton, Joseph Pearson, Alvin Roy, John T. Scott, Morris Taft Thomas, Mose Tolliver, Charles White, Lorna Williams, Michele Wood. [Traveling exhibition circulated by Exhibits USA.]
OTFINOSKI, STEVEN.African Americans in the Visual Arts.New York: Facts on File, 2003.x, 262 pp., 50 b&w photos of some artists, brief 2-page bibliog., index. Part of the A to Z of African Americans series. Lists over 170 visual artists (including 18 photographers) and 22 filmmakers with brief biographies and token bibliog. for each. An erratic selection, far less complete than the St. James Guide to Black Artists, and inexplicably leaving out over 250 artists of obvious historic importance (for ex.: Edwin A. Harleston, Grafton Tyler Brown, Charles Ethan Porter, Wadsworth Jarrell, John Outterbridge, Noah Purifoy, William Majors, Camille Billops, Whitfield Lovell, Al Loving, Ed Clark, John T. Scott, Maren Hassinger, Lorraine O'Grady, Winnie Owens-Hart, Adrienne Hoard, Oliver Jackson, Frederick Eversley, Glenn Ligon, Sam Middleton, Ed Hamilton, Pat Ward Williams, etc. and omitting a generation of well-established contemporary artists who emerged during the late 70s-90s. [Note: a newly revised edition of 2012 (ten pages longer) has not rendered it a worthy reference work on this topic.] 8vo (25 com), laminated papered boards.
PAINTER, NELL IRVIN.Creating Black Americans: African American History and its Meanings 1619 to the Present.New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.xvi, 458 pp., 148 illus. (110 in color), 4 maps, bibliog., index. Valuable for its images. A historical and cultural narrative that stretches from Africa to hip-hop with unusual attention paid to visual work. However, Painter is a historian not an art historian and therefore deals with the art in summary fashion without discussion of its layered imagery. Artists named include: Sylvia Abernathy, Tina Allen, Charles Alston, Emma Amos, Xenobia Bailey, James Presley Ball, Edward M. Bannister, Amiri Baraka (as writer), Richmond Barthé, Jean-Michel Basquiat, C. M. Battey, Romare Bearden, Arthur P. Bedou, John T. Biggers, Camille Billops, Carroll Parrott Blue, Leslie Bolling, Chakaia Booker, Cloyd Boykin, Kay Brown, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Dana Chandler, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Chris Clark, Claude Clarke, Houston Conwill, Brett Cook-Dizney, Allan Rohan Crite, Willis "Bing" Davis, Roy DeCarava, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Jeff Donaldson, Aaron Douglas, David C. Driskell, Robert S. Duncanson, Melvin Edwards, Tom Feelings, Roland L. Freeman, Meta Warrick Fuller, Paul Goodnight, Robert Haggins, Ed Hamilton, David Hammons, Inge Hardison, Edwin A. Harleston, Isaac Hathaway, Palmer Hayden, Kyra Hicks, Freida High-Tesfagiogis, Paul Houzell, Julien Hudson, Margo Humphrey, Richard Hunt, Clementine Hunter, Wadsworth Jarrell, Joshua Johnson, Malvin Gray Johnson, William H. Johnson, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Jacob Lawrence, Viola Burley Leak, Charlotte Lewis, Edmonia Lewis, Samella Lewis, Glenn Ligon, Estella Conwill Majozo, Valerie Maynard, Aaron McGruder, Lev Mills, Scipio Moorhead, Archibald Motley, Jr., Howardena Pindell, Horace Pippin, James A. Porter, Harriet Powers, Faith Ringgold, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, JoeSam, Melvin Samuels (NOC 167), O.L. Samuels, Augusta Savage, Joyce J. Scott, Herbert Singleton, Albert A. Smith, Morgan & Marvin Smith, Vincent Smith, Nelson Stevens, Ann Tanksley, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Dox Thrash, James Vanderzee, Kara Walker, Paul Wandless, Augustus Washington, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Pat Ward Williams, Hale Woodruff, Purvis Young. 8vo (9.4 x 8.2 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.
PHILADELPHIA (PA). African American Museum in Philadelphia.As We See It: Selected Works from the Petrucci Family Foundation Collection of African American Art.February 5-March 21, 2015.Group exhibition of an important mostly mid-Atlantic collection. Curated by Berrisford Boothe. Included: William E. Artis, Edward M. Bannister, Dawoud Bey, Camille Billops, Berrisford Boothe, James Brantley, Moe Brooker, Barbara Bullock, Margaret Burroughs, Charles Burwell, Donald E. Camp, Elizabeth Catlett, Kevin Cole, Allan Rohan Crite, James Dupree, David C. Driskell, Allan Edmunds, Sam Gilliam, Curlee Holton, Ed Hughes, Martina Johnson-Allen, Paul Keene, Beni E. Kosh, Deryl Mackie, Richard Mayhew, Sam Middleton, Charles Sallee, Sterling Shaw, Mei Tei-Sing Smith, Louis Sloan, Nelson Stevens, Charles Searles, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Dox Thrash, Richard J. Watson.
PHILADELPHIA (PA). School District and Museum of the Philadelphia Civic Center.Afro-American Artists, 1800-1969.December 5-29, 1969.40 pp., list of over 100 artists. Important exhibition juried by Al Hollingsworth, Reginald Gammon and Louis Sloan. Intro. by curator Randall J. Craig mentions many artists not in the exhibition. Exhibition includes: Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, Ralph Arnold, James Ayers, Frederick Bacon, Joseph C. Bailey, Janette Banks, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé, Harry W. Bayton, Romare Bearden, Betty Blayton, James Brantley, Arthur Britt, Charles E. Brown, Samuel J. Brown, Reginald Bryant, Barbara Bullock, Selma Burke, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Frederick Campbell, Barbara Chase-Riboud, LeRoy Clarke, Louise Clement, Eldzier Cortor, R. J. Craig, Nicholas Davis, William Day, Avel DeKnight, J. Brooks Dendy, James Denmark, Reba Dickerson (a.k.a. Reba Dickerson-Hill), Thomas Dickerson Jr., Robert Duncanson, Walter Edmonds, Cliff Eubanks Jr., Charlotte White Franklin, Allan Freelon, Reginald Gammon, Charles W. Gavin, Ranson Z. Gaymon, Walter S. Gilliam, Marvin Hardin, Bernard Harmon, Palmer Hayden, Barkley Hendricks, Alvin Hollingsworth, Humbert Howard, Alfonzo Hudson, Leroy Johnson, Malvin Gray Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Joshua Johnson, Lois M. Jones, Cliff Joseph, Paul Keene, Columbus P. Knox, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Edmonia Lewis, James Lewis, Norman Lewis, Tom Lloyd, Geraldine McCullough, Charles McGee, Thomas A. McKinney, Lloyd McNeill, Juanita Miller, Robert C. Moore, Jimmie Mosely, Horace Pippin, James Porter, Simon D. Prioleau, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet, Ed J. Purnell, Percy Ricks, Anita B. Riley, Faith Ringgold, Raymond Saunders, Charles Searles, Michael Shelton, Thomas Sills, John Simpson, Merton Simpson, Louis Sloan, Carl R. Smith, Dolphus Smith, Philippe Smith, Frank Stephens, Mary L. Stuckey, Eldridge Suggs III, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Mary Alice Taylor, Russ Thompson, Dox Thrash, Ellen Powell Tiberino, Lloyd Toone, John Wade, Cranston Oliver Walker, Laura Wheeler Waring, Howard Watson, John Brantley Wilder, Earl A. Wilkie, Ed Wilson, Hale Woodruff, Charles E. Yates, Hartwell Yeargans. 4to (26 cm.), wraps. First ed.
PHILADELPHIA (PA). Woodmere Art Museum.In Search of Missing Masters: The Lewis Tanner Moore Collection of African American Art.September 28, 2008-February 22, 2009.119 pp. exhib. cat., 133 color plates (most full-page) and several b&w illus., checklist of 135 paintings, sculptures, and works on paper by 92 artists. Texts by Lewis Tanner Moore, Curlee Raven Holton, Margaret Rose Vendryes; brief biogs. by W. Douglas, Paschall. Includes: Henry Ossawa Tanner, Amelia Amaki, Emma Amos, James Atkins, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, Cleveland Bellow, Bob Blackburn, Berrisford Boothe, James Brantley, Benjamin Britt, Moe Brooker, Samuel Joseph Brown, Barbara Bullock, Selma urke, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Charles Burwell, Donald Camp, James Camp, William S. Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Claude Clark, Irene V. Clark, Nanette Clark, Kevin Cole, Eldzier Cortor, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Rohan Crite, Roy Crosse, Joseph Delaney, Marita Dingus, David C. Driskell, James Dupree, Walter Edmonds, Allan Edmunds, James Edwards, Melvin Edwards, Allan Freelon, Reginald Gammon, Herbert Gentry, Sam Gilliam, Rex Goreleigh, Barkley Hendricks, Curley Holton, Humbert Howard, Edward Ellis Hughes, Bill Hutson, Leroy Johnson, Martina Joshnson-Allen, Lois Mailou Jones, Ron H. Jones, Paul Keene, Glenn F. Kellum, Columbus Knox, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Ed Loper, Al Loving, Deryl Daniel Mackie, Ulysses Marshall, Richard Mayhew, John McDaniel, Thaddeus G. Mosley, Frank Neal, George Neal, Hayward Oubre, Carlton Parker, Janet Taylor Pickett, Howardena Pindell, Charles Pridgen, Faith Ringgold, Leo Robinson, Qaaim Salik, Raymond Saunders, Charles Searles, Charles Sebree, Sterling Shaw, Louis Sloan, Raymond Steth, Phil Sumpter, Dox Thrash, Ellen Powell Tiberino, Andrew Turner, Howard Watson, Richard Watson, James Lesesne Wells, William T. Williams, Ellis Wilson, John Wilson, and Hale Woodruff. 4to, self-wraps. First ed.
PINE BLUFF (AR). Southeast Arkansas Arts and Science Center.Selections from the John M. Howard Memorial Collection of African-American Art.1991.Exhib. cat., checklist. Text by Garland F. Jenkens. includes unknown Africobra [as AfraCobra] artist, Emma Amos, Benny Andrews, Romare Bearden, Camille Billops, Bernard W. Brooks III, Vivian Browne, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Arthur Coppedge, Tarrance Corbin, Eldzier Cortor, J. Brooks Dendy III, Palmer Hayden, Leon N. Hicks, Manuel Hughes [as Manual], Rosalind Jeffries, Jacob Lawrence, Samella Lewis, Juan Logan, John Nichols, James D. Parks, Vincent Smith, Nelson Stevens, John Wilson, Henry Wolf, Rip Woods.
