Albany Daily Democrat from Albany, Oregon (2024)

a a a A A Daily Democrat Saturday Evening, joint July 6,1889 Publishe. every day in the week. Sundays excopted.) TITES NUTTING, Editors and Publishers. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Delivered by caarier per .15 By mail, per month.

5.00 .50 ymail, per Entered a the Post Office at Albany, 0 as second-class mail matter. LOCAL RECORD. A CAR LOAD. -Fortmiller Irving receive their furniture by the car lead. Another one is just at hand, loaded with a finer stock of goods than eyer before, showing an increasing demand for first-class goods in the Albany market.

Elegant bed room sets; about one hundred extension tables, with some new and solid book cases of fine architecture are stored in their warehouse ready for putting together, A line of elegant parlor sets was a part of the shipment. A rich solid mahogony, parlor set, tone of the finest ever brought to the city now graces Dr. Maston's residence and another beautiful set Wolverton's home. Some elegant sets are in their store room c. ready for inspection.

A large stock of new designs of moulding is a feature in their store. Nothing like them ever before seen here, A new thing is the towel ring, of Which they have a stock. Be up with the times and get a few. Fortmiller Irving propose to keep a line of goods in keeping with the growing city of Albany and are always ready to show what they have, prominent farmer north of town is down on his luck says the Pendleten E. 0.

He was just ready to harvest and had engaged his men before the recent rain, He fed and lodged them during the rainy days, and when Old Sol again appeared and he was ready again to begin harvest, the hands left. They had had free beard and lodging for several days, which was all they wanted. NOT -Young Wade, who was sent to the asylum from Jackson county recently, has found an opportunity to foljow his mania of horse stealing, in spite of the asylum authorities. He filed his way out of the asylum one day last week, went Jefferson, stole a horse, and sold it in neighboring town before being recaptured. The asylum authorities after taking him in gain sent werd to his father that he was tured and should be discharged.

-Tidings. MUMMY fall the McMinnville Register published an item conerning the mummy wheat, the experitenter being the editor. The wheat. laimed to be genuine, the grains being bund in the wrappings of a mummy which estimated to be at least 2000 years old, The grains planted are growing, and it hought will produce mummies. ACCOUNTED -Senator Mitchell tof town, and office seekers will save ear and tear of muscle and shoe leather not visiting the Esmond till.

he returns, perhaps This counts for the very pleasant conduct Senator Mitchell while in Albany. A GOOD EXAMPLE. -The cows have gone and Dr Maston, with his usual Interprise, has torn down the fence around his handsome residence on Lyon' street Ind terraced the lawn, presenting a ront and making the place an ornament 0 the street. Scio, on July 3rd, Mr. Geo De Vaney and Miss Addie DEMOCRAT extends the happy couple its best wishes.

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Scott is in Mrs Dr Dodd, of Scio, is in the city. A fine time was had at Brownsville on 4th. Mr Henry Burmeater, of Fish Lake, is the eity. Mr 1.

Blackman took a business trip Portland to-day. Mr Price, of Ashland, formerly Scio. is in the city. Mr Stewart and family, of the 0 left for the Bay to-day. A Seal leaves this evening on the S.

train for a three weeks trip to San Francisco. Mr Chester: Skeels left a day or two con a several months' trip to Eastern. land, Mrs Townsend and daughter, of are in the city, Blain. the guests of Me Mack Merrick, of Mr. this city, has been here for Toledo, a day or formerly two, tho first time for several years.

Ay The Miss family Hattie of Mr. Elderkin, accompanied Rose, left this noon Oh 0. P. for Newport, where they will for number of weeks. Dr decided Frank Ballard, after graduating to locate in his former home where his father was so well aud on, ably known for many years.

or A very Pennoyer, fine banquet was tendered Hon Mitchell, Hon George and the staff officers of the 21 in the city, at the St Charles hotel ment at Mr July night. for L. Jester, with his mother and Union last evening by way of the left Mr Pacific for his old home at Princeton, during his Jester absence. will run the S. P.

if Me Smith has and deputy of after six a residence there Ag There a office, retired from the few men Oregon seven years. the business of the who know, more office than "Vanny, THEY FEEL -The Salem Stater man talks about the steamer contest as follows "Salem has no particular desire te boast over its neighbor, Albany, upon the successful issue of the contest between steam fire engines, but there is a good deal consolation in knowing and feeling that of. the capital city has fire engines capable si doing powerful and reliable work in ease of need. Albany's engine is of the Clapp Jones make, scarcely a year old and has been considered the crack engine of the State up to the time of "this contest. The Capital engine is of the La France make, same size, class and apparent power as the Albany engine, both having double plun- ger pumps.