PLOSKI, HARRY A., ed.The Negro Almanac: A Reference Work on the Afro-American.New York: A Wiley-Interscience Publication, 1983.1550 pp. Includes essay on The Black Artist. Gylbert Coker cited as art consultant. Many misspellings. Artists mentioned include: Scipio Moorhead, James Porter, Eugene Warburg, Robert Duncanson, William H. Simpson, Edward M. Bannister, Joshua Johnston, Robert Douglass, David Bowser, Edmonia Lewis, Henry O. Tanner, William Harper, Dorothy Fannin, Meta Fuller, Archibald Motley, Palmer Hayden. Malvin Gray Johnson, Laura Waring, William E. Scott, Hughie Lee-Smith, Zell Ingram, Charles Sallee, Elmer Brown, William E. Smith, George Hulsinger, James Herring, Aaron Douglas, Augusta Savage, Charles Alston, Hale Woodruff, Charles White, Richmond Barthé, Malvin Gray Johnson, Henry Bannarn, Florence Purviance, Dox Thrash, Robert Blackburn, James Denmark, Dindga McCannon, Frank Wimberly, Ann Tanksley, Don Robertson, Lloyd Toones, Lois Jones, Jo Butler, Robert Threadgill, Faith Ringgold, Romare Bearden, Ernest Crichlow, Norman Lewis, Jimmy Mosley, Samella Lewis, F. L. Spellmon, Phillip Hampton, Venola Seals Jennings, Juanita Moulon, Eugene Jesse Brown, Hayward Oubré, Ademola Olugebefola, Otto Neals, Kay Brown, Jean Taylor, Genesis II, David Hammons, Senga Nengudi, Randy Williams, Howardena Pindell, Edward Spriggs, Beauford Delaney, James Vanderzee, Melvin Edwards, Vincent Smith, Alonzo Davis, Dale Davis, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Gordon Parks, Rex Goreleigh, William McBride, Jr., Eldzier Cortor, James Gittens, Joan Maynard. Kynaston McShine, Coker, Cheryl McClenney, Faith Weaver, Randy Williams, Florence Hardney, Dolores Wright, Cathy Chance, Lowery Sims, Richard Hunt, Roland Ayers, Frank Bowling, Marvin Brown, Walter Cade, Catti, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Manuel Hughes, Barkley Hendricks, Juan Logan, Alvin Loving, Tom Lloyd, Lloyd McNeill, Algernon Miller, Norma Morgan, Mavis Pusey, Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders, Thomas Sills, Thelma Johnson Streat, Alma Thomas, John Torres, Todd Williams, Mahler Ryder, Minnie Evans, Jacob Lawrence, Haywood Rivers, Edward Clark, Camille Billops, Joe Overstreet, Louise Parks, Herbert Gentry, William Edmondson, James Parks, Marion Perkins, Bernard Goss, Reginald Gammon, Emma Amos, Charles Alston, Richard Mayhew, Al Hollingsworth, Calvin Douglass, Merton Simpson, Earl Miller, Felrath Hines, Perry Ferguson, William Majors, James Yeargans. Ruth Waddy; Evangeline Montgomery, Jeff Donaldson, Wadsworth Jarrell, Gerald Williams, Carolyn Lawrence, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Frank Smith, Howard Mallory, Napoleon Jones-Henderson, Nelson Stevens, Vivian Browne, Kay Brown, William Harper, Isaac Hathaway, Julien Hudson, May Howard Jackson, Edmonia Lewis, Patrick Reason, William Simpson, A. B. Wilson, William Braxton, Allan Crite, Alice Gafford, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, William Artis, John Biggers, William Carter, Joseph Delaney, Elton Fax, Frederick Flemister, Ronald Joseph, Horace Pippin, Charles Sebree, Bill Traylor, Ellis Wilson, John Wilson, Starmanda Bullock, Dana Chandler, Raven Chanticleer, Roy DeCarava, John Dowell, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, Daniel Johnson, Geraldine McCullough, Earl Miller, Clarence Morgan, Norma Morgan, Skunder Boghossian, Bob Thompson, Clifton Webb, Jack Whitten. 4to, cloth. 4th ed.
RAMPERSAD, ARNOLD.The Life of Langston Hughes.New York: Oxford University Press, 1986, 1988.Vol. 1. 1902-1941: I, Too, Sing America. Includes mention of 7 visual artists: Richmond Barthé, Gwendolyn Bennett, E. Simms Campbell, George Washington Carver, Aaron Douglas, Zell Ingram, and Augusta Savage; Vol. II. 1941-1967. I Dream a World. Includes: Richmond Barthé, E. Simms Campbell, George Washington Carver, Elizabeth Catlett, Roy DeCarava, Aaron Douglas, Margaret Taylor Goss Burroughs, Eugene Grigsby, Ollie Harrington, Geoffrey Holder, Zell Ingram, Ted Joans, Jacob Lawrence, Charles White, and Hale Woodruff
Randall, Dudley and MARGARET G. BURROUGHS, eds.For Malcolm: Poems on the Life and the Death of Malcolm X.Detroit: Broadside Press, 1967.xxi, 127 pp. Preface and eulogy by Ossie Davis; biography, bibliography, photographs, index of authors and poems. Included: Ted Joans, Margaret Burroughs, Oliver LaGrone, Ed Spriggs. 8vo, wraps.
RIGGS, THOMAS, ed.St. James Guide to Black Artists.Detroit: St. James Press, 1997.xxiv, 625 pp., illus. A highly selective reference work listing only approximately 400 artists of African descent worldwide (including around 300 African American artists, approximately 20% women artists.) Illus. of work or photos of many artists, brief descriptive texts by well-known scholars, with selected list of exhibitions for each, plus many artists' statements. A noticeable absence of many artists under 45, most photographers, and many women artists. Far fewer artists listed here than in Igoe, Cederholm, or other sources. Stout 4to (29 cm.), laminated yellow papered boards. First ed.
ROBERTSON, JACK.Twentieth-Century Artists on Art. An Index to Artists' Writings, Statements, and Interviews.Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1985.Useful reference work; includes numerous African American artists: Ron Adams, Charles Alston, Charlotte Amevor, Benny Andrews, Dorothy Atkins, Casper Banjo, Ellen Banks, Romare Bearden, Ed Bereal, Arthur Berry, John Biggers, Betty Blayton, Gloria Bohanon, Shirley Bolton, David Bradford, Arthur Britt, Frederick Brown, Kay Brown, Winifred Brown, Vivian Browne, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Cecil Burton, Sheryle Butler, Carole Byard, Arthur Carraway, Bernie Casey, Yvonne Catchings, Mitchell Caton, Elizabeth Catlett, Dana Chandler, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Claude Clark Jr., Irene Clark, Donald Coles, Robert Colescott, Dan Concholar, Eldzier Cortor, Marva Cremer, Doris Crudup, Dewey Crumpler, Emilio Cruz, Samuel Curtis, William Curtis, Alonzo Davis, Bing Davis, Dale Davis, Roy DeCarava, Beauford Delaney, Brooks Dendy, Murry DePillars, Robert D'Hue, Kenneth Dickerson, Leo Dillon, Aaron Douglas, Emory Douglas, David Driskell, Eugenia Dunn, Annette Ensley, Eugene Eda, Melvin Edwards, Marion Epting, Minnie Evans, Frederick Eversley, Tom Feelings, Mikele Fletcher, Moses O. Fowowe, Miriam Francis, Ibibio Fundi, Alice Gafford, West Gale, Joseph Geran, Sam Gilliam, Robert Glover, Wilhelmina Godfrey, Rex Goreleigh, Robert H. Green, Donald O. Greene, Ron Griffin, Eugene Grigsby. Horathel Hall, Wes Hall, David Hammons, Philip Hampton, Marvin Harden, John T. Harris, William Harris, Kitty Hayden, Ben Hazard, Napoleon Jones-Henderson (as Henderson), William H. Henderson, Ernest Herbert, Leon Hicks, Candace Hill-Montgomery, Alfred Hinton, Al Hollingswoth, Earl Hooks, Raymond Howell, Margo Humphrey, Richard Hunt, Bill Hutson, Suzanne Jackson, Walter Jackson, Rosalind Jeffries, Marie Johnson, Ben Jones, Laura Jones, Lois Mailou Jones, Jack Jordan, Cliff Joseph, Gwendolyn Knight, Larry Compton Kolawole, Raymond Lark, Jacob Lawrence, Flora Lewis, James E. Lewis, Norman Lewis, Samella Lewis, Tom Lloyd, Juan Logan, Willie Longshore, Ed Love, Al Loving, Philip Mason, Richard Mayhew, Valerie Maynard, Karl McIntosh, William McNeil, Yvonne Meo, Sam Middleton, Onnie Millar, Eva H. Miller, Sylvia Miller, Lev Mills, James Mitchell, Arthur Monroe, Evangeline Montgomery, Ron Moore, Norma Morgan, Jimmie Mosely, Otto Neals, Trudell Obey, Kermit Oliver, Haywood Oubré, John Outterbridge, Lorenzo Pace, William Pajaud, Denise Palm, James Parks, Angela Perkins, Howardena Pindell, Elliott Pinkney, Adrian Piper, Horace Pippin, Leslie Price, Noah Purifoy, Martin Puryear, Roscoe Reddix, Jerry Reed, Robert G. Reid, William Reid, John Rhoden, Gary Rickson, John Riddle, Faith Ringgold, Haywood Rivers, Lethia Robertson, Brenda Rogers, Charles D. Rogers, Bernard Rollins, Arthur Rose, John Russell, Betye Saar, Raymond Saunders, Charles Shelton, Thomas Sills, Jewel Simon, Merton Simpson, Van Slater, Alfred James Smith, Arenzo Smith, Arthur Smith, Damballah Smith, George Smith, Howard Smith. Greg Sparks, Sharon Spencer, Nelson Stevens, James Tanner, Della Taylor, Rod Taylor, Evelyn Terry, Alma Thomas, James "Son Ford" Thomas, Bob Thompson. John Torres, Elaine Towns, Curtis Tucker, Yvonne Tucker, Charlene Tull, Leo Twiggs, Alfred Tyler, Anna Tyler, Bernard Upshur, Florestee Vance, Royce Vaughn, Ruth Waddy, Larry Walker, William Walker, Bobby Walls, Carole Ward, Pecolia Warner, Mary Washington, James Watkins, Roland Welton, Amos White, Charles White, Tim Whiten, Acquaetta Williams, Chester Williams, Daniel Williams, Laura Williams, William T. Williams, Luster Willis, Fred Wilson, John Wilson, Stanley Wilson, Bernard Wright, Richard Wyatt, Bernard Young, Charles Young, Milton Young. 4to, cloth.
ROELOF-LANNER, T.V., ed. and RUTH G. WADDY.Prints by American Negro Artists.Los Angeles: Cultural Exchange Center, 1965.Unpag. (ii, 112 pp.), 51 full page illus. in color and b&w, beautifully printed on recto only. Biogs. of most artists. Foreword by Rosemarie Von Studnitz; texts by James A. Porter, Ruth G. Waddy. Pictorial endpapers and title page illus. by Brumsic Brandon Jr. The 51 artists in the first edition included: Emma Amos, Ralph Arnold, Brumsic Brandon, Jr., Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Joyce Cadoo, Mel Carey, Yvonne Carter, Eugene Cheltenham, Floyd Coleman, Wm. Lawrence Compton, Eugenia Dunn, Charles Ferguson, Robert Glover, Hugh Harrell, Scotland Harris, Eugene Hawkins, Leroy Henderson, Leon Hicks, Alvin Hollingsworth, Richard Hunt, Wilmer James, Jack Jordan, Richard Kinney, Anderson Macklin, Geraldine McCullough, James McNeil, William McNeil, Yvonne Meo, Norma Morgan, Jimmie Lee Mosely, Alvin Pope, Mavis Pusey, Don Pyburn, John Riddle, Charles D. Rogers, Betye Saar, Ernest Satchell, Jewel W. Simon, Van Slater, Frank E. Smith, William E. Smith, Sylvia Snowden, Laura Soares, Ruth G. Waddy, James Lesesne Wells, Fred R. Wilson, John Wilson, William T. Williams, Charles Yates, and Heartwell Yeargans. [NOTE: The second expanded edition of 1967 contained 60 artists, adding images by: John T. Biggers, Sylvester Britton, David C. Driskell, Marion Epting, Milton Derr (as Johnson), Michael K. Perry, Harper T. Phillips, Sue Smock and David F. Stephens.] 4to (31 cm.), cloth, printed green and white paper labels on spine and front cover, d.j.