But it appears that when it, comes to absolute, service, the Capital gets to the front with ease. Both laid 250 feet of single line hose. The Al. Companies bany boys threw the first stream with an nozzle, making a throw of 238 feet inches and were followed by the Salem boys with 3-16 nozzle, making a throw of 268 feet inches. The pressure of any each engine was 100 pounds, The Salem boys feel proud of their engine and are open to competition from any engine on the North Pacific coast." The distance thrown by the Salem engine was 259 feet instead of 268 feet inches.

The mistake arose from the fact that, the nozzle of the Salem hose was nearly ten feet ahead of the Albany nozzle and the ground was notremeasured, FINGERS IN EATING, young man of Albany who uses his fingers in eating desires to have the following from a reliable authority published: "The list of things that can be eaten from the fingers is on the increase. It includes all bread, toast, tarts and small cakes, celery and asparagus. when served whole, as it should be, either hot or cold; lettuce, which must be crumpled in the fingers and dipped in salt or sauce; olives, to which a fork should never be put, any more than a knife should be used on raw oysters; cheese in all forms and fruit of all kinds except preserves and melons. The latter should be eaten with a spoon or fork. In the use of the fingers greater being shown, and you cannot, if you are well bred, make any very bad mistakes in this direction, especially when the finger bowl stands by you and the napkin is handy," LEBANON, -There was considerable excitement Wednesday over a fight" between C.

Case and Charles Compton, who got into a quarrel and went outside the city limits and had it Mr Montague left last Tuesday for Vancouver. Mr Montague owps considerable property up there which he has 3 gone to attend tickets were sold from this place to Al bany for the celebration. A great many went down in private conveyances hose team got the second the yesterday in Albany and would have gotten the first if the boys had staid off of hose. One of the time keeper's told us that when the coupling was that they had over two seconds to go on, and two others standing by said that they would swear that they saw some of the Corvallis boys on the -Express. NEED AID Ellensburg fire was comparatively a greater loss to the city than the Seattle fire to that city.

On account of the enormous rates very little in surance was carried, hence the loss will be a burdensome one. Among the losers was Dr Henton, brother of Recorder Henton, of this city, who lost property valued at $30,000, with only $12,000 in insurance. HE SWORE, -The ties for. the switch on the street railway on Lyon street have been laid, and are not yet ballasted. A night or two ago a farmer drove on to them in the dark, and the air is said to have been blue with curses about our rough streets.

A SALEM Hon Edwaod ly consumed building could the morning The line Hirsch, at Salem, by fire last for poor water easily have paper. residence of was entireevening. Loss, service the been saved, says The finest line of baby carr'. ages in the Valley just received at Stewart Sox's. Prices are remarkably cheap considering the superior quality of the ages.

A SHARP finest line of cutlery and shears in the city at Stewart Sox's. Their goods are the very best and will stand the test. To NEW would say that we have no baits to give you, but we do guarantee good values for your money and we kindly solicit your patronage. BROWNELL STANARD. fine line of- rubber and leather belting kept constantly on hand at Stewart Sox's.

All required sizes in stock. J. K. DAVIS. WOOD SAWING.

-The undersigned will be ready to saw -wood anywhere in the about July rst. Prices. same as last city year. Leave orders Robson's. GARLAND 2 RANGES This Trade Mark on a stove means it is the best that ex-; perience and skill can contrive.

Bold only by G. W. Smith, Kid Gloves Kid Gloves I have just golves branded ine kid glove. in New York value of any price. 5 button, per pair.

rece. ved a full Our Own. I buy direct and consider gloye I ever 3 rows of S. E. line of kid This is a genufrom importers them the best sold for this st'tching, $1.50 YoUNG.

work to da call on If you have any job is prepa to do it with W. Smith who and dispat and as cheap as anyneatness one. THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. is always a calm after a. storm, and There the came may be said in reference to the 4th of July.