SALZMAN, JACK, CORNEL WEST and DAVID LIONEL SMITH, eds.Encyclopedia of African American Culture and History.University of Michigan, 1996.3203 pp.
SAN FRANCISCO (CA). San Francisco Civic Museum.[Group exhibition].1949.Included: Margaret Taylor Burroughs.
SAVANNAH (GA). Beach Institute, King-Tisdell Cottage Foundation.Walter O. Evans Collection of African American Art.February 1-May 3, 1991.93 pp., 47 color plates and 8 b&w illus. (nearly all full-page), plus 5 text photos of the Evans family, bibliog., exhib. checklist, brief biogs. of artists. [Not to be confused with the 1999 publication by the same title.] Foreword by Les Payne; texts by Leslie King-Hammond, Barbara A. Hudson, Selden Rodman, Shirley Woodson. Curated by Shirley Woodson. A major collection with works by: Herman Kofi Bailey, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, Wilson Bigaud, Margaret Burroughs, William S. Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Eldzier Cortor, Irene Clark, Aaron Douglas, Gervais Ducasse, Eugene James Martin, Bob Thompson, Michael Kelly Williams, et al. 4to (28 cm.), wraps. First ed.
SAVANNAH (GA). Savannah College of Art & Design [SCAD].Poetic Visions: Focus on Black Women Artists.February 1-14, 2008.Group exhibition. A selection of approximately 15 pieces from the Walter O. Evans Collection and the SCAD Museum of Art will feature: Edmonia Lewis, Elizabeth Catlett, Clementine Hunter, Alma Thomas, Lois Mailou Jones, Margaret Burroughs, and Faith Ringgold.
SAVANNAH (GA). Savannah College of Art & Design [SCAD].Pose/Re-pose: Figurative Works, Then and Now.July 23-November 18, 2012.Group exhibition. Included: Charles Alston, Radcliffe Bailey, Richmond Barthé, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Eldzier Cortor, Aaron Douglas, Robert S. Duncanson, Edwin A. Harleston, Clementine Hunter, Titus Kaphar, Simone Leigh, Wardell Milan II, Youssef Nabil, Marion Perkins, Lynette Yiadom-Boakye.
SCHREIBER, REBECCA MINA.Cold War Exiles in Mexico: U.S. Dissidents and the Culture of Critical Resistance.Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008.320 pp., 11 b&w illus., notes, index. See, in particular, Chapter 2: The Politics of Fo. rm: African American Artists and the Making of Transnational Aesthetics. Includes: major coverage of Elizabeth Catlett, Francisco Mora, Charles White, John Wilson, and, to a lesser extent, Margaret Burroughs at the Taller de Grafica Popular; some description of Bob Blackburn's Printmaking Workshop, NY, and their collective art projects "Yes, the People" (1948) and "Negro U.S.A." (1949); brief mention of Romare Bearden, Mexican artist Miguel Covarrubias, John Biggers and Jacob Lawrence. 8vo (9.1 x 6 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.
SERNETT, MILTON C.Harriet Tubman: Myth, Memory and History.Duke University Press, 2007.424 pp., color illus., appendix, notes, bibliog., index. A well-researched account of the political and cultural processes by which Harriet Tubman became an iconic figure during her own lifetime and remains so into the twenty-first century. Unfortunately the inclusion of visual representations of Tubman by major African American and white artists alike are not similarly analysed (see pp. 15, 73-5, 81, 183, 225, 228-30, 243-46, 253, 314.) Pasing mention of Samuel Byrd, Jacob Lawrence, William H. Johnson, Faith RInggold, Margaret Burroughs, Fern Cunningham, Aaron Douglas, Edmonia Lewis, Jerry Pinckney, Robert Pious (as Pius). 8vo (9.5 x 6.8 in.), boards, d.j. First ed.
SMETHURST, JAMES EDWARD.The Black Arts Movement: Literary Nationalism in the 1960s and 1970s.Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2005.480 pp., index (lacking many names actually in the text). Distinctive for its attention to individual geographical loci and diversity, within the framework of the Left, the Cold War, the Civil Rights movement and other national artistic cultural and political trends. Primarily focused on the written and spoken word, but includes some passing mention of the intersection of the visual arts with a range of literary circles. Mentions: Charles Alston, Emma Amos, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Jeff Donaldson, Aaron Douglas, Reginald Gammon (as Richard), Hugh Harrell, Oliver Harrington, Tom Feelings, Felrath Hines, Wadsworth Jarrell, Ted Joans, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Jacob Lawrence, Norman Lewis, Samella Lewis, Richard Mayhew, William Pritchard, Noah Purifoy, Edward Spriggs, Nelson Stevens, James Stewart, Askia Touré, Charles White, Hale Woodruff, James Yeargans. 8vo (9.1 x 6.1 in.), wraps.
SMETHURST, JAMES EDWARD.The New Red Negro: The Literary Left and African American Poetry, 1930-1946.New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.x, , 304 pp., notes, bibliog., index. Focuses on African American literature of the 1930s and 40s. Very brief mention of William Attaway, Amiri Baraka, E. Simms Campbell, Margaret Taylor Goss (Burroughs), Jacob Lawrence, and Charles White. 8vo (9.1 x 6 in.), cloth, d.j. First ed.
SMITH, JESSIE CARNEY, ed.Notable Black American Women Books I and II.Detroit: Gale Research, 1992; 1995.Book I: 1333 pp.; Book II: 775 pp., illus., indices. Artists who receive individual biographies in Book I: Phoebe Beasley, Camille Billops, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Charlotte White Franklin, Meta Warrick Fuller, Clementine Hunter, May Howard Jackson, Lois Mailou Jones, Elizabeth Keckly, Edmonia Lewis, Samella Lewis, Effie Lee Newsome, Elizabeth Prophet, Betye Saar, Augusta Savage, Alma Thomas, Laura Wheeler Waring. Many other artists mentioned in passing. Book II includes: Minnie Evans, Louise E. Jefferson, and Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe. Stout 4to (11.4 x 8.7 in.), cloth.
SPRADLING, MARY MACE.In Black and White: Afro-Americans in Print.Kalamazoo: Kalamazoo Public Library, 1980.2 vols. 1089 pp. Includes: John H. Adams, Ron Adams, Alonzo Aden, Muhammad Ali, Baba Alabi Alinya, Charles Alston, Charlotte Amevor, Benny Andrews, Ralph Arnold, William Artis, Ellsworth Ausby, Jacqueline Ayer, Calvin Bailey, Jene Ballentine, Casper Banjo, Henry Bannarn, Edward Bannister, Dutreuil Barjon, Ernie Barnes, Carolyn Plaskett Barrow, Richmond Barthé, Beatrice Bassette, Ad Bates, Romare Bearden, Phoebe Beasley, Roberta Bell, Cleveland Bellow, Ed Bereal, Arthur Berry, DeVoice Berry, Cynthia Bethune, Charles Bible, John Biggers, Camille Billops, Bob Blackburn, Irving Blaney, Bessie Blount, Gloria Bohanon, Leslie Bolling, Shirley Bolton, Charles Bonner, Michael Borders, John Borican, Earl Bostic, Augustus Bowen, David Bowser, David Bradford, Edward Brandford, Brumsic Brandon, William Braxton, Arthur Britt Sr., Benjamin Britt, Sylvester Britton, Elmer Brown, Fred Brown, Kay Brown, Margery Brown, Richard L. Brown, Samuel Brown, Vivian E. Browne, Henry Brownlee, Linda Bryant, Starmanda Bullock, Juana Burke, Selma Burke, Eugene Burkes, Viola Burley, Calvin Burnett, John Burr, Margaret Burroughs, Nathaniel Bustion, Sheryle Butler, Elmer Simms Campbell, Thomas Cannon, Nick Canyon, Edward Carr, Art Carraway, Ted Carroll, Joseph S. Carter, William Carter, Catti, George Washington Carver, Yvonne Catchings, Elizabeth Catlett, Mitchell Caton, Dana Chandler, Kitty Chavis, George Clack, Claude Clark, Ed Clark, J. Henrik Clarke, Leroy Clarke, Ladybird Cleveland, Floyd Coleman, Donald Coles, Margaret Collins, Paul Collins, Sam Collins, Dan Concholar, Arthur Coppedge, Wallace X. Conway, Leonard Cooper, William A. Cooper, Art Coppedge, Eldzier Cortor, Samuel Countee, Harold Cousins, William Craft, Cleo Crawford, Marva Cremer, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Crite, Jerrolyn Crooks, Harvey Cropper, Doris Crudup, Robert Crump, Dewey Crumpler, Frank E. Cummings, William Curtis, Mary Reed Daniel, Alonzo Davis, Charles Davis, Willis "Bing" Davis, Dale Davis, Charles C. Dawson, Juette Day, Thomas Day, Roy DeCarava, Paul DeCroom, Avel DeKnight, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Richard Dempsey, Murry DePillars, Robert D'Hue, Kenneth Dickerson, Leo Dillon, Raymond Dobard, Vernon Dobard, Jeff Donaldson, Aaron Douglas, Emory Douglas, Robert Douglass, Glanton Dowdell, David Driskell, Yolande Du Bois, Robert Duncanson, Eugenia Dunn, John Dunn, Adolphus Ealey, Eugene Eda, Melvin Edwards, Gaye Elliington, Annette Ensley, Marion Epting, Minnie Evans, Frederick Eversley, James Fairfax, Kenneth Falana, Allen Fannin, John Farrar, William Farrow, Elton Fax, Muriel Feelings, Tom Feelings, Frederick Flemister, Mikelle Fletcher, Curt Flood, Thomas Floyd, Doyle Foreman, Mozelle Forte (costume and fabric designer), Amos Fortune, Mrs. C.R. Foster, Inez Fourcard (as Fourchard), John Francis, Miriam Francis, Allan Freelon, Meta Warrick Fuller, Stephany Fuller, Gale Fulton-Ross, Ibibio Fundi, Alice Gafford, Otis Galbreath, West Gale, Reginald Gammon, Jim Gary, Herbert Gentry, Joseph Geran, Jimmy Gibbez, Sam Gilliam, Robert Glover, Manuel Gomez, Russell Gordon, Rex Goreleigh, Bernard Goss, Samuel Green, William Green, Donald Greene, Joseph Grey, Ron Griffin, Eugene Grigsby, Henry Gudgell, Charles Haines, Clifford Hall, Horathel Hall, Wesley Hall, David Hammons, James Hampton, Phillip Hampton, Lorraine Hansberry, Marvin Harden, Arthur Hardie, Inge Hardison, John Hardrick, Edwin Harleston, William A. Harper, Gilbert Harris, John Harris, Maren Hassinger, Isaac Hathaway, Frank Hayden, Kitty Hayden, Palmer Hayden, Vertis Hayes, Wilbur Haynie, Dion Henderson, Ernest Herbert, Leon Hicks, Hector Hill, Tony Hill, Geoffrey Holder, Al Hollingsworth, Varnette Honeywood, Earl Hooks, Humbert Howard, James Howard, Raymond Howell, Julien Hudson, Manuel Hughes, Margo Humphrey, Thomas Hunster, Richard Hunt, Clementine Hunter, Norman Hunter, Orville Hurt, Bill Hutson, Nell Ingram, Tanya Izanhour, Ambrose Jackson, Earl Jackson, May Jackson, Nigel Jackson, Suzanne Jackson, Walter Jackson, Louise Jefferson, Ted Joans, Daniel Johnson, Lester L. Johnson, Jr., Malvin Gray Johnson, Marie Johnson, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Joshua Johnston, Barbara Jones, Ben Jones, Calvin Jones, Frederick D. Jones Jr., James Arlington Jones, Lawrence Jones, Lois Mailou Jones, Eddie Jack Jordan, Ronald Joseph, Lemuel Joyner, Paul Keene, Elyse J. Kennart, Joseph Kersey, Gwendolyn Knight, Lawrence Compton Kolawole, Oliver LaGrone, Artis Lane, Doyle Lane, Raymond Lark, Lewis H. Latimer, Jacob Lawrence, Clarence Lawson, Bertina Lee, Joanna Lee, Peter Lee, Hughie Lee-Smith, Leon Leonard, Curtis Lewis, Edmonia Lewis, James Edward Lewis, Norman Lewis, Samella Lewis, Charles Lilly, Henri Linton, Jules Lion, Romeyn Lippman, Tom Lloyd, Jon Lockard, Juan Logan, Willie Longshore, Ed Loper, Ed Love, Al Loving, Geraldine McCullough, Lawrence McGaugh, Charles McGee, Donald McIlvaine, James McMillan, William McNeil, Lloyd McNeill, David Mann, William Marshall, Helen Mason, Philip Mason, Winifred Mason, Calvin Massey, Lester (Nathan) Mathews, William Maxwell, Richard Mayhew, Valerie Maynard, Yvonne Meo, Sam Middleton, Onnie Millar, Aaron Miller, Eva Miller, Lev Mills, P'lla Mills, Evangeline J. Montgomery, Arthur Monroe, Frank Moore, Ron Moore, Scipio Moorhead, Norma Morgan, Ken Morris, Calvin Morrison, Jimmie Mosely, Leo Moss, Lottie Moss, Archibald Motley, Hugh Mulzac, Frank Neal, George Neal, Otto Neals, Shirley Nero, Effie Newsome, Nommo, George Norman, Georg Olden, Ademola Olugebefola, Conora O'Neal (fashion designer), Cora O'Neal, Lula O'Neal, Pearl O'Neal, Ron O'Neal, Hayward Oubré, John Outterbridge, Carl Owens, Lorenzo Pace, Alvin Paige, Robert Paige, William Pajaud, Denise Palm, Norman Parish, Jules Parker, James Parks, Edgar Patience, Angela Perkins, Marion Perkins, Michael Perry, Jacqueline Peters, Douglas Phillips, Harper Phillips, Delilah Pierce, Howardena Pindell, Horace Pippin, Julie Ponceau, James Porter, Leslie Price, Ramon Price, Nelson Primus, Nancy Prophet, Noah Purifoy, Teodoro Ramos Blanco y Penita, Otis Rathel, Patrick Reason, William Reid, John Rhoden, Barbara Chase-Riboud, William Richmond, Percy Ricks, Gary Rickson, John Riddle, Gregory Ridley, Faith Ringgold, Malkia Roberts, Brenda Rogers, Charles Rogers, George Rogers, Arthur Rose, Nancy Rowland, Winfred Russell, Mahler Ryder, Betye Saar, Charles Sallee, Marion Sampler, John Sanders, Walter Sanford, Raymond Saunders, Augusta Savage, William E. Scott, Charles Sebree, Thomas Sills, Carroll Simms, Jewel Simon, Walter Simon, Merton Simpson, William H. Simpson, Louis Slaughter, Gwen Small, Albert A. Smith, Alvin Smith, Hughie Lee-Smith, John Henry Smith, Jacob Lawrence, John Steptoe, Nelson Stevens, Edward Stidum, Elmer C. Stoner, Lou Stovall, Henry O. Tanner, Ralph Tate, Betty Blayton Taylor, Della Taylor, Bernita Temple, Herbert Temple, Alma Thomas, Elaine Thomas, Larry Thomas, Carolyn Thompson, Lovett Thompson, Mildred Thompson, Mozelle Thompson, Robert (Bob) Thompson, Dox Thrash, Neptune Thurston, John Torres, Nat Turner, Leo Twiggs, Bernard Upshur, Royce Vaughn, Ruth Waddy, Anthony Walker, Earl Walker, Larry Walker, William Walker, Daniel Warburg, Eugene Warburg, Carole Ward, Laura Waring, Mary P. Washington, James Watkins, Lawrence Watson, Edward Webster, Allen A. Weeks, Robert Weil, James Wells, Pheoris West, Sarah West, John Weston, Delores Wharton, Amos White, Charles White, Garrett Whyte, Alfredus Williams, Chester Williams, Douglas R. Williams, Laura Williams, Matthew Williams, Morris Williams, Peter Williams, Rosetta Williams (as Rosita), Walter Williams, William T. Williams, Ed Wilson, Ellis Wilson, Fred Wilson, John Wilson, Stanley Wilson, Vincent Wilson, Hale Woodruff, Bernard Wright, Charles Young, Kenneth Young, Milton Young. [Note the 3rd edition consists of two volumes published by Gale Research in 1980, with a third supplemental volume issued in 1985.] Large stout 4tos, red cloth. 3rd revised expanded edition.
ST LOUIS (MO). St. Louis Public Library.An index to Black American artists.St. Louis: St. Louis Public Library, 1972.50 pp. Also includes art historians such as Henri Ghent. In this database, only artists are cross-referenced. 4to (28 cm.)
TAHA, HALIMA.Collecting African American Art: Works on Paper and Canvas.New York: Crown, 1998.xvi, 270 pp., approx. 150 color plates, brief bibliog., index, appendices of art and photo dealers, museums and other resources. Intro. by Ntozake Shange. Forewords by Dierdre Bibby and Samella Lewis. Text consists of a few sentences at best on most of the hundreds of listed artists. Numerous typos and other errors and misinformation throughout. 4to (29 cm.), laminated papered boards, d.j.
THOMISON, DENNIS.The Black Artist in America: An Index to Reproductions.Metuchen: Scarecrow Press, 1991.Includes: index to Black artists, bibliography (including doctoral dissertations and audiovisual materials.) Many of the dozens of spelling errors and incomplete names have been corrected in this entry and names of known white artists omitted from our entry, but errors may still exist in this entry, so beware: Jesse Aaron, Charles Abramson, Maria Adair, Lauren Adam, Ovid P. Adams, Ron Adams, Terry Adkins, (Jonathan) Ta Coumba T. Aiken, Jacques Akins, Lawrence E. Alexander, Tina Allen, Pauline Alley-Barnes, Charles Alston, Frank Alston, Charlotte Amevor, Emma Amos (Levine), Allie Anderson, Benny Andrews, Edmund Minor Archer, Pastor Argudin y Pedroso [as Y. Pedroso Argudin], Anna Arnold, Ralph Arnold, William Artis, Kwasi Seitu Asante [as Kwai Seitu Asantey], Steve Ashby, Rose Auld, Ellsworth Ausby, Henry Avery, Charles Axt, Roland Ayers, Annabelle Bacot, Calvin Bailey, Herman Kofi Bailey, Malcolm Bailey, Annabelle Baker, E. Loretta Ballard, Jene Ballentine, Casper Banjo, Bill Banks, Ellen Banks, John W. Banks, Henry Bannarn, Edward Bannister, Curtis R. Barnes, Ernie Barnes, James MacDonald Barnsley, Richmond Barthé, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Daniel Carter Beard, Romare Bearden, Phoebe Beasley, Falcon Beazer, Arthello Beck, Sherman Beck, Cleveland Bellow, Gwendolyn Bennett, Herbert Bennett, Ed Bereal, Arthur Berry, Devoice Berry, Ben Bey, John Biggers, Camille Billops, Willie Birch, Eloise Bishop, Robert Blackburn, Tarleton Blackwell, Lamont K. Bland, Betty Blayton, Gloria Bohanon, Hawkins Bolden, Leslie Bolling, Shirley Bolton, Higgins Bond, Erma Booker, Michael Borders, Ronald Boutte, Siras Bowens, Lynn Bowers, Frank Bowling, David Bustill Bowser, David Patterson Boyd, David Bradford, Harold Bradford, Peter Bradley, Fred Bragg, Winston Branch, Brumsic Brandon, James Brantley, William Braxton, Bruce Brice, Arthur Britt, James Britton, Sylvester Britton, Moe Brooker, Bernard Brooks, Mable Brooks, Oraston Brooks-el, David Scott Brown, Elmer Brown, Fred Brown, Frederick Brown, Grafton Brown, James Andrew Brown, Joshua Brown, Kay Brown, Marvin Brown, Richard Brown, Samuel Brown, Vivian Browne, Henry Brownlee, Beverly Buchanan, Selma Burke, Arlene Burke-Morgan, Calvin Burnett, Margaret Burroughs, Cecil Burton, Charles Burwell, Nathaniel Bustion, David Butler, Carole Byard, Albert Byrd, Walter Cade, Joyce Cadoo, Bernard Cameron, Simms Campbell, Frederick Campbell, Thomas Cannon (as Canon), Nicholas Canyon, John Carlis, Arthur Carraway, Albert Carter, Allen Carter, George Carter, Grant Carter, Ivy Carter, Keithen Carter, Robert Carter, William Carter, Yvonne Carter, George Washington Carver, Bernard Casey, Yvonne Catchings, Elizabeth Catlett, Frances Catlett, Mitchell Caton, Catti, Charlotte Chambless, Dana Chandler, John Chandler, Robin Chandler, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Kitty Chavis, Edward Christmas, Petra Cintron, George Clack, Claude Clark Sr., Claude Lockhart Clark, Edward Clark, Irene Clark, LeRoy Clarke, Pauline Clay, Denise Cobb, Gylbert Coker, Marion Elizabeth Cole, Archie Coleman, Floyd Coleman, Donald Coles, Robert Colescott, Carolyn Collins, Paul Collins, Richard Collins, Samuel Collins, Don Concholar, Wallace Conway, Houston Conwill, William A. Cooper, Arthur Coppedge, Jean Cornwell, Eldzier Cortor, Samuel Countee, Harold Cousins, Cleo Crawford, Marva Cremer, Ernest Crichlow, Norma Criss, Allan Rohan Crite, Harvey Cropper, Geraldine Crossland, Rushie Croxton, Doris Crudup, Dewey Crumpler, Emilio Cruz, Charles Cullen (White artist), Vince Cullers, Michael Cummings, Urania Cummings, DeVon Cunningham, Samuel Curtis, William Curtis, Artis Dameron, Mary Reed Daniel, Aaron Darling, Alonzo Davis, Bing Davis, Charles Davis, Dale Davis, Rachel Davis, Theresa Davis, Ulysses Davis, Walter Lewis Davis, Charles C. Davis, William Dawson, Juette Day, Roy DeCarava, Avel DeKnight, Beauford Delaney, Joseph Delaney, Nadine Delawrence, Louis Delsarte, Richard Dempsey, J. Brooks Dendy, III (as Brooks Dendy), James