Really the crowd is what makes a 4th of July celebration. Like circuses, though; a program is gotten up to draw, If it is a good one it takes business qualities to manage it, and it is a fact that even a very mediocre program will be appreciated if pushed through on time, while a good one will be kicked into splinters if allowed to run itself and half is left out. A city, for its own reputation, deserves to have a big celebration managed in banking style, for it is generally the place that gets the heel prints. As nearly as the M. A.

T. can learn there were just ten thousand people present at each of the celebrations in the Northwest on the 4th It is a very serious question to decide whether to go to the mountains or the sea side for a summer vacation. Soda water or sea breezes, which? It looks as if all the fires were taking place in Weshington terrifiry, but that is the way things run In the mean time. it pays to be on the safe side and keep our three engines oiled, our hose in good condition, the water supply high and be care ful of matches. An ounce of prevention is worth several pounds of cure, and this is a good rule for Albany, by the way, one already being followed.

Our splendidly equipped department may have an influence in frightening fires off in the first place. Hor WEATHER ITEMS. -Keep cool. The finest refrigerators in the market at Stewart Sox's. Buy one now.

All sizes of ice cream freezers at Stewart Sox's. Purchase one and manufacture this delicious dish at home. Our line of choice teas and coffees is in town. BROWNELL STANARD. KENTISHI CHERRIES- -For canning furn ished in quantities fresh from the, trees.

Leave orders at BRownell STANARD S. TAKE ery wagon firm the people of be run on. July himself accordingly. Myers, desires to the city that no 4. Let of the delivgive notice to wagons will everyone govern BIGGEST YET.

roll's of wall paper, latest varieties, finest decorations just received at Fortmiller Irving's. SUMMER WRAPS. -Novelties in beaded and stockinet jackets just received. SAMUEL E. YOUNG.

STRUCK OIL--At $1.25 per 5 gallon can best Standard coal oil, at the Willamette Packing store. South Albany A most desirable and beautiful location for suburban residences, owing to its natural advantages and nearness to the center. of bus ness. Compare the size, location, view and access to and from these you will be convinced of their merits Call early and secure a home before the advance in price. Apply to TWEEDALE REDFIELD, Agents.

First door south of Post Office. Dr. M. H. Ellis, physician and surgeon Albany, Oregon.

Calls made in city 01 country. Mollwain can give- you the best fitting suit you ever wore, at prices to suit each and every one Tubb'a Co's pure Mavilla twine, best quality, at Stewart Sox's. Hotel Arriyals, ST CHARLES. -W Bennett, I Wood and son, Antonelle, ST EL Brown and wife, Gervis; Fancinlle, Seattle A A Whitney, Ohio Parker, Stay on; E. Adler, Williams, Portland Mrs Williams, 8 Monteith, Eugene Albany; Tunnecliffe, Corvallis Large, Newport Woodmancy, Cincinnati, Ohio.

EXCHANGE Rowland, I Settle, Boone, Gordon, Danton, Griggs, Hunter, Froman, Phillips, Nelson, Jones, 0 Stokes, Bedford, Green, McStephenson, Round, Conroy EL Williams, King, Scio; Reed, Lebanon; Sharpe, Salman, Halsey HI Callen, Corval lis Nettleton, Portland Robinett, Shedd. REVERE Burtt, Shedd; A Kahan, A Morrow and wife, A. I Neis P. Toneps, A Miller, Lebanon; A Wilson, A Curtice, A Barker, Williams, Fennell, Briggs, city; Murchison; A Nast Omaha, Neb; I Stock well, Scio; Gale; Wadsworth, Toledo; Woodruff, Chicago; T. Murphy, Helena; A Nichols, LaGrande; Buell; Howenstine; Phillip, Conner, Brown, Scott; Young, Portland, Olsen, Benton Co; Osburne, Brownsville, Russ HOUSE.