Denmark, Murry DePillars, Joseph DeVillis, Robert D'Hue, Kenneth Dickerson, Voris Dickerson, Charles Dickson, Frank Dillon, Leo Dillon, Robert Dilworth, James Donaldson, Jeff Donaldson, Lillian Dorsey, William Dorsey, Aaron Douglas, Emory Douglas, Calvin Douglass, Glanton Dowdell, John Dowell, Sam Doyle, David Driskell, Ulric S. Dunbar, Robert Duncanson, Eugenia Dunn, John Morris Dunn, Edward Dwight, Adolphus Ealey, Lawrence Edelin, William Edmondson, Anthony Edwards, Melvin Edwards, Eugene Eda [as Edy], John Elder, Maurice Ellison, Walter Ellison, Mae Engron, Annette Easley, Marion Epting, Melvyn Ettrick (as Melvin), Clifford Eubanks, Minnie Evans, Darrell Evers, Frederick Eversley, Cyril Fabio, James Fairfax, Kenneth Falana, Josephus Farmer, John Farrar, William Farrow, Malaika Favorite, Elton Fax, Tom Feelings, Claude Ferguson, Violet Fields, Lawrence Fisher, Thomas Flanagan, Walter Flax, Frederick Flemister, Mikelle Fletcher, Curt Flood, Batunde Folayemi, George Ford, Doyle Foreman, Leroy Foster, Walker Foster, John Francis, Richard Franklin, Ernest Frazier, Allan Freelon, Gloria Freeman, Pam Friday, John Fudge, Meta Fuller, Ibibio Fundi, Ramon Gabriel, Alice Gafford, West Gale, George Gamble, Reginald Gammon, Christine Gant, Jim Gary, Adolphus Garrett, Leroy Gaskin, Lamerol A. Gatewood, Herbert Gentry, Joseph Geran, Ezekiel Gibbs, William Giles, Sam Gilliam, Robert Glover, William Golding, Paul Goodnight, Erma Gordon, L. T. Gordon, Robert Gordon, Russell Gordon, Rex Goreleigh, Bernard Goss, Joe Grant, Oscar Graves, Todd Gray, Annabelle Green, James Green, Jonathan Green, Robert Green, Donald Greene, Michael Greene, Joseph Grey, Charles Ron Griffin, Eugene Grigsby, Raymond Grist, Michael Gude, Ethel Guest, John Hailstalk, Charles Haines, Horathel Hall, Karl Hall, Wesley Hall, Edward Hamilton, Eva Hamlin-Miller, David Hammons, James Hampton, Phillip Hampton, Marvin Harden, Inge Hardison, John Hardrick, Edwin Harleston, William Harper, Hugh Harrell, Oliver Harrington, Gilbert Harris, Hollon Harris, John Harris, Scotland J. B. Harris, Warren Harris, Bessie Harvey, Maren Hassinger, Cynthia Hawkins (as Thelma), William Hawkins, Frank Hayden, Kitty Hayden, Palmer Hayden, William Hayden, Vertis Hayes, Anthony Haynes, Wilbur Haynie, Benjamin Hazard, June Hector, Dion Henderson, Napoleon Jones-Henderson, William Henderson, Barkley Hendricks, Gregory A. Henry, Robert Henry, Ernest Herbert, James Herring, Mark Hewitt, Leon Hicks, Renalda Higgins, Hector Hill, Felrath Hines, Alfred Hinton, Tim Hinton, Adrienne Hoard, Irwin Hoffman, Raymond Holbert, Geoffrey Holder, Robin Holder, Lonnie Holley, Alvin Hollingsworth, Eddie Holmes, Varnette Honeywood, Earl J. Hooks, Ray Horner, Paul Houzell, Helena Howard, Humbert Howard, John Howard, Mildred Howard, Raymond Howell, William Howell, Calvin Hubbard, Henry Hudson, Julien Hudson, James Huff, Manuel Hughes, Margo Humphrey, Raymond Hunt, Richard Hunt, Clementine Hunter, Elliott Hunter, Arnold Hurley, Bill Hutson, Zell Ingram, Sue Irons, A. B. Jackson, Gerald Jackson, Harlan Jackson, Hiram Jackson, May Jackson, Oliver Jackson, Robert Jackson, Suzanne Jackson, Walter Jackson, Martha Jackson-Jarvis, Bob James, Wadsworth Jarrell, Jasmin Joseph [as Joseph Jasmin], Archie Jefferson, Rosalind Jeffries, Noah Jemison, Barbara Fudge Jenkins, Florian Jenkins, Chester Jennings, Venola Jennings, Wilmer Jennings, Georgia Jessup, Johana, Daniel Johnson, Edith Johnson, Harvey Johnson, Herbert Johnson, Jeanne Johnson, Malvin Gray Johnson, Marie Johnson-Calloway, Milton Derr (as Milton Johnson), Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Joshua Johnston, Ben Jones, Calvin Jones, Dorcas Jones, Frank A. Jones, Frederick D. Jones, Jr. (as Frederic Jones), Henry B. Jones, Johnny Jones, Lawrence Arthur Jones, Leon Jones, Lois Mailou Jones, Nathan Jones, Tonnie Jones, Napoleon Jones-Henderson, Barbara Jones-Hogu, Jack Jordan, Cliff Joseph, Ronald Joseph, Lemuel Joyner, Edward Judie, Michael Kabu, Arthur Kaufman, Charles Keck, Paul Keene, John Kendrick, Harriet Kennedy, Leon Kennedy, Joseph Kersey; Virginia Kiah, Henri King, James King, Gwendolyn Knight, Robert Knight, Lawrence Kolawole, Brenda Lacy, (Laura) Jean Lacy, Roy LaGrone, Artis Lane, Doyle Lane, Raymond Lark, Carolyn Lawrence, Jacob Lawrence, James Lawrence, Clarence Lawson, Louis LeBlanc, James Lee, Hughie Lee-Smith, Lizetta LeFalle-Collins, Leon Leonard, Bruce LeVert, Edmonia Lewis, Edwin E. Lewis, Flora Lewis, James E. Lewis, Norman Lewis, Roy Lewis, Samella Lewis, Elba Lightfoot, Charles Lilly [as Lily], Arturo Lindsay, Henry Linton, Jules Lion, James Little, Marcia Lloyd, Tom Lloyd, Jon Lockard, Donald Locke, Lionel Lofton, Juan Logan, Bert Long, Willie Longshore, Edward Loper, Francisco Lord, Jesse Lott, Edward Love, Nina Lovelace, Whitfield Lovell, Alvin Loving, Ramon Loy, William Luckett, John Lutz, Don McAllister, Theadius McCall, Dindga McCannon, Edward McCluney, Jesse McCowan, Sam McCrary, Geraldine McCullough, Lawrence McGaugh, Charles McGee, Donald McIlvaine, Karl McIntosh, Joseph Mack, Edward McKay, Thomas McKinney, Alexander McMath, Robert McMillon, William McNeil, Lloyd McNeill, Clarence Major, William Majors, David Mann, Ulysses Marshall, Phillip Lindsay Mason, Lester Mathews, Sharon Matthews, William (Bill) Maxwell, Gordon Mayes, Marietta Mayes, Richard Mayhew, Valerie Maynard, Victoria Meek, Leon Meeks, Yvonne Meo, Helga Meyer, Gaston Micheaux, Charles Mickens, Samuel Middleton, Onnie Millar, Aaron Miller, Algernon Miller, Don Miller, Earl Miller, Eva Hamlin Miller, Guy Miller, Julia Miller, Charles Milles, Armsted Mills, Edward Mills, Lev Mills, Priscilla Mills (P'lla), Carol Mitchell, Corinne Mitchell, Tyrone Mitchell, Arthur Monroe, Elizabeth Montgomery, Ronald Moody, Ted Moody, Frank Moore, Ron Moore, Sabra Moore, Theophilus Moore, William Moore, Leedell Moorehead, Scipio Moorhead, Clarence Morgan, Norma Morgan, Sister Gertrude Morgan, Patricia Morris, Keith Morrison, Lee Jack Morton, Jimmie Mosely, David Mosley, Lottie Moss, Archibald Motley, Hugh Mulzac, Betty Murchison, J. B. Murry, Teixera Nash, Inez Nathaniel, Frank Neal, George Neal, Jerome Neal, Robert Neal, Otto Neals, Robert Newsome, James Newton, Rochelle Nicholas, John Nichols, Isaac Nommo, Oliver Nowlin, Trudell Obey, Constance Okwumabua, Osira Olatunde, Kermit Oliver, Yaounde Olu, Ademola Olugebefola, Mary O'Neal, Haywood Oubré, Simon Outlaw, John Outterbridge, Joseph Overstreet, Carl Owens, Winnie Owens-Hart, Lorenzo Pace, William Pajaud, Denise Palm, James Pappas, Christopher Parks, James Parks, Louise Parks, Vera Parks, Oliver Parson, James Pate, Edgar Patience, John Payne, Leslie Payne, Sandra Peck, Alberto Pena, Angela Perkins, Marion Perkins, Michael Perry, Bertrand Phillips, Charles James Phillips, Harper Phillips, Ted Phillips, Delilah Pierce, Elijah Pierce, Harold Pierce, Anderson Pigatt, Stanley Pinckney, Howardena Pindell, Elliott Pinkney, Jerry Pinkney, Robert Pious, Adrian Piper, Horace Pippin, Betty Pitts, Stephanie Pogue, Naomi Polk, Charles Porter, James Porter, Georgette Powell, Judson Powell, Richard Powell, Daniel Pressley, Leslie Price, Ramon Price, Nelson Primus, Arnold Prince, E. (Evelyn?) Proctor, Nancy Prophet, Ronnie Prosser, William Pryor, Noah Purifoy, Florence Purviance, Martin Puryear, Mavis Pusey, Teodoro Ramos Blanco y Penita, Helen Ramsaran, Joseph Randolph; Thomas Range, Frank Rawlings, Jennifer Ray, Maxine Raysor, Patrick Reason, Roscoe Reddix, Junius Redwood, James Reed, Jerry Reed, Donald Reid, O. Richard Reid, Robert Reid, Leon Renfro, John Rhoden, Ben Richardson, Earle Richardson, Enid Richardson, Gary Rickson, John Riddle, Gregory Ridley, Faith Ringgold, Haywood Rivers, Arthur Roach, Malkia Roberts, Royal Robertson, Aminah Robinson, Charles Robinson, John N. Robinson, Peter L. Robinson, Brenda Rogers, Charles Rogers, Herbert Rogers, Juanita Rogers, Sultan Rogers, Bernard Rollins, Henry Rollins, Arthur Rose, Charles Ross, James Ross, Nellie Mae Rowe, Sandra Rowe, Nancy Rowland, Winfred Russsell, Mahler Ryder, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Charles Sallee, JoeSam., Marion Sampler, Bert Samples, Juan Sanchez, Eve Sandler, Walter Sanford, Floyd Sapp, Raymond Saunders, Augusta Savage, Ann Sawyer, Sydney Schenck, Vivian Schuyler Key, John Scott (Johnny) , John Tarrell Scott, Joyce Scott, William Scott, Charles Searles, Charles Sebree, Bernard Sepyo, Bennie Settles, Franklin Shands, Frank Sharpe, Christopher Shelton, Milton Sherrill, Thomas Sills, Gloria Simmons, Carroll Simms, Jewell Simon, Walter Simon, Coreen Simpson, Ken Simpson, Merton Simpson, William Simpson, Michael Singletary (as Singletry), Nathaniel Sirles, Margaret Slade (Kelley), Van Slater, Louis Sloan, Albert A. Smith, Alfred J. Smith, Alvin Smith, Arenzo Smith, Damballah Dolphus Smith, Floyd Smith, Frank Smith, George Smith, Howard Smith, John Henry Smith, Marvin Smith, Mary T. Smith, Sue Jane Smith, Vincent Smith, William Smith, Zenobia Smith, Rufus Snoddy, Sylvia Snowden, Carroll Sockwell, Ben Solowey, Edgar Sorrells, Georgia Speller, Henry Speller, Shirley Stark, David Stephens, Lewis Stephens, Walter Stephens, Erik Stephenson, Nelson Stevens, Mary Stewart, Renée Stout, Edith Strange, Thelma Streat, Richard Stroud, Dennis Stroy, Charles Suggs, Sharon Sulton, Johnnie Swearingen, Earle Sweeting, Roderick Sykes, Clarence Talley, Ann