-B Stephens, Wood land, Cal it Clavinger; G. Tunni. cliffe, Corvallis Graham, Millers H'Queener, Bates Hall, Waitsburg, WT; Leabo. Mill City Counts 'and wife Mrs Sanders Barger Walton A Crippy Charlton, Princeton, Howe, Tacoma A Moin Hausen and wife, Corvallis; Swaney, Fairburg, Neb A Tenney, Lebanon Miller, Chitwood Wm Maxwell, Lebanon McNett, city Gill, Hubbardstown, Mich Gill, Hubbardstown, Mich Mackly, Farmington, Mo GH Magee, Cal Michener, I Jones Sweet Paisley Home. HOME AND ABROAD of July.

The Pekin Gazette will be 1000 years old in a few days. Peaches and plums from Southern Oregon are in the market. $15,000 is to" be spent in improving the Chemokete hotel at Salem. Mr. Ges Keeney male a remarkably good Uncle Sam on the 4th.

Prof Langford, the accomplished music teacher, of Halsey, is in the city to-day. The Modoc and Three Sisters are now the only boats running on the Upper Willamette. People are rushing for the summer resorts. Sells circus was in Pendleton on the 4th time when a newapaper is appreciated is when you want to keep someout of it. second game of base ball between the and Knox Butte nines resulted in for the Lebanon nine.

exchange says there are 61 Indian in the United States. The total population is put at 247,761. The board of fire delegates have received new badges for exempt firemen, They neat and handsome and an. ornament to anyone's vest. George Crowson has sold to Edward Alof Linn county, ten acres in the southern part of town; consideration, $2000.

-Ashland Tidings. Kate Field's name is ordered stricken from list of speakers at the Chatauqua assemon account of the part she took in the ohibition campaign in Pennsylvania, The Supreme Court of Mississippi has imof $250 each upon a railroad failing provide separate but like ac commodation for the black and white races. According to a Baker City paper 8 maD threw himself in front of a runaway in. order to. stop it.

Recaless man, throw a rail or anything but human in front of a runaway horse, The Rev. James McAdeu, the oldest Methodist minister in the south, died in Brunswick county, in his 95th He had been in the ministry for years. The drug store of Mr John Long. formerly this city. was among the burned establishments at Ellensburgh.

Mr Long wit $4,000 to $8.000. Re carried very if any insurance. Fort Keogh, has the widest range temperature of any place on earth. summer the thermometer ranged from above, while recently it marked below zero, a total range of A farmer driving along Lyon Street tofound part of the street railway not laid in attempting to drive along on the piled up in the street, his wagon careened finally turned over without doing a damage however. L.

Martin begins shipping peaches week, taking to Portland with him yester 100 boxes of fine Early Alexanders which average inches in circum ference. Mr Martin has bought the crop Coolidge and Rogers, and will some of the finest peaches in the State this -Ashland Tidings, George Rogers has commenced work first issue of his new weekly democratic paper, says the Journal, to be cast upon waters as bread for hungering democracy, has unwisely named it the Capital crat, thus infringing upon the name of Journal. Mr Rogers celebrated the putting in type his salutatory and editorial. A total of four million dollars of contributions to the aid of the Johnstown sufferers of the beat evidences that selfishness the only motive that controls society these days. It may look a good deal as that was the most pewerful factor in merce daring ordinary periods, but occasionally eyidence to the contrary comes in disguise of a calamity.

Wheat, 60 cents, 15 cent shaving at Viereck's. 8 tickets for $1 at Vierack'e. New dress goods at McIl wain's. Mason fruit jars at Kenton's New inyoice of fine gold rings at French A barrel of salt salmon just opened at Kenton's. Fresh cream cheese just received at Kenton's.

New cream cheese just received at Meyers. For sale, cheap, second hand organ, Hyman's. 3 chairs running steady at Viereck's Plug parlors. Best roast coffee in the city at Meyers. Good cooking stove only $10 at Hopk.

Saltmarsh's. The best watch in the world for the at French's. Side saddles and ladies riding ourcingles Thompson Overman's. Thompson Overman, the Dynamite buggy whip. For a number one guality of kniyes and spoons call at Frencn's.

Refrigerators at Stewart Sox's Ice cream freezers at Stewart Sox's. Tubbs's pure manilla birding twine large quantities at Stewart Sox's. The choicest line of table luxuries found at Brownell Stanard's. Bentley, best boot and shoe maker city, opposite Fortmiller Irving's A large and fine line of window, just received at Fortmiller Irving's. Money can't buy better oots and than McIlwain 18.

selling, because goods are not manufactured. The variety of 25 cent hats a re going per cent. discount Howard's, well as their other millinery goods. Some fine California cheese, a barrel golden drip ayrup and some fine comb just received at Brownel! Stanard's. Go to Royce Puisley for your job ing.