Tanksley, Henry O. Tanner, James Tanner, Ralph Tate, Carlton Taylor, Cecil Taylor, Janet Taylor Pickett, Lawrence Taylor, William (Bill) Taylor, Herbert Temple, Emerson Terry, Evelyn Terry, Freida Tesfagiorgis, Alma Thomas, Charles Thomas, James "Son Ford" Thomas, Larry Erskine Thomas, Matthew Thomas, Roy Thomas, William Thomas (a.k.a. Juba Solo), Conrad Thompson, Lovett Thompson, Mildred Thompson, Phyllis Thompson, Bob Thompson, Russ Thompson, Dox Thrash, Mose Tolliver, William Tolliver, Lloyd Toone, John Torres, Elaine Towns, Bill Traylor, Charles Tucker, Clive Tucker, Yvonne Edwards Tucker, Charlene Tull, Donald Turner, Leo Twiggs, Alfred Tyler, Anna Tyler, Barbara Tyson Mosley, Bernard Upshur, Jon Urquhart, Florestee Vance, Ernest Varner, Royce Vaughn, George Victory, Harry Vital, Ruth Waddy, Annie Walker, Charles Walker, Clinton Walker, Earl Walker, Lawrence Walker, Raymond Walker [a.k.a. Bo Walker], William Walker, Bobby Walls, Daniel Warburg, Eugene Warburg, Denise Ward-Brown, Evelyn Ware, Laura Waring, Masood Ali Warren, Horace Washington, James Washington, Mary Washington, Timothy Washington, Richard Waters, James Watkins, Curtis Watson, Howard Watson, Willard Watson, Richard Waytt, Claude Weaver, Stephanie Weaver, Clifton Webb, Derek Webster, Edward Webster, Albert Wells, James Wells, Roland Welton, Barbara Wesson, Pheoris West, Lamonte Westmoreland, Charles White, Cynthia White, Franklin White, George White, J. Philip White, Jack White (sculptor), Jack White (painter), John Whitmore, Jack Whitten, Garrett Whyte, Benjamin Wigfall, Bertie Wiggs, Deborah Wilkins, Timothy Wilkins, Billy Dee Williams, Chester Williams, Douglas Williams, Frank Williams, George Williams, Gerald Williams, Jerome Williams, Jose Williams, Laura Williams, Matthew Williams, Michael K. Williams, Pat Ward Williams, Randy Williams, Roy Lee Williams, Todd Williams, Walter Williams, William T. Williams, Yvonne Williams, Philemona Williamson, Stan Williamson, Luster Willis, A. B. Wilson, Edward Wilson, Ellis Wilson, Fred Wilson, George Wilson, Henry Wilson, John Wilson, Stanley C. Wilson, Linda Windle, Eugene Winslow, Vernon Winslow, Cedric Winters, Viola Wood, Hale Woodruff, Roosevelt Woods, Shirley Woodson, Beulah Woodard, Bernard Wright, Dmitri Wright, Estella Viola Wright, George Wright, Richard Wyatt, Frank Wyley, Richard Yarde, James Yeargans, Joseph Yoakum, Bernard Young, Charles Young, Clarence Young, Kenneth Young, Milton Young.
WASHINGTON (DC). Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.Artists' files for exhibition of African-American women artists, 1969-1978.1979.The National Women's Caucus for Art, College Art Association. An exhibition on Afro-American Women Artists was to be held in conjunction with CAA's Annual meeting, 1979. Emily Martin and Tritobia Benjamin were co-curators. The exhibition was cancelled due to lack of funding. Artists included are: Rose A. Auld, Loretta E. Ballard, Camille Billops, Barbara Jane Bullock, Viola Burley [Leak], Margaret Gross Burroughs, Lilian T. Burwell, Yvonne Pickering Carter, Juette Johnson Day, Karen D. Eutemey, Gloria Terry Freeman, Varnette P. Honeywood, Martha Jackson (presumably Martha Jackson-Jarvis), Georgia Mills Jessup, Marie Johnson, Arinthia Lynn Jones, Lois Mailou Jones, Harriet Forte Kennedy, Patricia Mattison Landry, Samella S. Lewis, Geraldine McCullough, Edith Martin, Yvonne Olivia Cole Meo, Elizabeth Catlett Mora, Norma Morgan, Leigh H. Mosley, Marilyn Nance, Nefertiti, Winnie Owens, Kathleen J. Ballard Peters, Delilah Pierce, Georgette Seabrooke Powell, Mavis Pusey, Helen Evans Ramsaran, Faith Ringgold, Lucille (Malkia) Roberts, Bettye Saar, Jewel Simon, Mei-Tei-Sing Smith, Joan C. Stephens, Alma Thomas, Mildred Thompson, Phyllis Thompson, Bertie Wiggs, Roberta Wolfe, Theresa India Young.
WASHINGTON (DC). Evans-Tibbs Collection.Margaret Burroughs, Marion Perkins: A Retrospective.1982.18 pp. exhib. cat., 13 b&w illus. including photo of artists, chronols., checklist of 32 works (1934-70), annotated bibliog. Text by Thurlow E. Tibbs, Jr. Two important Black Chicago artists - printmaker and sculptor respectively. Small 4to, stapled printed wraps. First ed.
WASHINGTON (DC). Howard University Gallery of Art.Exhibition of Negro Artists of Chicago.February 1-25, 1941.(4) pp. exhib. cat., illus., list of artists included. Text by Norman MacLeish "Negro Art in Chicago." Presented in observance of National Negro History Week and the 75th anniversary of the Proclamation of the 13th Amendment. Featured many of the works from the historic 1940 Chicago Exposition. Artists included: Henry Avery, Margaret Burroughs, John Carlis, William Carter, Eldzier Cortor, Charles Davis, Katherine Dorsey, Ramon Gabriel, Bernard Goss, Charles T. Haig, Fred Hollingsworth, Clarence Lawson, Frank Neal, George Neal (illus.), Charles Sebree, Earl Walker, Charles White; sculptors Edward T. Collier, Joseph A. Kersey (illus.), Marion Perkins, David Ross. Alonzo Aden. [Review: Rosa Chatfield-Taylor, "Howard University Holds Negro Exhibit," The Washington Post (February 16, 1941):VI:4.]
WASHINGTON (DC). Howard University Gallery of Art.New Vistas in American Art.March-April, 1961.24 pp., 25 b&w plates, 3 photos (of the prize-winning artists Selma Burke, Meta Fuller, John Rhoden), cover illus., checklist of 117 works. Text by James A. Porter. Jury includes Hughie Lee-Smith and James Lesesne Wells. Painters in exhibition include: Frank Allison, Margaret Burroughs, Ernest Crichlow, Richard Dempsey, David Driskell, Eugenia Dunn, Rex Goreleigh, Phillip J. Hampton, Humbert Howard, Harlan Jackson, Lois Mailou Jones, Alan Junier, Paul Keene, Hughie Lee-Smith, Edward Loper, Charles McGee, Jimmie Mosely, J. Dallas Parks, Delilah Pierce, Harper Phillips, James Porter, Percy Ricks, Jewel Simon, Alma Thomas, Mildred Thompson, James Watkins, James Wells, Ellis Wilson, William White; sculptors include: William Artis, Elizabeth Catlett, Earl Hooks, Sargent Johnson, Jack Jordan, James E. Lewis, Marion Perkins, Gregory Ridley, Charles Stallings, William (Bill) Taylor. Graphic artists included A. B. Jackson, James E. Lewis, Norma Morgan, Harper T. Phillips, Charles Stallings, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White. 8vo, stapled pictorial wraps.
WASHINGTON (DC). Parish Gallery.Celebrating 50 Years: Fine Artists and Art 1959-2009.September 18-October 13, 2009.Group exhibition to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of The National Conference of Artists (NCA). Included: Ana Maria Allen, Kwabena Ampofo-Anti, Daniel T. Brooking, Gloria A. Bradley, Margaret T. Burroughs, Floyd Coleman, David C. Driskell, Sandra Epps, Claudia Aziza Gibson-Hunter, Margo Humphrey, Larry B. Joseph, Gloria C. Kirk, Serenity Knight, E. J. Montgomery, Magruder Murray, Bruce McNeil, Norman Parish, Donte Player, Rachel Pope, Amber Robles-Gordon, Malia Kai Salaam-Steeple, Emma Smith, Frank Smith, George Shoman Smith, Willard Taylor, Derrek Vaughn.
WASHINGTON (DC). Sixth District Police Headquarters.The Evans-Tibbs Collection: Selections from the Permanent Holdings. 19th and 20th Century American Art.August 25-31, 1985.Unpag., 18 b&w illus., checklist of 40 works by 41 artists. Text by Thurlow E. Tibbs, Jr. An exhibition sponsored by the Far East Community Services, Inc. and the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities. Artists included: Charles Alston, Edward M. Bannister, Richmond Barthé, Romare Bearden, Hilda Brown, Margaret Burroughs, Elizabeth Catlett, Mary Reed Daniel, Beauford Delaney, Louis Delsarte, Richard Dempsey, Aaron Douglas, David Driskell, Clementine Hunter, Joshua Johnson, Lois Mailou Jones, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Norman Lewis, Gerald McCain, Lev Mills, Marion Perkins, Delilah Pierce, Patrick Reason, Betye Saar, William E. Scott, Addison Scurlock, Charles Sebree, Sharon Sutton, Henry O. Tanner, Alma W. Thomas, Bill Traylor, Curtis Tucker, Yvonne Tucker, James Vanderzee, Joyce Wellman, James L. Wells, Charles White, Hale Woodruff. 4to (28 cm.), wraps. First ed.
WASHINGTON (DC). The White House.Ten Outstanding Afro-American Artists.1981.Group exhibition. Included: Margaret Taylor Burroughs, et al.
WEST NYACK (NY). Rockland Center for the Arts.African-American Printmaking, 1838 to the Present.October 8-November 19, 1995.26 pp. exhib. cat., 9 b&w illus., brief but substantial biogs. of each artist, full exhib. checklist. Text by Harry Henderson. Group exhibition. Co-curated by Cynthia Hawkins and Lena Hyun. Included 74 works by 46 artists: Benny Andrews, Romare Bearden, John T. Biggers, Camille Billops, Bob Blackburn, Marvin Brown, Vivian E. Browne, Selma Burke, Margaret Burroughs, Nanette Carter, Elizabeth Catlett, Eldzier Cortor, Ernest Crichlow, Allan Rohan Crite, Melvin Edwards, Elton Fax, Allan R. Freelon, Robin Holder, Margo Humphrey, Wilmer Jennings, Sargent Johnson, William H. Johnson, Ronald Joseph, Mohammad Omer Khalil, Jacob Lawrence, Hughie Lee-Smith, Norman Lewis, Alvin D. Loving, William Majors, Richard Mayhew, Stephanie Pogue, Patrick Reason, Faith Ringgold, Aminah Brenda L. Robinson, Albert A. Smith, Vincent D. Smith, Raymond Steth, Henry Ossawa Tanner, Mildred Thompson, Dox Thrash, James Lesesne Wells, Charles White, Michael Kelly Williams, William T. Williams, John Wilson, and Hale Woodruff. Oblong 8vo, stapled pictorial wraps. First ed.