They do any and all kinds of work the publishing and job priuting line. work ow prices. MARRIED. On Saturday, July 6, 1889. at the residence of Mr A McIlwain, in Albany, by Kev Prichard! Mr Foor and Mrs Kate A Fullerboth of Hepaer.

Church Directory. The most thing The Lebanon victory An agencies Indian some are bright, the bly posed for there horse better flesh cently year. of from tle. of to and, and day 0 ship the He tal by ing one not U. P.

CHURCH. -Preaching every Sabbath; morning evening by Rev. f. Ir. vine, D.

D. Sabbath School at 2:30 P. Prayer meeting evory Wednesday evening. 'EVANGELICAL CHURCH, -Preaching on Sabbath at 11,00 A. and 7 P.

M. Sabbath School 10:00. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening 7:30. Rev. Fisher, pastor, All are invited, M.

CHURCH, SOUTH. -Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A.M. and o'clock P. M. Sabbath School at 10 o'clock M.

Prayer meeting Wednesday evening's 7 o'clock. Rev. D. H. Pastor.

M. E. CHURCH. -Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song service in the evening before sermon.

Sabbath School at 2:30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Thurs. day evening. Rev.

H. F. Webb, pastor. Presbyterian CHURCH. "vice every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor.

Broadalbin and FifthSts. Sunday School immediately after the morning service. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening Rev Prichard, pastor. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, -Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' on Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services.

Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Trumbell, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. -Servicesevery Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12:15.

Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening of each week. Rev. Rogers, Pastor. CHRISTIAN -Preaching every first Sabbath in month, morning and evening, at 11 o'clock. Sabbath School at 10 'clock, M.

Rey Humphreys, Pastor. CATHOLIC -Service Sunday at 10:30 A. M. and 7 every, Sunday of the month service at Eugene City. Rev.

Louis Metayer, Rector. Don't fai You will fi cheaper tha considera exa mine them from 10 any other place on the quality. Mellwain's carpets to 15 per cen in town, taking If you want a good silver steel scythe, finest in the market, go to Stewart Sox'e. FL Kenton has a supply of tine mixed pickles put up in pure cider vinegar. Try them.

QUICK RAIL ROAD WATERC For sale tv Will Stark, dealers in fine watches, jewelry, etc, WANTED city. irl to Steady do seneral place. house Call at DEMOCRAT E. J. McCAUSTLAND, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, DRAUGHTING AND BLUE PRINTS Office with Oregon Luad Co.

Albany, Or. Sewerage Systems and Water Supplies Specialty, Estates Subdivided, Mars made or Copied on short norice. ANTED signed a AT man ONCE or woman -By the who under can do good laundry work, especially doing up white shirts and collars. Call on me near the intersection of Fourth street and the O. P.

R. R. D. SMITH. Peoria Ferry.

C. SCHLAGEL, Double teRn, 35c single team, 25c Gorses or cattle, 5c, CROSSING ONE WAY: lit- Last vet dirt any this of have to 00 the DemoCapi- 4th lead- is is in if com- the FL Conrad Mrs. shav- Conrad 5.8 money as great forkin can be in shades shoes better at 10 88. of honey print Quick them. Double team 25c; single team 15c.

Special raves on large droves. Farmers will find To lessen our stock of canned! the ferry road in a fine condition, it havwill sell ting in that line at ing been thoroughly reconstructed, gradlow prices. ed and graveled, STANARD. THE LEADER. THE LEADER W.

SMITH, "Argand," "Garland" STOVES AND RANGES. The World's Fire Backs. A PERIO best. More Warrant ed than hunfor dred--7 hun15 years, All dred differsizes an LOO ent sty les 8 styles, co oks and heaters, C. en as- 01 and Roofing, Job Work, Plumbing.

Fave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. F. L. KENTON.


Job work, plumbing, prompt to. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE IN THE CITY, the sojourn haw Lebanfavor- GoveruC regi4th sisand of- shersheriff Are about.

Albany Daily Democrat from Albany, Oregon (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.