WIDENER, DANIEL.Black Arts West: Culture and Struggle in Postwar Los Angeles.Durham: Duke University Press, 2010.xiv, 368 pp., 48 illus. (mostly historical photos), notes, bibliog., index. Chapters: Hollywood scuffle : the Second World War, Los Angeles, and the politics of wartime representation -- The Negro as human being? Desegregation and the Black arts imperative -- Writing Watts : the rise and fall of cultural liberalism -- Notes from the underground : free jazz and Black power in South Los Angeles -- Studios in the street : creative community and visual arts -- The arms of criticism : the cultural politics of urban insurgency -- An intimate enemy : culture and the contradictions of Bradleyism -- How to survive in South Central : Black film as class critique. Artists included (many just brief passing mention): William Alexander, Amiri Baraka, Camille Billops, William Blackman, Gloria Bohanon, Margaret Burroughs, Ben Caldwell, Bernie Casey, Dan Concholar, Houston Conwill, Julie Dash, Alonzo Davis, Dale Davis, Zeinabu Irene Davis, Emory Douglas, Melvin Edwards, Jacqueline Frazier, Alice Taylor Gafford, David Hammons, Suzanne Jackson, Charles Johnson, Doyle Lane, Alile Sharon Larkin, Joe Lewis, Samella Lewis, Constance McClendon, Barbara McCullough, Oscar Micheaux, Willie Middlebrook, P'lla Mills, Lenora Moore, Senga Nengudi, Judson Powell, Noah Purifoy, John T. Riddle, Betye Saar, Van Slater, William E. Smith, Curtis Tann, Ruth Waddy, Timothy Washington, Charles White, Beulah Ecton Woodard, Richard Wyatt, Jr. 8vo (25 x 17 cm.; 9.3 x 6.2 in.), cloth, d.j.Margaret Burroughs was born in St. Rose, Louisiana, on November 1, 1917, and moved with her family to the South Side of Chicago in 1922. Burroughs studied at Englewood High School and also attended George Neal's art classes. Her earliest involvement in political activism began when she and classmate Gwendolyn Brooks joined the NAACP Youth Council. She studied at Chicago State and became an art teacher at DuSable High School. She married fellow artist Bernard Goss in 1939, and their coach-house flat became a social center, dubbed “little Bohemia,” for a wide and interracial circle of friends and colleagues. Burroughs worked tirelessly to establish the South Side Community Art Center which opened in 1940 and became the youngest member of its board. She also studied at the Art Institute of Chicago and received her MFA in 1948. During her travel to Mexico she studied at the Esmerelda School of Art and Taller de Grafica under Leopoldo Mendez, a prominent printmaker of the Diego Rivera circle. The Mexican muralists use of social commentary inspired her work. Burroughs worked in many mediums, showing special facility in water colors and linocut print-making. She is also an accomplished poet and author of children's books. In 1961, with second husband Charles Burroughs, she founded the DuSable Museum of African American History in Chicago. The linocuts on this display were donated by the artist during her visit to Oakton on March 14, 2008. Margaret Burroughs died Sunday, Nov. 21, 2010
Margaret Taylor-Burroughs (November 1, 1915[a] – November 21, 2010),[1][2] also known as Margaret Taylor Goss, Margaret Taylor Goss Burroughs or Margaret T G Burroughs, was an American visual artist, writer, poet, educator, and arts organizer. She co-founded the Ebony Museum of Chicago, now the DuSable Museum of African American History.
An active member of the African-American community, she also helped to establish the South Side Community Art Center, whose opening on May 1, 1941[3] was dedicated by the first lady of the United States Eleanor Roosevelt.[4] There, at the age of 23, Burroughs served as the youngest member of its board of directors. A long-time educator, she spent most of her career at DuSable High School.
Taylor-Burroughs was a prolific writer, with her efforts directed toward the exploration of the Black experience and toward children, especially to their appreciation of their cultural identity and to their introduction and growing awareness of art. She is also credited with the founding of Chicago's Lake Meadows Art Fair in the early 1950s.
Early life and educationBurroughs was born Victoria Margaret Taylor in St. Rose, Louisiana, where her father worked as a farmer and laborer at a railroad warehouse. She was raised there as a Catholic.[5]
The family moved to Chicago in 1920 when she was five years old.[6] There she attended Englewood High School along with Gwendolyn Brooks, who in 1985-1986 served as consultant in poetry to the Library of Congress (now United States Poet Laureate). As classmates, the two joined the NAACP Youth Council. Burroughs earned her teacher's certificates from Chicago Teachers College in 1937. She helped found the South Side Community Arts Center in 1939 to serve as a social center, gallery, and studio to showcase African American artists. In 1946, Taylor-Burroughs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in art education from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where she also earned her Master of Arts degree in art education, in 1948.
Personal lifeTaylor-Burroughs married the artist Bernard Goss (1913–1966), in 1939, and they divorced in 1947. In 1949, she married the poet Charles Gordon Burroughs and they remained married until his death in 1994.[7]
CareerTaylor-Burroughs taught at DuSable High School on Chicago's south side from 1946 to 1969, and from 1969 to 1979 was a professor of humanities at Kennedy-King College, a community college in Chicago. She also taught African American art and culture at Elmhurst College in 1968. She was named Chicago park district commissioner by Harold Washington in 1985, a position she held until 2010. Margaret Burroughs is the recipient of an honorary doctorate, as well as the President's Humanitarian Award (1975).[8]
Career as an artistDr. Margaret Taylor Burroughs exhibited her art with the American Negro Exposition (Chicago, 1940), as well as Atlanta University (1943-1945), and the San Francisco Civic Museum (1949).[9]
Burroughs created many of her own works of art as well. In one of her linocuts, Birthday Party, both Black and white children are seen celebrating. The Black and white children are not isolated from each other; instead they are intermixed and mingling around the table together waiting for a birthday cake.[10] An article published by The Art Institute of Chicago described Burroughs' Birthday Party and said: "Through her career, as both a visual artist and a writer, she has often chosen themes concerning family, community, and history. 'Art is communication,' she has said. 'I wish my art to speak not only for my people - but for all humanity.' This aim is achieved in Birthday Party, in which both black and white children dance, while mothers cut cake in a quintessential image of neighbors and family enjoying a special day together."[11] The painting puts in visual form Burroughs' philosophy that "the color of skin is a minor difference among men which has been stretched beyond its importance."[12]
In many of Burroughs' pieces, she depicts people with half black and half white faces. In The Faces of My People, Burroughs carved five people staring at the viewer. One of the women is all black, three of the people are half black and half white and one is mostly white. While Burroughs is attempting to blend together the Black and white communities, she also shows the barriers that stop the communities from uniting. None of the people in The Faces of My People are looking at each other, and this implies a sense of disconnect among them.[10] On another level, The Faces of My People deals with diversity. An article from the Collector magazine website describes Burroughs' attempts to unify in the picture. The article says, "Burroughs sees her art as a catalyst for bringing people together. This tableau of diverse individuals illustrates her commitment to mutual respect and understanding."[13]
Burroughs once again depicts faces that are half black and half white in My People. Even though the title is similar to the previously referenced piece, the woodcut has some differences. In this scene, there are four different faces – each of which is half white and half black. The head on the far left is tilted to the side and close to the head next to it. It seems as both heads are coming out of the same body – taking the idea of split personalities to the extreme. The women are all very close together, suggesting that they relate to each other. In The Faces of My People, there were others pictured with different skin tones, but in My People all of the people have the same half black and half white split. Therefore, My People focuses on a common conflict that all the women in the picture face.[14]
ArtworkMediumDateCollectionStill LifeOil on compressed particle board1943Corcoran CollectionSleeping BoyLinocut1953Reba and Dave Williams CollectionBlack VenusLinocut1957Reba and Dave Williams CollectionOn the BeachLinocut1957Reba and Dave Williams CollectionAbstractionLinocut on paperca. 1962The Johnson CollectionAfrican OdalisqueLithograph on paper1984The Johnson CollectionHop ScotchLinocut on paper1991The Johnson CollectionBill Broonzy- Me Folk SingerLinocut on paper2006The Johnson CollectionWomanInk on paper2006DuSable CollectionLegacy
The first home of the DuSable Museum of African American History was located in this house, built for Chicago contractor John W. Griffiths in 1892 and purchased by Charles and Margaret Burroughs in 1959, who opened part of their home for the public museumMargaret and her husband Charles co-founded what is now the DuSable Museum of African American History in Chicago in 1961. The institution was originally known as the Ebony Museum of Negro History and Art and made its debut in the living room of their house at 3806 S. Michigan Avenue in the Bronzeville neighborhood on Chicago's south side,[15] and Taylor-Burroughs served as its first Executive Director.[16] She was proud of the institution's grass-roots beginnings: "We're the only one that grew out of the Indigenous Black community. We weren't started by anybody downtown; we were started by ordinary folks."[17] Burroughs served as executive director until she retired in 1985 and was then named director emeritus, remaining active in the museum's operations and fundraising efforts.[18]
The museum moved to its current location at 740 E. 56th Place in Washington Park in 1973, and today is the oldest museum of Black culture in the United States. Both the current museum building, and the Burroughs' S. Michigan Avenue home are now listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and the house is a designated Chicago landmark.The current location of the DuSable Museum of African American History.Burroughs was inspired by Harriet Tubman, Gerard L. Lew, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, and W.E.B. Du Bois. In Eugene Feldman's The Birth and Building of the DuSable Museum, Feldman writes about the influence Du Bois had on Burroughs' life. He believes that Burroughs greatly admired Du Bois and writes that she campaigned to bring him to Chicago to lecture to audiences. Feldman wrote: "If we read about 'cannabalistic and primitive Africa,'… it is a deliberate effort to put down a whole people and Dr. Du Bois fought this… Dr. Burroughs saw Dr. Du Bois and what he stood for and how he suffered himself to attain exposure of his views. She identified entirely with this important effort." Therefore, Burroughs clearly believed in Dr. Du Bois and the power of his message.[19]
DeathBurroughs died in Chicago on November 21, 2010.[2][20]
Awards and honors1973 Young Women's Christian Association leadership award for excellence in art.1975 The President's Humanitarian Award.[18]1982 Excellence in Art Award, National Association of Negro Museums.1988 The Lifetime Achievement Award by the Women's Caucus for Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.[21]1988 Progressive Black Woman's Award, Enverite Charity Club.1989 The Paul Robeson Award.2010 The Legends and Legacy Award, a program of the Leadership Advisory Committee of the Art Institute of Chicago.[22]2015 Inducted into the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame.[23]On August 12, 2015, the Chicago Park District board voted to rename 31st Street Beach after Margaret Taylor-Burroughs. Burroughs had served as a commissioner on the park board for twenty-five years.[24]The holdings of the Koehnline Museum of Art at Oakton Community College include a collection of fifteen of Burroughs' linocut prints from the 1990s.[25]The Muscarelle Museum of Art exhibited Burroughs' "Black Venus" in an exhibition titled "Building on the Legacy: African American Art from the Permanent Collection" from September 2, 2017 - January 14, 2018.[26]Selected writingsJasper, the drummin' boy (1947)Celebrating Negro History and Brotherhood: A Folio of Prints by Chicago Artists (1956)Whip me whop me pudding, and other stories of Riley Rabbit and his fabulous friends (1966)What shall I tell my children who are Black? (1968)Did you feed my cow? Street games, chants, and rhymes (1969)For Malcolm; poems on the life and the death of Malcolm X Dudley Randall and Margaret G. Burroughs, editors (1969)Africa, my Africa (1970)What shall I tell my children?: An addenda (1975)Interlude: seven musical poems by Frank Marshall Davis, Margaret T. Burroughs, editor. (1985)Minds flowing free: original poetry by "The Ladies" women's division of Cook County Department of Corrections, Margaret Taylor-Burroughs, editor (1986)The Family Linocut (1986)A very special tribute in honor of a very special person, Eugene Pieter Romayn Feldman, b. 1915-d. 1987 - poems, essays, letters by and to Eugene Pieter Romayn Feldman Margaret T. Burroughs, editor (1988)His name was Du Sable and he was the first (1990)Africa name book (1994)A shared heritage: art by four African Americans by William E. Taylor and Harriet G. Warkel with essays by Margaret T. G. Burroughs and others (1996)The Beginner's Guide to Collecting Fine Art, African American Style Ana M. Allen and Margaret Taylor Burroughs (1998)The tallest tree in the forest (1998)Humanist and glad to be (2003)My first husband & his four wives (me, being the first) (2003)
The DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center, formerly the DuSable Museum of African American History, is a museum in Chicago that is dedicated to the study and conservation of African-American history, culture, and art. It was founded in 1961 by Margaret Taylor-Burroughs, her husband Charles Burroughs, Gerard Lew, Eugene Feldman, Bernard Goss, Marian M. Hadley, and others.[1] They established the museum to celebrate black culture, at the time overlooked by most museums and academic establishments. The museum has an affiliation with the Smithsonian Institution.
HistoryFoundingThe DuSable Black History Museum was chartered on February 16, 1961.[2] Its origins as the Ebony Museum of Negro History and Art began in the work of Margaret and Charles Burroughs, Bernard Goss, and others to correct the perceived omission of black history and culture in the education establishment.[3][4] The museum was originally located on the ground floor of the Burroughses' home at 3806 S. Michigan Avenue.[3][5][6] In 1968, the museum was renamed for Jean Baptiste Point du Sable, a fur trader of black African ancestry and the first non-Native-American permanent settler in Chicago.[7][8] During the 1960s, the museum and the South Side Community Art Center, which was located across the street, founded in 1941 by Taylor-Burroughs and dedicated by Eleanor Roosevelt,[9] formed an African-American cultural corridor.[7] This original museum site had previously been a social club [10] and boarding house for African-American railroad workers and is now listed as a Chicago Landmark and on the National Register of Historic Places.[7][11]
The DuSable Black History Museum quickly filled a void caused by limited cultural resources then available to African Americans in Chicago. It became an educational resource for African-American history and culture and a focal point in Chicago for black social activism. The museum has hosted political fundraisers, community festivals, and various events serving the black community. The museum's model has been emulated in numerous other cities around the country, including Boston, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia.[7]
ExpansionIn 1973, the Chicago Park District donated the usage of a park administration building in Washington Park as the site for the museum.[4][5] The current location once served as a lockup facility for the Chicago Police Department.[5] In 1993, the museum expanded with the addition of a new wing named in honor of the late Mayor Harold Washington,[4] the first African-American mayor of Chicago.[12] In 2004, the original building became a contributing building to the Washington Park United States Registered Historic District which is a National Register of Historic Places listing.[13][14]
The DuSable Black History Museum is the oldest, and — before the founding of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in 2016 — the largest caretaker of African-American culture in the United States. Over its long history, it has expanded as necessary to reflect the increased interest in black culture.[15] This willingness to adapt has allowed it to survive while other museums faltered due to a weakening economy and decreased public support.[16] The museum was the eighth one located on Park District land.[4] Although it focuses on exhibiting African-American culture, it is one of several Chicago museums that celebrates Chicago's ethnic and cultural heritage.[17]
Antoinette Wright, director of the DuSable Black History Museum, has said that African-American art has grown out of a need for the culture to preserve its history orally and in art due to historical obstacles to other forms of documentation. She also believes that the museum serves as a motivational tool for members of a culture that has experienced extensive negativity.[18] In the 1980s, African-American museums such as the DuSable endured the controversy of whether negative aspects of the cultural history should be memorialized.[19] In the 1990s, the African-American genre of museum began to flourish despite financial difficulties.[18] In 2016, the museum formed an affiliation with the Smithsonian Institution.[20]
CollectionLarge, rectangular, concrete structure, with windows on the ground floorThe Harold Washington WingThe new wing contains a permanent exhibit on Washington with memorabilia, personal effects and surveys highlights of his political career.[5] The museum also serves as the city's primary memorial to du Sable.[4] Highlights of its collection include the desk of activist Ida B. Wells, the violin of poet Paul Laurence Dunbar,[21] and the Charles Dawson Papers.[22]
The museum has a collection of 13,000 artifacts, books, photographs, art objects, and memorabilia.[5] The DuSable collection has come largely from private gifts. It has United States slavery-era relics, nineteenth- and twentieth-century artifacts, and archival materials, including the diaries of sea explorer Captain Harry Dean. The DuSable collection includes works from scholar W. E. B. Du Bois, sociologist St. Clair Drake, and poet Langston Hughes. The African-American art collection contains selections from the South Side Community Art Center students Charles White, Richard Hunt,[23] Archibald Motley, Jr., Gus Nall, Charles Sebree, and Marion Perkins, as well as numerous New Deal Works Progress Administration period and 1960s Black Arts Movement works. The museum also owns prints and drawings by Henry O. Tanner, Richmond Barthé, and Romare Bearden, and has an extensive collection of books and records pertaining to African and African-American history and culture.[7][24]
FacilitiesThe original north entrance contains the main lobby of the museum and features the Thomas Miller mosaics, which honor the institution's founders. The building was designed c.1915 by D.H. Burnham and Company to serve as the South Park Administration Building in Washington Park on the city's South Side.[4] The new wing is 25,000 square feet (2,300 m2). The museum has a 466-seat auditorium, which is part of the new wing, that hosts community-related events, such as a jazz and blues music series, poetry readings, film screenings, and other cultural events. The museum also has a gift shop and a research library.[18] The museum's funding is partially dependent upon a Chicago Park District tax levy.[7]
After the 1993 expansion of the new wing, the museum contained 50,000 square feet (4,600 m2) of exhibition space. The $4 million expansion was funded by a $2 million matching funds grant from city and state officials.[2] In addition, the museum has been working on preserving and expanding facilities in a nearby architecturally significant roundhouse.[25]
See alsoBarzillai Lew – Lew FamilyList of museums focused on African AmericansList of museums and cultural institutions in ChicagoFunky Turns 40: Black Character Revolution
The South Side Community Art Center is a community art center in Chicago that opened in 1940 with support from the Works Progress Administration's Federal Art Project in Illinois.[1] Opened in Bronzeville in an 1893 mansion, it became the first black art museum in the United States[2] and has been an important center for the development Chicago's African American artists.[1] Of more than 100 community art centers established by the WPA, this is the only one that remains open.
The center was awarded Chicago Landmark status in 1994.[1] Named a "National Treasure" by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 2017, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2018.[3][4]
Eleanor Roosevelt at the dedication of South Side Community Art Center (May 7, 1941)Efforts to open a community art center on Chicago's South Side began in 1938. Peter Pollack, a Federal Art Project official, contacted Metz Lochard, an editor at the Chicago Defender, about having the Art Project sponsor exhibitions of African American artists, who often had trouble securing space to display their work. Pollack, an art dealer, owned a gallery on Michigan Avenue in Chicago's Loop and had previously displayed the work of African American artists. Lochard arranged a meeting between Pollack and Pauline Kigh Reed, a social worker with extensive connections in the community, and, according to Reed's recollection, she suggested founding an art center. Reed helped arrange an initial meeting with area artists at the South Side Settlement House at 32nd Street and Wabash Avenue. Businessman Golden Darby, chairman of the board of the Settlement House, became chair of the Sponsoring Committee of the proposed South Side Community Art Center.[5]
Darby chaired the first official meeting of the Sponsoring Committee on October 25, 1938 at the offices of the Chicago Urban League. In addition to Darby, Pollack, and other organizers of the Sponsoring Committee, the meeting was attended by members of the Arts Crafts Guild, a group of Chicago-based African American artists organized in 1932 which included Margaret Taylor-Burroughs, Eldzier Cortor, Bernard Goss, Charles White, William Carter, Joseph Kersey, and Archibald Motley Jr. George G. Thorpe, the State Director of the Federal Art Project of Illinois, informed the group that the FAP's community art center program would provide an administrative staff, faculty, and renovation funds for a center if the community could raise funds for the purchase of a building and the costs of utilities and supplies.
The following year was spent organizing and raising funds for the center, with efforts ranging from membership drives and street corner collections (including Margaret Burroughs's famous "Mile of Dimes" on South Parkway, (now Martin Luther King Drive) to benefit parties and lectures by speakers including Augusta Savage. The most successful of these events, the Artists' and Models' Ball held at the Savoy Ballroom on October 23, 1939, became an annual tradition.
Among its alumni are Charles White, Bernard Goss, George Neal, Eldzier Cortor, Gordon Parks, Archibald Motley, Richard Hunt[6] and Margaret Burroughs.[7]
BuildingCompleted in 1893, at 3831 S. Michigan Avenue, the Georgian Revival-style building designed by architect L. Gustav Hallberg, originally served as a residence for grain merchant George A. Seaverns Jr.[1]
In 1940, the by then vacant brownstone building was selected as the site for the planned community art center and was purchased for about $8,000[8] with funds raised by the community.[9][10][11] The building is sometimes referred to as the Comiskey Mansion,[10][12] and it was described as the former home of Charles Comiskey by Eleanor Roosevelt in her newspaper column after she took part in the dedication of the South Side Community Art Center.[13] According to UNCAP, the Uncovering New Chicago Archives Project, the house belonging to Comiskey was further south on Michigan Avenue.[8] The community paid for the lease and purchase of the building, for utilities, and for art supplies.[11] The federal government helped to stimulate the establishment of the center via support from the Works Progress Administration's Federal Art Project.[10] They provided administrative funds for staff and faculty and funds for the remodeling of the building.[11] The interior was remodeled in the New Bauhaus-style by Hin Bredendieck and Nathan Lerner and the centre opened unofficially for its first classes on December 15, 1940.[1][8][11][12] The opening was accompanied by an inaugural exhibition of paintings by local black artists including Charles Davis, Charles White, Bernard Goss, William Carter, Eldzier Cortor, Charles Sebree, Archibald Motley Jr., amongst others.[12] The interracial faculty of art instructors included Davis, White, Goss, Carter, Morris Topchevsky, Si Gordon, Max Kahn, and Todros Geller.[14] Lessons were free and included oil painting, drawing, composition, water color, sculpture, lithography, poster design, fashion illustration, interior decoration, silk screen, weaving, and hooked rug-making.[12] By March 1941, 13,500 people had attended classes, exhibitions, and events at the center.[14] First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt dedicated the facility May 7, 1941, in a ceremony that broadcast nationwide[15] on CBS Radio.[8][14]
Landmark statusThe center earned Chicago Landmark status on June 16, 1994.[1] In 2017, the center was named a "National Treasure" by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.[16] The building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2018.
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